14:46:43 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 14:46:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-publishingcg-irc 14:48:48 Zakim, start the September 2022 session of the Publishing Community Group 14:48:48 I don't understand you, wolfgang 14:49:06 Zakim, start the Publishing Community Group session 14:49:06 I don't understand you, wolfgang 14:49:26 Zakim, start the meeting 14:49:26 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:49:27 Meeting: Publishing Community Group 14:50:33 Zakim, agenda+ Recap of previous meeting 14:50:33 agendum 1 added 14:50:47 Zakim, agenda+ Update of a11y TF 14:50:47 agendum 2 added 14:51:03 Zakim, agenda+ Update of Ed TF work 14:51:03 agendum 3 added 14:51:24 Zakim, agenda+ Discuss about digital publishing counterfeiting https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/39 14:51:24 agendum 4 added 14:51:38 agenda? 14:51:53 list agenda 14:52:18 hahaha 14:52:30 just playing around with Zakim :) 14:53:44 looks like this is still working https://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html 14:54:02 and https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent 14:56:18 please save agenda 14:56:31 Zakim, please save agenda 14:56:37 ok, zheng_xu, the agenda has been written to http://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-publishingcg-agenda.rdf 14:58:00 rickj has joined #publishingcg 14:58:06 present+ 14:58:20 present+ wolfgang 14:58:49 present+ 14:58:58 scribe+ 15:01:08 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 15:01:11 present+ 15:01:30 present+ 15:01:59 liisamk has joined #publishingcg 15:02:07 present+ 15:02:34 Joe has joined #publishingcg 15:02:45 JF has joined #publishingcg 15:02:50 p_belfanti has joined #publishingcg 15:02:50 Present+ 15:02:56 next agendum 15:02:59 Present+ 15:03:03 Naomi has joined #publishingcg 15:03:13 present+ 15:03:13 scribe+ wolfgang 15:04:01 zheng: update for TF - announcement for starting Education TF - started to tal about counterfeiting issue which we will continue today 15:04:21 next agendum 15:05:03 No update this time due to TPAC 15:05:05 next agendum 15:05:21 zakim, close item 2 15:05:21 agendum 2, Update of a11y TF, closed 15:05:22 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:05:22 3. Update of Ed TF work [from zheng_xu] 15:05:39 zakim, next item 15:05:39 agendum 3 -- Update of Ed TF work -- taken up [from zheng_xu] 15:05:41 jojo has joined #publishingcg 15:05:41 p_belfanti: kicked off ED a few weeks ago 15:06:19 ... started to gather use cases 15:07:00 ... also creating form of use case template and will send to generic public 15:07:38 ... good start 15:09:19 wolfgang: yes, we also need to category for Ed TF - younger learning, high ed and so on 15:10:45 q+ 15:11:01 ivan has joined #publishingcg 15:11:29 zheng_xu: next meeting for Ed TF will be hold on next week 15:11:38 zakim, close item 3 15:11:38 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, zheng_xu 15:11:50 next agendum 15:11:58 ack z 15:12:10 zakin, next item 15:12:28 zakim, take up next item 15:12:28 agendum 4 -- Discuss about digital publishing counterfeiting https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/39 -- taken up [from zheng_xu] 15:12:33 vince has joined #publishingcg 15:12:38 https://twitter.com/shershovitz/status/1567538503621251073 15:12:38 Good job Zakim :) 15:13:57 this has come around before: https://www.w3.org/2012/08/electronic-books/submissions/webooks2013_submission_41.html 15:14:09 https://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/contactwo/oitp/emailtutorials/accessibilitya/10.htm 15:14:24 q+ 15:14:38 Q+ 15:14:39 q+ 15:14:42 q+ 15:15:18 wendyreid: explaining about https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/39 15:16:08 ... some way to explore might be content signature? Share secret between publisher and retailer? 15:16:26 AND accessibility experts too 15:16:29 ;-) 15:16:33 q? 15:17:00 ... still need to explore idea and we need to learn methods and what we can standize 15:17:36 Lars: maybe can think about potential of blockchain. maybe worth of exploring 15:18:03 ack Liisa 15:18:04 ack liisamk 15:18:10 q+ 15:19:07 Lars has joined #publishingcg 15:19:48 liisamk: we worked title by title to make sure counterfeit title to be taken done 15:20:03 s/done/down/ 15:20:15 ... but still see this happens in self publishing platform 15:20:57 ... this happens a lot after a new book released especially getting into library and epub are exposed to hackers 15:21:08 help 15:21:14 q? 15:21:28 Never mind ;) 15:22:12 ... sometimes content is modified and maybe even injected a few words at end of last page which is used for marketing purpose 15:22:29 How do I put myself on the queue? I forgot :p 15:22:42 use "q+" 15:23:10 Q+ Lars 15:23:26 ... sometimes they add certain character to part of metadata 15:23:33 Thanks! 