14:53:04 RRSAgent has joined #wot-cg 14:53:04 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-wot-cg-irc 14:53:14 meeting: WoT CG at TPAC 2022 14:53:27 present+ Kaz_Ashimura 14:58:01 herre has joined #wot-cg 14:58:14 ota has joined #wot-cg 15:00:23 jeffwaters has joined #wot-cg 15:00:32 zakim, who is on the call 15:00:32 I don't understand 'who is on the call', kaz 15:00:35 glomb has joined #wot-cg 15:00:38 zakim, who is on the call? 15:00:38 Present: Kaz_Ashimura 15:00:39 present+ 15:01:06 present+ 15:01:09 present+ 15:01:12 ktoumura has joined #wot-cg 15:01:39 bradley has joined #wot-cg 15:02:02 p+ 15:02:16 present+ Ege_Kokan, Shinjiro_Urata, Alexander_Power, Bradley_Needham, Christian_Glomb, Fady_Salama, Hiroshi_Ota, Jan_Romann, Jeff_Waters, Mun_Hwan_Choi, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Tony_Herre 15:02:34 present+ 15:02:37 motokim_ has joined #wot-cg 15:02:45 present+ Alicia_Richins 15:02:51 thjaeckle has joined #wot-cg 15:03:04 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 15:03:07 cris_ has joined #wot-cg 15:03:12 present+ Ding_Wei 15:03:23 Fady_ has joined #wot-cg 15:03:27 present+ Daniel_Peintner 15:03:28 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 15:03:38 dape has joined #wot-cg 15:03:43 Ege has joined #wot-cg 15:03:44 Mizushima has joined #wot-cg 15:03:49 present+ 15:03:54 present+ Fady_Salama 15:03:56 JKRhb has joined #wot-cg 15:04:03 present+ Thomas_Jaeckle 15:04:09 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 15:04:15 zakim, who is on the call? 15:04:15 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, glomb, jeffwaters, herre, Ege_Kokan, Shinjiro_Urata, Alexander_Power, Bradley_Needham, Christian_Glomb, Fady_Salama, Hiroshi_Ota, Jan_Romann, Jeff_Waters, 15:04:18 ... Mun_Hwan_Choi, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Tony_Herre, bradley, Alicia_Richins, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ding_Wei, Daniel_Peintner, Ege, Thomas_Jaeckle 15:04:19 surata has joined #wot-cg 15:04:49 rrsagent, make log public 15:04:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:04:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-wot-cg-minutes.html kaz 15:04:56 present+ Daniel_Peintner 15:05:05 Dingwei has joined #wot-cg 15:05:15 present+ 15:07:08 present+ Ben_Francis 15:08:00 aliciarichins has joined #wot-cg 15:08:10 scribenick: cris_ 15:08:29 AP has joined #wot-cg 15:08:40 present+ Daniel_Dersen 15:08:42 present+ 15:08:44 ege: in the minutes we summarize people opinion and make those public 15:08:58 ... let us know if you don't want to record your statment 15:09:11 ... anybody wants to introduce himself 15:09:24 i/in the minutes/topic: Logistics/ 15:09:28 bradley: I'm from sony, coming as an observer 15:10:38 jeff: I'm an AC rep DISA, interested in different topics from W3C. Want to learn more 15:11:12 daniel: responsabile for the nordic chapter of w3c. Working on IoT and Smart cities 15:11:55 alicia: interested in working together with the WoT community 15:12:32 thomas: I'm working for bosh, part of WoT WG. We are working on an opensource solution compatibile with WoT 1.0 15:13:14 fady: Tum researcher, working on WoT and its applications on industry 15:13:44 ding: Interested in IoT standards 15:14:38 ben: IE in the WoT WG, founder of WebThings opensource solution. Also chair of Web of Thing protocol CG. 15:15:19 geun-hyung: Interested in the applications of DID in IoT and WoT 15:15:21 present+ GeunHyung_Kim 15:16:20 GeunHyung_Kim has joined #wot-cg 15:16:20 ege: thank you all 15:16:24 present+ 15:16:33 ... we have other w3c groups 15:16:51 ... in particular one IG 15:17:02 ... and WG 15:17:09 ... IG outreach and plugfests 15:17:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:17:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-wot-cg-minutes.html kaz 15:17:24 ... WG specification work 15:17:56 topic: Collaboration with IG and WG 15:18:04 chair: Ege, Cristiano 15:18:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:18:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-wot-cg-minutes.html kaz 15:18:18 ca: we had a discussion on this topic quite a lot 15:18:52 ... the actual discussion will take place in another delverable 15:18:54 present+ Daniel_LaLiberte 15:19:07 i/we had a/scribenick: Ege/ 15:20:07 ... we want to create a community place where everyone can join and exchange information and learn about wot 15:20:18 ... we want to use CG for plugfests as well 15:21:39 ... we want to reach a setup that looks like the one in slide 8 15:22:50 ege: in the mean time we can start working on topics that we can do hortogonally to the topics of the IG 15:22:56 ... we organized an Event 15:23:21 i/in the mean/scribenick: cris_/ 15:23:33 15:23:48 q? 15:23:58 q+ 15:24:55 ack k 15:24:57 kaz: among the topics I'd like to ask the CG to think about the relation with IG and WG 15:25:19 ege: it is in CG events 15:25:37 s/events/agenda/ 15:25:54 s/relation/relationship/ 15:26:01 kaz: you can organize events but the relationship should be a priority 15:26:01 s/topics/topics,/ 15:26:22 ege: anybody want to tell us more about what they expect about a CG around the WoT 15:26:49 present+ Kang_Seukyoon 15:26:54 ... we are using the Github repository to keep track of t he issues 15:29:58 cris 15:30:16 