10:58:12 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 10:58:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/28-wot-profile-irc 10:58:16 meeting: WoT Profile 10:58:30 McCool has joined #wot-profile 11:00:36 mlagally has joined #wot-profile 11:01:07 zakim, who is on the call? 11:01:07 Present: (no one) 11:03:52 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool 11:05:09 Ege has joined #wot-profile 11:05:26 chair: Lagally 11:06:10 present+ Ben_Francis 11:06:44 Mizushima has joined #wot-profile 11:07:58 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:08:30 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch, Ege_Korkan 11:08:43 sebastian has joined #wot-profile 11:09:26 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#WoT_Architecture_.28Profile.29_-_Sept_28st.2C_2022 11:10:20 scribenick: kaz 11:10:33 zakim, who is on the call? 11:10:33 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ben_Francis, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Ege_Korkan 11:10:43 topic: Agenda 11:10:55 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#WoT_Architecture_.28Profile.29_-_Sept_28st.2C_2022 Agenda for today 11:11:00 ml: (goes through the agenda) 11:11:18 ... Testfest next week is important 11:11:23 ... anything to be added? 11:11:51 ek: wondering about how to test the Profile spec 11:12:06 mm: should be discussed during the Testing call later 11:12:46 ml: also we have 10 mins for testing prep during this call 11:12:51 topic: Minutes 11:13:02 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/09/21-wot-profile-minutes.html Sep-21 11:13:22 ml: any problems? 11:13:49 (none) 11:13:52 approved 11:14:04 topic: Schedule 11:14:11 [[ 11:14:12 Oct 3-6 Plugfest / Testfest for Profile 1.0 11:14:13 Oct 10-15 Incorporate Plugfest/Testfest results, prepare CR draft 11:14:13 2 - weeks review 11:14:13 CR transition End Oct 11:14:13 ]] 11:14:20 mm: one correction 11:14:33 ... 3-6 Oct for Testfest 11:14:52 ... should be Tuesday till Friday 11:15:26 ml: meant to be Mon-Thu 11:15:43 (need to be fixed later) 11:15:46 q+ 11:15:50 topic: Contributions 11:16:16 subtopic: PR 266 11:16:32 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/266 PR 266 - Refine sync vs. async action protocol binding - closes #259 11:16:52 ek: Daniel wants to talk about this, but a bit late due to conflicts 11:17:00 ml: lets talk about this later then 11:17:04 subtopic: PR 277 11:17:16 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/277 PR 277 11:17:27 q+ 11:17:32 s/PR 277/PR 277 - remove http-webhook-profile-protocol-binding-general-2 assertion - closes issue #229/ 11:17:34 ack e 11:18:05 ml: would propose we merge this 11:18:16 mm: we actually need assertion for each MUST 11:18:30 ... should be careful about how to handle that 11:18:43 ... capitalization for MUST would be important for assertions 11:18:52 ... so I agree 11:19:04 ml: would merge this then 11:19:07 ek: ok 11:19:33 merged 11:19:54 q? 11:19:56 ack m 11:20:22 subtopic: PR 295 11:20:37 ->https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/295 PR 295 - Prepare Testfest/Plugfest - informative assertion markup - generate manual.csv 11:20:56 ml: we have to work on the distinction 11:21:16 ... rfc2119-assertion vs rfc2119-informative-assertion 11:21:18 mm: agree 11:22:04 ml: ok 11:22:23 ... the point here is that we have an informative section within the WoT Profile 1.0 spec 11:23:14 ... also generated manual.csv file for testig 11:23:18 s/testig/testing/ 11:23:24 q? 11:23:27 q+ 11:24:05 bf: want to check if all those marked as "rfc2119-informative-assertion" will be removed from the implementation report 11:24:34 ... because I think it's too early to remove them from the implementation report 11:24:54 mm: implementation report defines the assertions 11:25:05 q+ 11:25:11 ... and we need to provide test results for the assertions 11:25:13 ack b 11:25:23 ... we should make the decision right away 11:25:32 +1 to ben 11:25:48 ... the decision is going forward 11:25:59 bf: I think we need more evidence 11:26:32 ... we're still guessing we would not get implementations for those items 11:26:38 s/items/features/ 11:27:04 mm: technically, we can include all the features and remove them later, though 11:27:39 ml: from my viewpoint, we need to focus on test results during the Testfest next week 11:27:42 dape has joined #wot-profile 11:27:50 q+ 11:28:11 ... making the SSE section non-normative would make sense 11:28:36 bf: we can't tell those features could be supported until we actually test them 11:28:51 +1 to deferring 11:28:53 mm: we could do another PR to rebase this 11:29:02 ... before finalize the spec 11:29:21 ml: if people prefer, I'm OK with deferring it until the Testfest 11:30:17 ... what if I exclude the assertions within the assertion.csv file 11:30:24 mm: we can wait 11:30:26 ml: ok 11:30:39 present+ Daniel_Peintner 11:30:41 q? 11:30:50 q- 11:31:00 q- se 11:31:19 .. let's hold this until the Testfest 11:32:10 subtopic: PR 286 11:32:24 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/286 PR 286 - Clarify that href member of ActionStatus can be used by cancelaction - closes #283 11:33:02 ml: would like to merge this 11:33:04 merged 11:33:22 subtopic: PR 287 11:33:31 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/287 PR 287 - Consolidate date-time references to RFC 3339 - closes #276 11:33:41 q+ 11:34:11 ml: changes requested 11:34:42 bf: note some timestamps which are valid ISO 8601 are not valid under RFC 3339, referencing ISO 8601 is not really enough. 