13:57:11 RRSAgent has joined #web-networks 13:57:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-web-networks-irc 13:57:13 Zakim has joined #web-networks 13:57:39 Meeting: Web & Networks TPAC F2F 13:58:05 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Networks/TPAC2022 13:58:21 agenda+ Web & Networks IG introduction 13:58:29 agenda+ Web & Networks IG introduction 13:58:36 agenda+ Client-Edge-Cloud coordination Use Cases and Requirements 13:59:28 Present+ DanD, CHrisN, EricS, Dom, SUdeep, MichaelMcCool, Song, LiLin, HuaqiSHan, SOngXu, EricMwobobia, Dapeng 13:59:39 McCool has joined #web-networks 13:59:47 RRSAgent, make log public 13:59:52 cpn has joined #web-networks 14:00:01 Eric has joined #web-networks 14:00:43 Present+ Kunihiko, DingWei 14:00:56 Present+ JakeHolland 14:01:03 present+ McCool 14:02:19 Present+ DavidEzell 14:02:44 Present+ 14:03:22 scribe+ 14:03:46 Zakim, next item 14:03:46 agendum 1 -- Web & Networks IG introduction -- taken up [from dom] 14:04:17 DanD: Song from China Mobile, Sudeep from INtel and I (from AT&T) are co-chairs of Web & Networks IG 14:04:22 ... Dom is our staff contact 14:04:26 Louay has joined #web-networks 14:04:34 Present+ Louay_Bassbouss 14:04:53 Present+ LouayBassbouss, PiersO'Hanlon, LarryZhao, LukeWagner 14:05:06 Larry_Zhao has joined #web-networks 14:05:16 [slide 1] 14:05:21 present+ Chris_Needham 14:05:30 jholland has joined #web-networks 14:05:34 ktoumura has joined #web-networks 14:05:37 Piers_O_Hanlon has joined #web-networks 14:05:42 motokim has joined #web-networks 14:05:42 DanD: our agenda today will cover an overview of our group's work and progress 14:05:45 Max__Liu has joined #web-networks 14:05:47 dezell has joined #web-networks 14:05:53 ... hopefully useful starting point for later reading 14:06:00 present+ David_Ezell 14:06:05 ... next we'll dive into Edge Use Cases & Requirements 14:06:11 ... followed by an open discussion 14:06:25 Zakim, next item 14:06:25 agendum 2 -- Web & Networks IG introduction -- taken up [from dom] 14:06:39 [slide 4] 14:07:31 Dingwei has joined #web-networks 14:08:59 [slide 5] 14:09:51 [slide 6] 14:11:08 present+ Sudeep 14:11:29 [slide 7) 14:12:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:12:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-web-networks-minutes.html dom 14:12:50 [slide 8] 14:13:13 Link to WNIG Wiki: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Networks 14:14:09 i/[slide 1]/Slideset: https://github.com/w3c/web-networks/raw/main/meetings/W3C_WNIG_TPAC2022_V1.1.pdf 14:14:14 [slide 9] 14:14:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:14:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-web-networks-minutes.html dom 14:15:36 [slide 10] 14:16:27 Jake: breakout scheduled tomorrow on multicast, with focus on security discussions 14:17:13 [slide 11] 14:17:15 [slide 12] 14:17:26 tomorrow's multicast breakout: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/527d52eb-f8df-4875-844b-09a27a67d772 14:17:37 s|https://github.com/w3c/web-networks/raw/main/meetings/W3C_WNIG_TPAC2022_V1.1.pdf|https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2022Sep/att-0001/W3C_WNIG_TPAC2022_V1.1.pdf 14:17:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:17:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-web-networks-minutes.html dom 14:18:19 Michael: we're mostly focused on edge offload 14:19:02 ... maybe this should expand to split browser, but that's not part of what we've doing so far 14:19:27 Present+ ZoltanKis, YanZ, MotokiMizusako 14:25:51 Zakim, next item 14:25:51 agendum 3 -- Client-Edge-Cloud coordination Use Cases and Requirements -- taken up [from dom] 14:26:56 Slideset: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2022Sep/att-0002/2022-09-13-WNIG-F2F-Edge.pdf 14:27:03 [slide 1] 14:27:03 [slide 2] 14:27:06 [slide 3] 14:27:37 Michael: our 13 use cases could still be improved from a categorization perspective 14:28:03 [slide 4] 14:28:27 Michael: some of the main drivers for edge computing are latency and privacy 14:29:06 ... e.g. in AR, tracking the environment and overlaying information on the environment needs to happen with very low latency 14:29:27 ... cloud is ~10x slower to reach than an edge node 14:30:40 ... using edge computing is applicable both for webapps and IoT - I'm also a co-chair of the Web oF things WG 14:31:00 [slide 5] 14:31:29 Michael: what kind of businesses & users will be using these systems, with what kind of needs & priorities 14:31:41 ... what are their business models and why would they do this? 14:31:54 ... we will cross-reference these stakeholders with our use cases 14:31:57 [slide 6] 14:32:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:32:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/13-web-networks-minutes.html dom 14:32:11 ... these requirements derive from our use cases 14:32:35 ... a common requirement is improved performance 14:33:12 ... some of the requirements are up for negotiation 14:33:25 ... compatibility with existing APIs vs building a new one 14:34:26 [slide 7] 14:35:18 Michael: 2 proposals: one focused on seamless code sharing baed on WASM, benefitting from the JS/WASM sandbox 14:35:43 ... the other is distributed worker, extending the existing threading model in browsers based on Workers 14:36:01 ... the comm model they use could be extended to instantiate a worker on a remote machine 14:36:33 ... Web