14:10:21 RRSAgent has joined #wot-demo 14:10:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-wot-demo-irc 14:10:24 Zakim has joined #wot-demo 14:15:52 Meeting: Web of Things (WoT) Status Update and Demos - TPAC 2022 breakout 14:15:54 Chair: Michael_McCool 14:15:56 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/03807e2f-01bb-4572-8261-3fcde9c9cf3e#agenda 14:15:58 RRSAgent, make log public 14:16:00 RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight 14:19:26 RRSAgent, stay 14:19:28 Zakim, stay 14:19:28 I don't understand 'stay', dom 14:50:08 ktoumura has joined #wot-demo 14:50:13 ktoumura has left #wot-demo 15:14:58 dom has joined #wot-demo 16:13:39 agenda+ breakout 18:15:49 dom has joined #wot-demo 19:16:23 kaz has joined #wot-demo 20:15:05 dom has joined #wot-demo 20:30:10 dom has joined #wot-demo 20:37:30 Jim_Luth has joined #wot-demo 20:38:41 Jim_Luth_ has joined #wot-demo 21:07:02 dom__ has joined #wot-demo 21:35:14 kaz has joined #wot-demo 21:52:59 dom has joined #wot-demo 21:53:07 kaz has joined #wot-demo 21:56:05 Meeting: Web of Things (WoT) Status Update and Demos 21:56:33 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Geunhyung_Kim, David_Ezell 21:58:25 present+ Maria_Mandlis 21:58:59 endo has joined #wot-demo 22:00:34 McCool has joined #wot-demo 22:00:36 Mizushima has joined #wot-demo 22:00:38 Geun-Hyung_Kim has joined #wot-demo 22:00:49 present+ 22:01:01 bneedham has joined #wot-demo 22:01:09 p+ 22:02:18 ktoumura has joined #wot-demo 22:02:48 present+ Javad_Chamanara 22:03:11 present+ Pierre, Alexandre 22:03:20 dezell has joined #wot-demo 22:03:27 present+ 22:03:33 scribenick: kaz 22:05:29 present+ Carey_Ferro, Hiroki_Endo, Hromu_Ogawa, Hiroshi_Fujisawa, Kunihiko_Toumura, Osamu_Nakamura, Tomoaki_Mizushima 22:05:38 maria has joined #wot-demo 22:06:01 present+ Takuya_Sakamoto 22:06:02 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 22:06:10 present+ 22:06:18 careyf has joined #wot-demo 22:06:23 hfujisaw_ has joined #wot-demo 22:06:23 present+ David_Ezell 22:06:27 rrsagent, make log 22:06:27 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make log', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:06:30 rrsagent, make log public 22:06:32 present+ Carey_Ferro 22:06:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:06:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-wot-demo-minutes.html kaz 22:06:56 javadch has joined #wot-demo 22:07:56 agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2022/SessionIdeas#Web_of_Things_.28WoT.29_Status_Update_and_Demos 22:08:09 chair: McCool 22:08:41 topic: Overview 22:08:51 mm: would adapt Web tech to IoT 22:09:03 ... fragmentation issue with IoT 22:09:18 ... mashing up various IoT mechanisms by WoT 22:10:06 i|would|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2022-09-hybrid-f2f/2022-09-14-WoT-Overview-McCool.pdf McCool's slides| 22:10:43 ... WoT Thing Description 1.0 REC published during the previous Charter 22:10:52 ... we're extending its capability now 22:11:07 ... [Descrptive Interoperability: TDs] 22:11:32 ... [Discovery] 22:11:47 ... The other thing for this Charter period is WoT Discovery 22:12:04 ... obtain TD of interest from devices 22:12:18 ... not limited to local network 22:12:28 ... 