14:03:35 RRSAgent has joined #a11y-maturity 14:03:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-a11y-maturity-irc 14:03:37 Zakim has joined #a11y-maturity 14:03:45 Meeting: W3C Accessibility Maturity Model - TPAC 2022 breakout 14:03:49 Chair: David_Fazio, Janina_Sajka, Sheri_Byrne-Haber 14:03:57 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/4a5a5bcb-45c2-4ba5-b5e0-7b3d3ceb1fc9#agenda 14:03:59 RRSAgent, make log public 14:04:07 RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight 14:16:18 RRSAgent, stay 14:16:20 Zakim, stay 14:16:20 I don't understand 'stay', dom 15:15:03 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 16:12:00 agenda+ breakout 18:15:54 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 20:15:10 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 20:30:16 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 21:07:07 dom__ has joined #a11y-maturity 21:33:49 fazio has joined #a11y-maturity 21:41:14 Sheri_B-H has joined #a11y-maturity 21:53:04 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 21:56:34 present+ 21:58:13 massa has joined #a11y-maturity 21:59:58 MasakazuKitahara_ has joined #a11y-maturity 22:01:06 present+ 22:01:22 JohnRochford has joined #a11y-maturity 22:01:27 present+ 22:01:37 present+ 22:01:41 Makoto has joined #a11y-maturity 22:01:45 Maturity Model Link 22:01:51 present+ 22:02:04 Irfan_Ali has joined #a11y-maturity 22:02:13 present+ 22:02:15 FPWD at https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model 22:02:20 present+ Janina 22:02:35 Topic: Maturity Model 22:02:42 Scribe: Irfan Ali 22:02:51 Chair: David Fazio 22:05:58 Bhoomika has joined #a11y-maturity 22:06:51 fazio: welcome to the maturity model presentation. lot of issues were coming out from the WCAG when we started. to ensure that accessibility work is in continuation. big problem in fixing older tech 22:07:56 ...in our legislation, barriers are supposed to be moved. this model suggests, how to create a process and improvements. it ensures that you have got a sustainable model of accessibility program 22:08:19 we have worked with Sheri and other folks on this model 22:08:53 jptownley has joined #a11y-maturity 22:09:24 we ran so many push backs in the beginnings. but whatever we have included in this model is to ensure the sustainable model for the accessibility that can work for the large organizations 22:10:07 Sheri_B-H: some organization are sued and they come up with an argument that we are working on it. and then they get sued again, and this model helps to prevent such problems. 22:10:48 Communications: Information as it relates to an organization’s accessibility, as well as accessibility of all internal/external communications. Knowledge and Skills: Ongoing education, and outsourcing practices to fill gaps for accessibility operations. Support: Accessibility assistance provided to internal employees and external customers with disabilities. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Development Life Cycle: Inc[CUT] 22:11:03 Karen has joined #a11y-maturity 22:11:04 Amanda has joined #a11y-maturity 22:11:15 present+ 22:11:19 present+ 22:11:26 present+ 22:11:35 Sheri_B-H: after looking at 6 other maturity models we came up with this list. 22:13:19 Sheri_B-H: we consider Communications, Knowledge and Skills: support, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Development Life Cycle, personal, Procurement, and culture dimension 22:14:25 https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model 22:14:26 https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/#culture-ratings-for-evaluation 22:15:34 Sheri_B-H: there are four stages in this maturity model including inactive, launch, integrate, and Optimize 22:16:01 Sheri_B-H: we are also providing the supportive excel-sheet to trial run your own assessment. 22:16:35 Sheri_B-H: reason for this is because this not a single person or single day operation. requires lot of data collection. 