13:44:30 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:44:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/30-silver-irc 13:44:33 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:44:33 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:45:37 agenda+ Stand up temporary equity group https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/temp_equity_group/q/ survey 13:45:39 agenda+ Writing outcomes as user needs 13:45:44 Present+ 13:55:05 Chuck has joined #silver 13:55:28 jeanne has joined #silver 13:55:39 Wilco has joined #silver 13:56:12 kirkwood has joined #silver 13:57:38 ToddL has joined #silver 13:58:01 present+ 13:58:18 present+ 13:58:18 agenda? 13:58:29 agenda? 13:58:34 janina has joined #silver 13:58:37 present+ 13:58:44 present+ 14:00:16 present+ 14:00:32 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Scribe_List 14:01:26 present+ 14:01:55 sarahhorton has joined #silver 14:02:02 present+ 14:02:02 I am mobile and cannot turn on my microphone 14:02:34 Apologies, I cannot scribe today. 14:03:07 Makoto has joined #silver 14:03:15 scribe+ janina 14:03:18 present+ 14:03:32 zakim, next item 14:03:32 agendum 1 -- Stand up temporary equity group https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/temp_equity_group/q/ survey -- taken up [from Lauriat] 14:03:57 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/temp_equity_group/?login 14:04:20 jspellman: Setting up temporary group to develop approach for equity 14:05:08 jspellman: Initial group raised excellent issues which were discussed at TPAC, though not all actually impact WCAG3 14:05:49 jspellman: We did not reach consensus on next steps during TPAC; therefore this new group will look at what to do next 14:06:06 Azlan has joined #silver 14:06:08 present+ 14:06:25 jspellman: Invites responses in WBS and now ... 14:06:34 zakim, next item 14:06:34 agendum 2 -- Writing outcomes as user needs -- taken up [from Lauriat] 14:06:47 Poornima_ has joined #silver 14:06:48 JenniferS has joined #silver 14:06:51 present+ 14:07:03 present+ 14:07:05 present+ 14:08:01 jspellman: Notes last week's survey didn't sufficiently populate all the proposed new subgroups 14:08:17 present+ 14:08:25 jspellman: So decided to proceed via framing user needs as outcomes 14:09:31 jspellman: Discussed from perspective of Errors Subgroup spreadsheet 14:09:53 jspellman: So, will attempt to develop to determine whether this approach will work 14:10:58 Examples of Needs as a NOrmative layer -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pC13dvHXw75siLmvq9QvUf-8lzniT5TDoJ0GfZDpUa8/ 14:11:51 jspellman: Not functional needs because too difficult to test, though they are useful from other perspectives, e.g. organizing pwd coverage 14:12:16 shadi_ has joined #silver 14:12:25 jspellman: So, these are not the user needs in the functional needs doc, but rather our previous work on user needs 14:13:36 jspellman: points to inventory 14:13:50 User Flows Inventory -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fix0uwC0vODgiKl09lMF77FMdd52u64KG9_-N86r4UE/ 14:14:29 jspellman: But, I was not in this group; so, perhaps Sarah or Todd might discuss how this was developed? 14:14:42 jspellman: Sorry about no warning! 14:15:04 sarahhorton: Can start though have hard stop at the bottom of the hour 14:16:06 sarahhorton: Recollection is that errors not originally included, but an important concept to capture 14:16:21 sarahhorton: So we developed several scenarios 14:16:53 sarahhorton: e.g. "file not found" -- 404 14:17:28 sarahhorton: a typo in form filling and no clear guidance as to what field is malformed 14:18:11 sarahhorton: We described user action and system response followed by user's response to the system message; which sometimes is "give up!" 14:18:47 sarahhorton: We also mapped to severity because all users may need to overcome such issues 14:20:09 sarahhorton: e.g. error on submit -- but no helpful error message; maybe no message even 14:20:41 sarahhorton: user needs to know what specifically is malformed; and how best and most quickly to correct 14:21:08 q+ 14:21:39 sarahhorton: notes that colorization is a common means to present this, but that doesn't work for all users 14:22:52 ack jan 14:23:13 janina: I want to capture an option and get responses. This might be an application for a spec from APA, this may be appropriate as a simplificiation. Show me the fields where there's a problem and hide the rest. 14:23:32 Janina: I would find that helpful rather than using color. I wonder if it could get capture and added to use cases. 14:23:43 ToddL has joined #silver 14:23:43 s/simpificiation/simplification/ 14:24:00 I don’t have anything to add, Sarah. 14:25:13 jspellman: So, captured -- but question can we turn these user needs into normative specification in WCAG3 14:26:15 Janina: We are looking for new use cases, and we had interesting evaluation from TAG. 14:26:37 sarahhorton: Notes our notations for making our doc more useful 14:26:53 Thanks Sarah! 14:26:57 sarahhorton: whereas Janina was talking about a possible technology that might help with the error situation 14:27:01 janina: Correct 14:27:58 q+ to propose drafting more before trying to decide normative vs. informative 14:28:13 jspellman: What's most helpful now? Continue on the erorrs path? Or to discuss normative vs informative 14:28:16 q+ 14:28:27 ack Lau 14:28:27 Lauriat, you wanted to propose drafting more before trying to decide normative vs. informative 14:28:33 Lauriat: would probably help to draft more of these to answer that 14:29:26 Lauriat: at this point normative vs informative probably too early 14:29:48 +1 14:29:54 Janina: I think we want the informative vs normative conversation, but we need to cover the territory first. 14:30:06 ack racha 14:30:10 present+ 14:30:25 RRSAgent, pointer? 