11:35:05 ml: need more discusion 11:35:11 s/discusion/discussion/ 11:35:15 subtopic: PR 288 11:35:37 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/288 PR 288 - Remove empty Semantic Annotations section 11:35:41 ml: any concerns? 11:35:43 (none) 11:35:45 merged 11:36:05 subtopic: PR 289 11:36:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/289 PR 289 - Remove Links section - closes #255 11:36:18 ml: kind of big PR 11:36:40 +1 to removing everything 11:36:51 mm: also wondering if we really want to remove all this 11:37:30 bf: Lagally asked me to apply the changes based on the issue 255 11:37:57 ... it's difficult to define "support" here 11:38:27 q+ 11:38:31 q+ 11:38:35 ... we could leave the section, but the features are not implementable 11:38:39 ack b 11:39:07 ml: you could store the resources 11:39:28 q? 11:40:13 mm: the question of TD is that it's open-ended 11:40:15 ack m 11:40:19 q+ 11:40:33 q+ 11:40:35 ... we should write an assertion for this 11:40:45 q? 11:40:47 ack s 11:41:09 sk: good example of Testfest's helping us understand it 11:41:18 +1 to sebastian 11:41:32 ... unfortunately, not really confirmed yet 11:41:53 ml: how to test PDF markup as a proper signal? 11:42:27 sk: we should provide some guideline 11:42:34 ... not against Profile itself 11:42:58 ... but it seems to me we're not ready to test the Profile spec 11:43:11 ml: understand your concern 11:43:45 ... but we had and have similar problem with TD 1.0/1.1 as well 11:43:55 ... we have to discuss what to be done 11:44:06 q| 11:44:12 s/q|// 11:44:13 q+ 11:44:39 ack e 11:44:49 ek: PDF is a bad example 11:45:22 ... if it can't be handled by some Consumer, can be ignored 11:45:52 mm: it's still useful for documentation purposes 11:46:07 ... Profile is limiting the list of supported types 11:46:24 ... making it clear is important here 11:47:10 ek: the purpose of the Profile spec is making it easier for developers to implement WoT systems 11:47:22 ... how to decide the constraint? 11:47:41 ml: can you provide counter examples on what to be supported then? 11:48:24 ... would suggest we continue the discussion on GitHub 11:49:00 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/#common-constraints-links fyi, 6.5 Links within the ED 11:49:05 q? 11:50:19 bf: agree with Ege 11:50:37 ... the assertions say "Consumer MUST support..." 11:50:43 ... also agree with McCool 11:51:05 ... but don't think this section 6.5 Links would add anything for implementations 11:51:09 ack be 11:51:51 kaz: given the discussion so far, would suggest we defer this PR as well until Testfest 11:51:59 ... and revisit this in 2 weeks 11:52:04 ml: agree 11:52:08 ack k 11:52:35 subtopic: PR 293 11:52:55 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/293 PR 293 - Allow security metadata on Forms - closes #292 11:53:22 ml: keep it open and ask for further review 11:53:31 subtopic: PR 294 11:53:46 q+ 11:53:49 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/294 PR 294 - Make security bootstrapping mandatory - closes #250 11:53:55 ml: kind of big changes 11:54:00 ... and need further review 11:54:16 q+ 11:54:18 q? 11:54:38 subtopic: PR 266 - revisited 11:54:44 ack e 11:54:45 q? 11:54:46 cak d 11:54:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/266 PR 266 - Refine sync vs. async action protocol binding - closes #259 11:54:52 ack d 11:54:53 ack d 11:54:58 s/cak d// 11:56:12 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-profile/266/3d4a8cb...benfrancis:d9a65b0.html#http-basic-profile-protocol-binding-invokeaction invokeaction 11:56:46 (time check - need to end on time, main call) 11:56:47 ml: what is the conflict with TD? 11:57:00 q+ 11:57:14 q+ 11:58:31 dp: if I'm a Consumer, would expect to get the boolean within the response as well 11:59:03 ml: this PR fixes the problem, doesn't it? 11:59:22 dp: only for synchronous 11:59:45 bf: what it doesn't fix is asynchronous cases 11:59:59 s/cases/case/ 12:00:04 q? 12:00:15 ... it's still a bit ambiguous within the TD spec 12:00:17 ack be 12:01:19 ack k 12:01:38 See https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1665 12:02:42 kaz: I had been objecting to add the sync/async options to the Thing Description spec itself, but that was added already 12:03:00 ... anyway, Profile and TD should be consistent with each other 12:03:11 ... and also we still need to add clarification to TD spec 12:03:49 ... we should be aware of those points, though merging this PR itself is OK 12:03:59 ml: would merge this PR itself 12:04:15 ... and continue the discussion on TD spec, and also consistency check 12:04:24 merged 12:04:33 [adjourned] 12:04:33 rrsagent, make log public 12:04:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:04:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/28-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 13:47:33 Mizushima has left #wot-profile 14:31:18 Zakim has left #wot-profile