22:17:04 Sheri_B-H: excel is not optimal but narrative has to be set before we move forward. You can download the template and fill out your own. 22:17:13 q+ Speaking of levels, how does this compare to other published Accessibility Maturity Models already published? Can we roughly map the levels presented here to others (eg, a company has already hired a consultancy to do an audit against an AMM( 22:18:14 Sheri_B-H: communication is important and they could be like external and internal formal and informal major and minor generated by the organization directly or by third parties under contract to the organization 22:18:53 shadi has joined #a11y-maturity 22:19:04 present+ 22:19:21 Sheri_B-H: we have few non-digital accessibility support here. 22:20:05 Sheri_B-H: you could add non-digital support or remove and you have that flexibility 22:21:03 fazio: we have had thisb use-case in the beginning of this model but we have worked on it and it doesn't seems to be problem. remember this is only FPWD and it will get more matured in the future 22:22:04 janina: the point of FPWD is to gather more information and ideas from the wider community. Experience that the community shares with us help us to mature this. 22:22:06 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #a11y-maturity 22:22:09 present+ 22:22:18 present+ 22:22:56 Sheri_B-H: in an organization where they are not getting started or not perfect and not doing correctly, it allows to identify the low hanging fruites which helps you to pick them out and target those areas with your resources 22:23:14 Q+ Can we roughly map the levels presented here to others? DAMM to WAMM? 22:23:26 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fzPlHjHIaSQn9GvpJd86SDpV49U8Beg_iXj6K5aeyGg/edit#gid=1552848103 direct spreadsheet link 22:23:41 q+ 22:24:35 Sheri_B-H: we can take whatever use case you have and utilize them in our documents. 22:25:02 Sheri_B-H: communication is important and they could be like external and internal, formal and informal, major and minor generated by the organization, directly or by third parties under contract to the organization 22:26:21 Sheri_B-H: if the resources have the a11y experience then perhaps you do not need any training. but if you dont have those resources then you need a proper training for your resources to keep them up to date with the standards 22:26:33 q+ 22:26:45 ack jp 22:27:26 fazio: with knowledge and skills are two variables to determine the process of trainings 22:28:23 jptownley: we have used the digital accessibility maturity model published by other organization. how does those models map to this? 22:29:00 Sheri_B-H: I wrote this and evolved this maturity model. we built it to be more flexible 22:29:24 jptownley: whats the utility of level zero in context of actual business audited 22:30:16 CharlesL has joined #a11y-maturity 22:30:17 Sheri_B-H: you can use your score based upon the template the determine 22:30:28 present+ 22:31:01 Sheri_B-H: disability equality index, you will get full credit if you do it following the proposed criteria 22:31:23 fazio: this is a tool of encouragement and guidance about the things to get done. 22:32:08 jptownley: we have had lot of success using the maturity model with the fall sense of success where 100 score is not 100% 22:32:27 s/fall sense/ false sense 22:32:42 false sense 22:32:46 gpellegrino has joined #a11y-maturity 22:32:51 present+ 22:32:59 Sheri_B-H: some company scored the 100 then for 7 months they did not even have any a11y program 22:33:16 .. it is very important to things looked at the perspective. 