2-phase access 22:12:44 ... introduction and exploration 22:13:03 ...open and controlled, respectively 22:13:16 ... variety of introduction mechanisms 22:13:25 ... URL, DID ,QR code, etc. 22:13:44 ... can be a directory service 22:13:51 ... [Orchestration] 22:14:01 ... consume TD 22:14:17 ... node-gen based on Node-RED 22:14:30 ... and node-wot uisng the WoT Scripting API 22:14:34 ... [Deliverables] 22:14:40 ... links to the current EDs 22:15:01 ... Architecture 1.1, D 1.1, Discovery and Profile 22:15:11 ... also Notes 22:15:16 ... [Recent Activity] 22:15:34 ... focused on testing for CR/PR transition 22:15:48 ... commercial usages 22:15:58 ... directory implemetation 22:16:09 ... [Applications] 22:16:36 ... Takenaka Corporation, Siemens, Netzo and ditto project 22:16:52 ... [Resources and Contacts] 22:16:59 ... www.w3.org/WoT 22:17:03 topic: Demos 22:17:09 mm: switch to demos 22:17:54 subtopic: McCool/Ezell - Retail, Home Assistant Integration, Node-RED, Discovery 22:18:22 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2022-09-hybrid-f2f/2022-05-WoT-Connexxus-McCool.pdf McCool's slides 22:18:34 mm: convenient stores and gas stations 22:18:55 ... [Outline] 22:18:59 ... [Applications] 22:19:09 .... [Test Scenario: Cooler Monitor] 22:19:16 s/..../.../ 22:19:42 ... devices provided by different vendors 22:19:56 ... probably would have a local proxy 22:20:07 ... various protocol translation 22:21:06 ... [Why Hubs] 22:21:12 ... [Desired Behavior] 22:21:18 ... door open alert, etc. 22:21:22 ... [Devices] 22:22:27 ... test devices and commercial devices 22:22:35 ... [Video: System Demo] 22:22:51 ... (shows a video uploaded to YouTube) 22:23:15 ... both commercial devices and test devices work collaboratively 22:23:37 ... very simple application 22:23:54 ... [Two implementation] 22:24:09 ... home assistant native rules, Node RED 22:24:31 ... home assistant based on an opensource 22:24:56 ... automation rules underneath with YAML 22:25:08 ... [Node-RED/WoT Discovery] 22:25:56 ... [Node-RED subflows] 22:26:32 ... fetch TD, extract payload 22:27:06 subtopic: Toumura - Discovery (mDNS-SD, TD Directory) 22:27:28 present+ Jinkyu 22:27:50 kt: [Node-RED - WoT Discovery Integration 22:28:59 ... two tools added: node generator (node-gen) and Thing Explorer 22:29:41 ... Explorer can be easily added to the ordinary Node RED environment as plugin 22:29:53 ... [Supported Discovery Methods] 22:30:03 ys has joined #wot-demo 22:30:14 ... several methods available 22:31:34 ... [Visualize relationship between Thing] 22:31:55 ... [Visualization Example= 22:32:01 s/=/]/ 22:32:19 ... black circle is a Thing 22:32:49 ... the arcs are relationship between Things 22:33:09 ... [Demo] 22:34:36 ... generate nodes by dragging them 22:35:06 ... configure relationship 22:35:21 ... [Lessons Learned] 22:36:06 ... "tdid" contains the "id" of the targe TD 22:36:16 s/targe/target/ 22:36:42 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 22:36:58 subtopic: Endo - NHK Hybridcast Connect 22:38:15 ... [Outline] 22:38:19 ... objective 22:38:25 ... previous pposed media use cases 22:38:26 ... demo 22:38:39 ... WoT-enabled Hybridcast Connect 22:38:59 ... commercial TV also available for that purpose 22:39:05 ... [Objective] 22:39:39 ... integration of contents from broadcast wave and Web 22:39:49 q? 22:40:20 (please use "q+" if you have a question, and we will take them in order when Endo-san is done) 22:40:28 ... [Previous Proposed Media Use Case from NHK] 22:40:43 ... TPAC 2019, 2020 and 2021 22:41:27 ... commercial TV certified by IPTV Forum available 22:41:32 ... [Demo] 22:41:46 ... TV shows a soccer program 22:42:11 ... but air cleaner make noise 22:42:16 s/make/makes/ 22:43:36 ... if the TV receives event message to "replay" many times, the air cleaner will reduce the noise 22:44:06 q? 22:44:07 q+ 22:44:26 ... [Demo System Configuration] 22:44:42 ... TV and Node RED app 22:45:06 s/ and/,/ 22:45:16 s/app/app, and Node RED dashboard UI/ 22:46:59 q+ to ask (1) any gateway between tv and UI, and (2) how to specify the rules 22:47:15 ... [WoT-enabled Hybridcast Connect] 22:48:47 ... Hybridcast app on TV - Hybridcast Conect WoT node - user app (as a WoT Consumer) - ECHONET WoT node - air cleaner emulator 22:49:15 ... broadcasting services can be cnnected to various devices now! 22:49:33 ... various possible use cases for WoT 22:49:38 q? 22:50:29 ... [Open source software tools] 22:50:51 q+ 22:50:59 scribenick: McCool 22:51:00 ack k 22:51:00 kaz, you wanted to ask (1) any gateway between tv and UI, and (2) how to specify the rules 22:51:18 kaz: wondering abuot connection mechanism; 22:51:29 ... but can you go back to connections diagram, slide 9 22:51:39 ... use have a user app as the WoT consumer 22:51:54 ... air cleaner is a Thing, using ECHONET 22:52:20 ... what is the hybridcast TV itself? Is it an app? 22:52:24 q+ to remark on similarities of the roles between "Hybridcast Connect" and "Home Assistant" in two demos. 22:52:58 mm: there is a TD for the TV, so is it a Thing? 22:53:21 endo: in this demo scenario, tv can emit information only 22:53:59 kaz: so tv could also automatically repeat based on noise, for example? 22:54:39 kaz: second question, was how to specify rules 22:55:04 ... depending on the user application? just using node-RED? JS? What is your model? 22:55:23 endo: this demo is just a very simple if-then algorithm 22:56:09 q? 22:56:18 scribenick: kaz 22:56:33 mm: required by user requiring rules 22:57:04 ... maybe the smart tv can make prompt to the user asking what to do 22:57:10 ... potentially 22:57:27 endo: yes, that's possible 22:57:50 ... this time we used simple replay scenario but some kind of schema model could be applied 22:58:12 ... and the use app can catch user's input 22:58:27 mm: question for Toumura-san then 22:58:35 ... could you please pick up your slides? 22:58:50 ... local area network applications 22:58:59 ... how to make that unique? 22:59:10 ... you're using URN as an ID 22:59:18 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 22:59:18 ... also allows DID 22:59:37 ... what can be used instead of HTTP URL? 22:59:53 ... raising an interesting point 23:00:08 ... related to an issue on global DNS and CA 23:00:22 kt: difficult to handle local network id 23:00:57 mm: hostname is also kind of dangerous 23:01:06 ... need to avoid collisions 23:01:37 kt: if we use some random ID, would get another kind of problem 23:01:40 mm: right 23:01:55 ... let's have more discussion about IDs 23:02:08 ... HTTPS on browsers depend on CAs 23:02:20 q? 23:02:24 ack m 23:02:38 ack d 23:02:38 dezell, you wanted to remark on similarities of the roles between "Hybridcast Connect" and "Home Assistant" in two demos. 23:02:47 de: great demos 23:02:54 ... sort of same pattern 23:03:10 ... more or less, smart assistant as home gateway 23:03:27 ... Endo-san used Node RED 23:03:32 ... that patter makes sense 23:03:43 ... Node RED plays important role 23:03:48 s/role/role for WoT/ 23:03:57 ... the other thing 23:04:33 ... a question about how this mechanism works with browsers 23:04:57 ... collaboration would be nice 23:05:00 q+ 23:05:27 mm: we need to look at trust management, etc. 23:06:06 kaz: and we should continue with the DAS WG guys as well :) 23:06:08 [adjourned] 23:06:09 ack k 23:06:14 rrsagent, make log public 23:06:14 bneedham has left #wot-demo 23:06:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 23:06:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-wot-demo-minutes.html kaz 23:09:06 ktoumura has left #wot-demo 23:22:25 dom has joined #wot-demo 23:23:47 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 23:53:13 ys has left #wot-demo 00:24:26 osamu has joined #wot-demo 00:48:18 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 13:59:46 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 14:47:17 osamu has joined #wot-demo 15:02:20 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 16:50:46 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 20:16:33 pchampin has joined #wot-demo 21:14:55 dom has joined #wot-demo 22:04:01 RRSAgent, bye 22:04:01 I see no action items