15:23:34 Q+ 15:24:58 ... retailers are willing to take down counterfeits but no one has good idea about how to prevent it or slow it down yet. 15:26:05 ... it's bad for consumer as well since the quality is bad. sometimes image are wrong, css are ripped off so the layout can be terrible. 15:26:31 q? 15:27:04 ack JF 15:27:53 * I have to leave to get to the AC meeting at TPAC. Thanks for the good conversations 15:28:14 JF: it's also happened for music. There are multiple problems. Most DRM can not be used since it is bundle to certain distributors 15:28:42 ... some DRM are not good for a11y 15:29:48 ... recognizing the problem but to find a solution can be tricky 15:29:51 q? 15:30:12 https://www.w3.org/2012/08/electronic-books/submissions/webooks2013_submission_41.html 15:30:22 https://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/contactwo/oitp/emailtutorials/accessibilitya/10.htm 15:30:46 Leonardo has joined #publishingcg 15:31:09 ack zheng_xu 15:31:21 scribe+ wolfgang 15:31:24 Charles has joined #publishingcg 15:32:15 q+ 15:32:37 another relevant link: https://www.wired.com/story/ebooks-drm-blind-accessibility-dmca/ 15:32:40 Zheng: problem that DRM will be cracked, is not our issue here - which behaviour is more damaging to the industry? 15:32:52 q? 15:32:54 me +1 to Wendy 15:33:21 https://content-blockchain.org/building-blocks/what-is-the-iscc/ 15:33:28 https://isccdemo.content-blockchain.org/ 15:33:59 gpellegrino: comparing two code there is possibility to compare book 15:34:10 q+ 15:34:11 Thanks Gregorio! I was looking for this. Highly recommended solution 15:34:14 ack gpellegrino 15:34:28 Q+ 15:34:32 ack p_belfanti 15:34:40 ack p_belfanti 15:34:44 q? 15:35:00 p_belfanti: the issue is probably more about re-distribute the book - counterfeit 15:35:21 Reach out to Sebastian Posth (@posth ) 15:35:43 ack lars 15:36:00 https://www.scenarex.ca/ 15:36:11 Lars: There is a company in Canada ^ for blockchain tech on digital books 15:37:06 ack liisamk 15:37:10 q+ 15:37:18 q? 15:37:25 liisamk: we are not trying to address DRM. 15:37:49 +1 Liisa 15:38:00 ... the counterfeiting is the real issue 15:38:40 ... what we are trying to find is to build some guide to help people maybe in suplychain to understand to recognize counterfeit 15:38:53 q? 15:38:55 ack zheng_xu 15:39:21 scribe+ wolfgang 15:40:12 Zheng: who could provide a copyright check - publisher or distributor (Amazon, etc.) - tool for similarity check on products handed in 15:40:32 ... maybe rough mechanism could help 15:40:57 ... would it make sense to have a TF for this issue? 15:41:01 q? 15:41:09 +1 to an anti-counterfeit TF 15:41:26 nbarron has joined #publishingcg 15:42:50 ack JF 15:43:19 JF: we need to properly scope the issue, problem and solution 15:43:22 q? 15:43:41 ack wendyreid 15:43:44 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/39 15:44:20 wendyreid: can we have more detailed info in above github issue 15:44:29 q? 15:45:15 ... lightweight platform / solution is recommended 15:45:34 ... maybe some signature could help (signature.xml) 15:46:06 q? 15:46:08 q+ 15:46:09 ... we can explore this way 15:46:11 +1 to "True and Verified" 15:46:11 q? 15:47:03 ack liisamk 15:47:20 liisamk: recommend further discussion in a separate TF 15:47:39 ... I can lead the taskforce 15:47:42 q+ 15:47:45 q? 15:47:46 q? 15:47:52 nbarron___ has joined #publishingcg 15:48:02 scribe+ wolfgang 15:48:02 Q+ to remind about Verified Credentials as a possibility 15:48:37 Zheng: we can set up a different TF for counterfeiting issue 15:48:38 johnr has joined #publishingcg 15:48:53 Q? 15:48:53 present John Roque 15:48:55 q? 15:49:01 ack zheng_xu 15:49:02 q? 15:49:03 present + John Roque 15:49:19 q+ 15:49:26 q+ 15:49:47 ack JF 15:49:47 JF, you wanted to remind about Verified Credentials as a possibility 15:49:50 ack JF 15:50:03 https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/ 15:50:23 JF: there is some spec ^ in W3C and shared in the github issue. That might help 15:50:59 q? 15:51:40 ack wendyreid 15:51:43 ack wendyreid 15:52:10 wendyreid: can check with Ivan about the vc data model 15:53:12 ... recommend to reach out more retailer, publisher and other group as well as BISG 15:53:16 q? 15:53:27 ack zheng_xu 15:53:35 scribe+ wolfgang 15:54:42 q? 15:54:42 Zheng: we can kick off - try to shout out to people outside of PCG - to expand the network makes sense - has not to be a member of PCG - reach out to distirbutors 15:55:05 q? 15:55:49 wolfgang: have a good day and see you next meeting 16:06:23 zakim, end meeting 16:06:23 As of this point the attendees have been rickj, wolfgang, zheng_xu, wendyreid, gpellegrino, liisamk, JF, p_belfanti, Naomi 16:06:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:06:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-publishingcg-minutes.html Zakim 16:06:28 I am happy to have been of service, zheng_xu; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:06:32 Zakim has left #publishingcg 16:06:49 rrsagent, please part 16:06:49 I see no action items