22:34:13 scribenick:Karen 22:34:13 Irfan_Ali: this work got my attention 22:34:13 ...cannot say much about the company, but I got some new talking points by looking at this document 22:34:15 ...and driving within the organization an awareness about Accessibility 22:34:27 ...the C-level doesn't understand the tech, but they understand the process 22:34:41 ...I particularly like all the parameters, various stages, proof points and dimensions 22:34:57 ...I may have some feedback to send to you, Sherri and Fazio 22:35:04 Sheri: Please use Github or send to me 22:35:20 Fazio: Please comment to me or on Github 22:35:23 Janina: this is a public working draft; that is an intent 22:36:14 Fazio: Intel, for example is playing with it 22:36:14 Irfan_Ali: I may want to talk to you 22:36:21 Sheri: not mapping to single employees; what do FAQs look like, are customer support people trained for helping people with assistive technologies, etc. 22:36:28 ...feedback loops on all of these are important 22:36:36 ...cannot get to higher levels without feedback loops 22:36:48 ...we did a retrospective; here's what we did, here is what we need to change 22:36:58 ...proof points; goal of the third level 22:37:04 ...ICT Development Lifecycle 22:37:17 ...we picked ICT purposefully to cover all ICT and different categories 22:37:30 rssagent, make minutes 22:37:36 ack irfan 22:37:39 q? 22:38:13 ...block of proof points for design, development, experience, quality review 22:38:13 ...again, each of four levels is associated with an outcome 22:38:13 ...Next one is personnel 22:38:16 rrsagent, make minutes 22:38:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-a11y-maturity-minutes.html Irfan_Ali 22:38:21 ...in Personnel focus on recruiting people with disabilities, and strategic engagement with people with disabilities 22:38:26 ...other dimensions of DEI 22:38:34 Fazio: One of the justifications 22:38:51 Nothing about us without us. 22:38:59 ...in order to make sure you are testing appropriately, you have to have people with disabilities in the program 22:39:01 Glad to hear you address this. 22:39:08 ...that hands-on experience in the development processes 22:39:18 Sheri: VMWare has a large program 22:40:13 ...accessibility needs to be discussed with employees with diabilities 22:40:13 ...that is the direct path to how this impacts the accessibility of the end product 22:40:13 Janina: you need to see these people as your colleagues in the lunch room 22:40:13 Sheri: Procurement 22:40:14 ...sends wrong message 22:40:15 ...and spend a whole lot of time doing accommodations 22:40:33 ...Jeff Kline was involved; he wrote the book on strategic accessible procurement 22:40:44 ...goes both ways; if I'm buying stuff, or if a company asks me how I'm doiong 22:41:02 ...and you can state how you stack up agains the W3C Accessibility Maturity Model 22:41:14 ...a vendor reaches out to me frequently 22:41:24 ...and that factors into procurement and into other areas as well 22:42:14 ...Developed by someone who is experienced in accessibility procurement 22:42:14 ...Moving on to Culture 22:42:14 ...we has organizational culture with proof points 22:42:14 ...integrate into DEI initiatives, W3C initiatives 22:42:14 ...culture is last of the dimensions 22:42:21 Fazio: Do we have any questions or comments 22:42:40 Amanda: I'm excited; I think it's very good 22:42:40 q+ 22:42:54 ...as someone who works with clients on this every day 22:42:59 ...this is fantastic 22:43:07 ...eager to work with spreadsheet and provide feedback 22:43:20 q+ 22:43:27 Fazio: we're looking to figure out the scores and creating an overall picture 22:44:14 Sheri: We are just scoring at the dimension level right now 22:44:14 ...scoring has been a contentious topic at W3C in general 22:44:14 ...in terms of Silver 22:44:14 ...we wanted to settle the behavior down first 22:44:14 ...before deciding about scoring at the organizational level 22:44:18 Fazio: it's a tool for continuous improvement 22:44:26 ...not necessarily of how mature 22:44:34 Amanda: it's acknowledgement that there is a process 22:44:45 Janina: And that you have a process to go through 22:44:53 Fazio: How do you prove you are taking steps 22:45:03 ...not just US, EU, multi-nationals need to do this 22:45:08 ...show me you are trying to be accessible 22:45:25 ...you can show consumer what you do; what you put behind your accessibility statement 22:45:40 q+ 22:46:06 q+ 22:46:14 Janina: feedback will be helpful on all areas 22:46:14 ...dare I say "dimensions"? 