ca: if you have any ideas on what kind of activities we should do, please go ahead 15:30:17 cris: we can develop the CG futher with curated news 15:31:04 bradley: I try to understand the relationship between the different groups 15:31:20 ... I got that you would like to give people ideas how to use the WoT 15:31:23 ... and teach them 15:31:25 ege: eys 15:31:31 s/eys/yes/ 15:32:39 bradley: give people levels of architecture and examples of use cases 15:32:49 ege: I agree 15:32:59 ... CG don't write specs but the can write use cases 15:33:12 q+ 15:33:17 q+ 15:33:49 ... our scope is also to give back requirements back to WG 15:34:10 kaz: Bradley made a great point 15:34:30 ... gathering expectation is good for the CG scope 15:34:39 ... and understand which direction to go 15:35:27 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 15:35:37 ack k 15:35:39 ack c 15:36:59 cris: there is also a teaching side in this 15:37:03 ... we can write blog post 15:37:08 (btw, my main point is clarifying the expectations of the CG participants before diving into the possible solutions directly :) 15:37:25 present+ Michael_McCool 15:37:26 ege: we can ask people about their expectations 15:37:36 q? 15:37:37 ... in a survey 15:37:37 q+ 15:38:07 ack k 15:38:15 q? 15:38:26 McCool_ has joined #wot-cg 15:38:35 mc: co-chair of WoT WG 15:39:01 ... working on on polishing our specification documents for the final publication 15:39:37 ... next charter topics 15:39:51 ... what do you want to cover in the next phase? 15:41:19 ... CG can be a place where we can have open discussions 15:41:39 ... to join the WG slot you are required to be invited 15:41:40 q+ 15:42:30 ege: we got feedback to use DID in WoT 15:43:12 q? 15:44:04 jeff: DISA member, there are many challenges in our environment 15:44:17 ... I would like to provide use cases 15:44:45 ... if you have a summary about the use cases you can addressing it would be helpful to be up to speed 15:45:13 mc: I can do a brief summary 15:45:25 ... we have a good description of network interaction 15:45:33 ... we have a gap for geolocation 15:46:03 ... onboarding is something that we need to tackle 15:46:21 ... smart cities depend on geolocation 15:46:43 ... security is also important, especially in isolated networks 15:46:56 ... also we would like to explore time series 15:47:15 ... no standard way to discover devices that produced a particular set of data 15:48:05 jeff: Digital Twins, what do they mean in this context? 15:48:29 mc: you can have a shadow thing that simulate and manage the connection with the real device 15:48:38 ege: virtual factory 15:48:57 ... simulate the production line 15:49:14 q+ 15:49:23 ack j 15:49:29 mc: automation needs how the device interact with the enviroment 15:49:45 ... this also has implications in accessibility 15:50:14 q? 15:50:15 ... we will look at standards for DT 15:50:19 q+ 15:50:38 jeff: Digital Twins are a big use case in our environment 15:50:44 ... mostly for prediction 15:50:56 q? 15:50:59 q? 15:51:26 cris: +1 for an event for Digital Twin only event 15:51:35 q+ 15:51:47 daniel: I'm working with IoT and smart cities in Sweden 15:52:02 ... how can you achive climate neutrality with tech? 15:52:09 ... I belive in the open data field 15:52:21 ... w3c is the only one that can do it 15:52:31 ege: smart cities are in our scope 15:52:37 ... kaz is organizing an event 15:52:44 ... we has small demos 15:52:51 s/has/had/ 15:53:07 ... we are not imposing a standard, and we want to be compatibile with existing standards 15:53:41 daniel: if you take data, everybody is align to DCap. 15:54:49 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2022/SessionIdeas#Web-based_Digital_Twins_for_Smart_Cities Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities breakout 15:55:12 kaz: I'm organizing a breakup session, see link above 15:55:42 mc: we have wot breakout too, some demos 15:56:00 s/DCap/DCat/ 15:56:17 mc: about DID, we support DID in TDs 15:56:38 ... there are some interesting points in Verified Credentials and distributing keys 15:56:47 s/I'm or/I wanted to hear from you about the expectations from the WoT CG participants, but if Smart Cities and Digital Twins are part of your interested topics, I'd like to mention that I'm or/ 15:56:48 ... that we can study in the next charter 15:57:30 kaz: my suggestion is continuing to gather topics from the CG 15:57:58 q? 15:58:01 ack e 15:58:05 ack k 15:58:05 ack k 15:58:33 mc: climate netruality we didn't adressed it directly but we have use cases for energy managment 15:58:41 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jTlSKw7VfIx5J2degldyugGwJFjxPZ_p/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106655031772979203612&rtpof=true&sd=true 15:59:13 Good discussion. Thanks for letting me participate. I'll reach out regarding digital twin and use cases. 16:00:11 ktoumura has left #wot-cg 16:00:28 [adjourned] 16:00:35 rrsagent, draft minute 16:00:35 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minute', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:00:40 s/rrsagent, draft minute// 16:00:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-wot-cg-minutes.html kaz 16:02:50 jeffwaters has left #wot-cg 16:16:48 thjaeckle has joined #wot-cg 18:10:47 Zakim has left #wot-cg