14:30:25 See https://www.w3.org/2022/09/30-silver-irc#T14-30-25 14:30:26 Rachael: Believe we got as far as we could at this point at TPAC on the normative conversation 14:30:30 Maybe starting with https://w3c.github.io/silver/guidelines/#guidelines outcomes? 14:31:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG3/2022/outcomes/text-alternative-available 14:31:31 Where we got to on Normative vs. Informative: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcOWm75D5ocd6gUhfsnSz-XK7lcNKW4EnOiHADTq-fI/edit#heading=h.76yx9j1lbp74 14:31:32 Lauriat: suggesting exercise of rewriting outcomes as user needs; above is a close to done 14:31:53 jspellman: could also look at the original list each group did 14:32:05 jspellman: e.g. text alternatives from Makoto's group 14:32:42 +1 interested in trying both 14:32:45 +1 14:32:46 jspellman: Maybe do both and see how things match up with original user needs? 14:32:51 +1 14:33:04 jspellman: So, text alternatives ... 14:33:10 Outcome: Provides text alternatives for non-text content for user agents and assistive technologies. This allows users who are unable to perceive and / or understand the non-text content to determine its meaning. 14:34:02 Janina: Meaning and utility? If it's a control what it's good for. 14:34:10 Jeanne: Can you clarify? 14:34:29 q+ to check my understanding of the granularity 14:34:42 Janina: A picture needs a description, but a control needs a description of what it does. What's the outcome of hitting a button, for example. Meaning or utility. An expansion. That's close to a useful defintion. 14:35:15 Lauriat: raises level of granularity question here ... 14:35:57 WCAG to Silver Outline Map -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/ 14:36:08 q+ 14:36:10 Lauriat: had thought a higher level; but maybe Janina's notion is correct. Thoughts? 14:36:24 ack Lau 14:36:24 Lauriat, you wanted to check my understanding of the granularity 14:36:41 SuzanneTaylor: we had error flow; why are you getting an error; what's the UI like? 14:37:18 SuzanneTaylor: in this case might be a few classes of images 14:37:27 q+ to give background on limitations put on Text Alternatives subgroup 14:37:46 SuzanneTaylor: and could have different scenarios for different types 14:37:53 qv? 14:38:26 ack Mi 14:38:50 ack Jea 14:38:50 jeanne, you wanted to give background on limitations put on Text Alternatives subgroup 14:38:51 MichaelC: understood at TPAC that user needs were high level; and the functional needs the different ways of meeting for various individuals 14:39:50 jspellman: recalls exercise of writing sample guidelines ... had artificial constraints on text alternatives because we were trying to stay as close as possible to 2.x 14:40:56 WCAG to Silver Outline Map -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/ 14:41:50 Lauriat: so recalls our old attempt to group mapping 2.x; and we did it before we were clerar on how to express user needs 14:42:39 Lauriat: first grouping has nontext content; label and name so alt text for image matches accessible name so can be voice activated 14:44:18 jspellman: so reverse engineer but also find original needs once we find that doc? 14:45:09 jspellman: so start with errors? 14:45:19 Lauriat: only concern is that it's a lot 14:46:08 jspellman: looks for visual contrast 14:46:09 Visual Contrast of Text -> https://w3c.github.io/silver/guidelines/#visual-contrast-of-text 14:46:18 Outcome: Provides adequate luminance contrast between background and text colors to make the text easy to read. 14:46:44 jspellman: has one method 14:46:54 Method -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG3/2022/outcomes/luminance-contrast-between-background-and-text 14:47:59 Lauriat: so new approach is making text easy to read vs how that's achieved 14:48:13 q+ 14:48:15 janina: good because some users will want less contrast 14:48:39 Wilco: notes color blindness component for luminocity 14:48:48 q+ 14:48:54 ack wil 14:49:13 ack suz 14:49:22 SuzanneTaylor: errors one may help ... 14:49:34 Use Cases for Visual Contrast -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Visual_Contrast_of_Text_Subgroup#Use_Cases_Defined 14:50:26 SuzanneTaylor: so errors could say users need instructions/features to avoid errors 14:51:11 Lauriat: believe Wilco's specificity is what we need 14:52:38 jspellman: notes use cases for visual did different types of text content 14:53:32 jspellman: ansilary text; non text elements where text within is not covered 14:53:39 jspellman: jeanne continues to read breakdowns 14:54:57 jspellman: Asks whether original analysis covered this? 14:55:05 q+ to say these are similar to the errors group's list of "error flows" 14:55:10 Chuck: no, though don't recall details 14:55:55 ToddL has joined #silver 14:55:59 Chuck: We did the analysis, but we didn't follow the prescribed process, we chose our own path, and I think it would have been of great value to have followed Silver's recommendations. 14:56:09 jspellman: suggests to try this process guided by our errors people next time 14:56:13 ack SuzanneTaylor 14:56:13 SuzanneTaylor, you wanted to say these are similar to the errors group's list of "error flows" 14:57:32 Thank you everyone, have a great weekend! 14:57:59 Thank you all. Bye! 14:58:19 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/30-silver-minutes.html janina 14:59:49 Azlan has left #silver 15:33:36 maryjom has joined #silver 15:44:45 maryjom has joined #silver 15:56:49 kirkwood has joined #silver 16:04:27 maryjom has joined #silver 16:20:05 maryjom has joined #silver 16:30:05 kirkwood has joined #silver 18:26:10 kirkwood has joined #silver 19:07:08 maryjom has joined #silver 19:09:34 maryjom has joined #silver 20:03:53 maryjom has joined #silver 20:25:07 maryjom has joined #silver