22:46:14 ...and how data is collected 22:46:14 ...or suggestions on a better spreadsheet 22:46:14 ...or some kind of SQL database on the backend to generate reports 22:46:24 ...by no means this is the spreadsheet that will show up with the next updated working draft 22:46:37 Sheri: I hope not as well, we want to incorporate feedback 22:46:43 Janina: all aspects are up for comment 22:46:50 Sheri: And open to more participation 22:46:57 ...if you are excited, we're down for that 22:47:07 ...8:00am Pacific on Wednesdays 22:47:11 Amanda: Perth, AU 22:48:14 q+ 22:48:14 q? 22:48:14 Sheri: I asked protocols group 22:48:14 ...they started to alternate every other week 22:48:35 ...we can make alterations to meeting times 22:48:37 ack Makoto 22:48:46 Makoto: Thank you very much for the presentation 22:48:51 ...this is a practical model 22:49:08 ...in Japan, web accessibility is not required 22:49:21 ...but the number of companies making accessible web sites and apps is increasing 22:50:13 ...many companies have not started their efforts yet 22:50:13 ...some companies got sued in US 22:50:13 ...how would you recommend using this model to companies who are approaching web site accessibility 22:50:13 Sheri: what is the value of a zero 22:50:13 ...if you haven't started anything, and starting at zero 22:50:17 ...Look at proof points to get you to level one 22:50:22 @makoto would love to connect jptownley@mac.com 22:50:31 may have some insight... 22:50:32 ...if you decided as an organization to invest, that will help you to prioritize a roadmap 22:50:40 ...you just want to start by getting to level one 22:50:47 q+ 22:50:56 Fazio: If you get a one, you have to acknowledge what you are doing 22:51:06 ack Charles LaPierre 22:51:21 rrsagent, make minutes 22:51:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-a11y-maturity-minutes.html Irfan_Ali 22:51:21 CharlesL: we created a global certified accessibility program for publishers for EPUBs 22:52:14 ...we do score and have multiple sections about images, about tables, etc. 22:52:14 ...similar to your dimensions 22:52:14 ...each has its own score from one to four 22:52:14 ...and you get a detailed report 22:52:14 ...you get those each scored, and get an overall score to present to higher levels 22:52:15 ...we got a 60% gca score overall 22:52:21 ...and look at 3% on tables v 100% on tables 22:52:28 ...although usually it's the opposite 22:52:36 ...that is how we worked and publishers really responded 22:52:44 Sheri: We built this to be industry agnostic 22:52:55 ...but no reason why you cannot integrate it into your own existing maturity model 22:53:08 ...maybe you are doing tables at 3% because you don't have the right training 22:53:23 Charles: yes, making comparison about scoring by sections and the overall score 22:54:03 q? 22:54:05 ack me 22:54:10 ack jptownley 22:54:15 Fazio: and we want to know why and be flexible 22:54:15 Janina: right scoring model is helpful 22:54:15 ack Jonathan 22:54:15 Jonathan: is there a strategy to map success criteria to these proof points 22:54:21 Sheri: we deliberately divorced from @ 22:54:28 ...did not want it to impact our delivery timelines 22:54:36 ...the ICT section, we could look to expand that 22:54:42 ...and look at automated or manual testing 22:54:57 Fazio: we called it WCAG MM at first, then changed it to W3C 22:55:05 ...there are other ICTs and other guidance to consider 22:55:14 ..for example cognitive is a W3C Note 22:55:25 ...so any W3C suggestion, not just WCAG 22:56:14 Janina: and many other normative areas 22:56:14 ...others on their way as well 22:56:14 ...what exactly...the slice you want to look at at any moment is likely to be changing 22:56:14 ...can be expanded but will help industry to compete and to try new approaches 22:56:26 ...what's wrong with competing against your competition down the street on doing accessibility better 22:56:38 Janina: instead of how we can avoid it, it's let's do better 22:56:41 ack Lionel 22:57:04 Lionel: Can you describe the ecosystem in which you see this working 22:57:17 ...the DAM comes along to help companies implement 22:57:27 s/DAMM 22:58:14 ...thinking about the ecosystem 22:58:14 ...how this tool will be deployed in companies that do not have SMEs to assess themselves 22:58:14 Sheri: It was designed for people to self-administer for people with small knowledge; or they can contract own 22:58:14 Fazio: It's simplified language 22:58:28 ...maturity model to be divorced from @ 22:58:35 ...allow any organization to use 22:58:50 Janina: would it be ok to say it's more of a business model rather than a tech model? 22:59:09 Fazio: yes, when I assembled group, acknowledged that we needed a broader approach 23:00:14 ...Accessibile Architectures is the perfect home for us, not just for WCAG; ICT and processes 23:00:14 Lionel: this resembles other process assessments, ISO standards 23:00:14 Fazio: yes, 9001 23:00:14 Lionel: Have you comment on that? 23:00:14 ...if it is indeed like ISO 9001? 23:00:15 ...there is a huge ecosystem of consultants that pile in 23:00:17 ...can you comment? 23:00:22 Fazio: That was my initial proposal 23:00:26 ...we got Sheri and Jeff involved 23:00:32 ...and they brought in this expertise 23:00:41 ...and looked at gaps in the other standards or approaches 23:00:47 ...did not want to re-create a new ISO model 23:00:52 Sheri: ISO is pay to play 23:01:00 ...you cannot download the guidelines 23:01:06 ...without spending a lot of money 23:01:16 ...this is more flexible, versus ISO being more rigid 23:01:50 rrsagent, make minutes 23:01:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-a11y-maturity-minutes.html Irfan_Ali 23:02:11 q? 23:02:13 Fazio: 9001 is do what you say, which is what we've got here 23:02:13 Lionel: the PDAA...something similar? 23:02:13 Sheri: Jeff can speak to that 23:02:13 ...I have to drop now 23:02:13 ...appreciate everyone participating 23:02:13 ...Please continue the conversation 23:02:14 Janina: we are out of time 23:02:14 Fazio: Happy to answer quesitons 23:02:14 q- 23:02:15 Janina: we need to leave for another meeting 23:02:18 ack David 23:02:25 q- 23:02:27 David: I had this on my calendar for tomorrow 23:02:37 ...listening to conversation; good comments and feedback 23:02:49 ...Important thing about this organizational model 23:02:53 ...not sure if you coverd it 23:03:04 ...if you do those things, you have a hell of a systems 23:03:13 ...and it's for customers of companies 23:03:55 ...is there a possibility of getting that spreadsheet as a xls file in the GitHub, rather than a google doc. 23:03:56 ? 23:04:15 ...and you can ask them for a maturity model and ask them to share the results, assuming they answer successfully 23:04:15 ...It is a valuable procurement tool 23:04:15 ...and an enablement tool to build the capacity to have all the pieces in place to be a fully accessible organization 23:04:15 Fazio: yes, we talked about that 23:04:16 ...Jeff was a big part about this 23:04:16 ...thank him also for his hard work 23:04:20 Amanda: how can I be involved? 23:04:25 Fazio: we are TF of APA 23:04:28 q? 23:04:29 ...Wed 8am PT 23:04:36 Janina: asynchronous is possible 23:04:45 ...if org is member, get nominated to APA 23:04:51 ...individual, maybe could become an IE 23:05:06 [adjourned] 23:05:19 rrsagent, make minutes 23:05:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/14-a11y-maturity-minutes.html Karen 23:05:40 shadi has left #a11y-maturity 23:19:04 Karen has joined #a11y-maturity 23:22:30 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 23:22:53 CharlesL has joined #a11y-maturity 23:22:58 CharlesL has left #a11y-maturity 23:31:12 gpellegrino has joined #a11y-maturity 23:51:32 gpellegrino has joined #a11y-maturity 15:46:37 Karen has joined #a11y-maturity 17:32:28 Karen has joined #a11y-maturity 20:24:35 Karen has joined #a11y-maturity 20:28:44 Karen has joined #a11y-maturity 21:15:02 dom has joined #a11y-maturity 21:58:39 Zakim, bye 21:58:39 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Sheri_B-H, fazio, JohnRochford, MasakazuKitahara_, Makoto, Irfan_Ali, Janina, Amanda, Karen, shadi, Lionel_Wolberger, CharlesL, 21:58:39 Zakim has left #a11y-maturity 21:58:40 RRSAgent, bye 21:58:40 I see no action items