of Things has ongoing work on discovery that could be used for compute utility discovery 14:37:10 ... Both of these are extended the web model beyond client & server, to a distributed model, some of the resources being location sensitive 14:37:48 + 14:37:49 [slide 8] 14:37:49 DavidE: what is WASM? 14:37:50 q+ 14:38:27 Michael: WebAssembly provides a binary representation of machine bytecode, that operates in sandboxed runtime with near native performance 14:38:31 ... similar to LLVM 14:38:43 q? 14:38:53 ack Max__Liu 14:39:16 Max: detailed use cases are available in the document 14:39:57 -> https://w3c.github.io/edge-computing-web-exploration/ Client-Edge-Cloud coordination Use Cases and Requirements 14:40:42 q+ 14:40:43 DanD has joined #web-networks 14:40:43 Max: I also want to mention that we've been focused on use cases & requirements, with only high level initial proposals for solutions 14:40:56 ... the purpose is to gather enough interest for this work 14:41:39 Michael: we're trying to establish feasability and the potential path to standardization 14:41:47 + 14:41:55 ... we need to prioritize requirements (essential vs nice to have) 14:42:04 q? 14:42:23 +1 14:42:48 q+ DanD 14:42:50 ack cpn 14:43:06 CPN: you mentioned extending a worker to offload compute 14:43:29 ... are there solutions out there that could inform what kind of standardization would be helpful? 14:43:49 Michael: Akamai has EdgeWorkers; Fastly runs WASM on the edge 14:44:21 ... but they're not using standardized interfaces so can't be deployed seamlessly by developers without adapting to each CDN providers 14:44:38 chris: could this be captured in the document? 14:45:12 Michael: that's what we would want to achieve by cross-referencing stakeholders with use cases / requirements 14:46:03 q+ 14:46:27 Chris: I'm not necessarily suggesting to capture in the document, but it's useful information to gather 14:46:40 ack DanD 14:47:07 DanD: thanks for putting this together, and it helps consolidating the many ideas that have been floating around 14:47:26 ... the trust model with the edge computing for the Web is a very critical aspect 14:47:52 ... things that are in a given administrative domain has a well-defined trust boundary compared to a fully open web setup 14:48:13 ... CDNs typically represent content providers, they're an extension of content providers 14:48:25 ... what would be the relationship between the ISP and the content provider? 14:48:53 ... it's not just technical solutions, this needs to be grounded reality 14:49:09 Michael: does the end user trust the edge computer? does the edge provider trust the code it is running? 14:49:34 ... a threat could be drive-by mining that would steal my computing resources 14:49:58 ... Sandboxing helps with running untrusted code 14:50:15 ... harder to protect the code from the platform - probably best addressed by a social solution 14:50:24 q+ 14:50:36 q+ to talk about sandboxing 14:51:35 Michael: this could be dealt with in a way similar to permissions e.g. to access camera 14:52:13 DanD: there is also the possibility to extend the same origin policy as long as the edge is seen as an extension to the server 14:52:21 ... it's all about who has a relationship with whom 14:52:39 ... it's not just the trust, it's also about not abusing the resource 14:53:06 Michael: CORS is designed for developers to delegate access to another developer 14:53:46 Present+ Jeff 14:54:04 q? 14:54:07 ack dom 14:54:20 scribe+ cpn 14:55:02 Dom: Delegating to the edge, question about trust, when you're using edge resources, the content provider is paying. If it's under user control, does the user pay? 14:55:27 ... Are there business models that enable that? We should clarify how the computing delegation would work in practice, don't know if there are examples today 14:55:32 michael: it enables new business models 14:55:58 ... today the content provider pays a CDN for edge resources 14:56:12 ... if that moves to the user, it could be bundled into an ISP plan 14:56:28 +q 14:56:58 q+ 14:57:11 ack Max 14:57:36 Max: regarding the trust model, it's already covered a bit - it varies across use cases, with different business models 14:57:55 ... there are existing B2B models for cloud->edge 14:58:11 ... the service provider pays the fee to the edge computing provider 14:58:45 ... we should consider the same origin policy of the web architecture 14:58:53 ... for consitency 14:58:57 ack dezell 14:58:57 dezell, you wanted to talk about sandboxing 14:59:32 jeff has joined #web-networks 14:59:33 David: re sandboxing - how much thoughts have been put into keybox / software validation? 15:00:09 ... PCI regulations enforced rules in terms of private key generation and management 15:01:04 ... how do you prevent a user asked to do something that might be appropriate? 15:01:36 ... very hard questions to consider 15:01:42 s/keybox/keyvault/ 15:01:42 q? 15:02:02 jholland: the developer-controlled vs user-controlled models 15:02:21 ... they're very different use cases with very different control surfaces, different trust model and sandboxing constraints 15:02:30 ... there may be some similar aspects 15:02:46 ... but they should be approached as different APIs that might be able to share a component 15:02:54 ack jholland 15:03:13 ack DanD 15:03:39 DanD: my suggestion for Michael & Max: we went through use cases and requirements 15:03:58 ... there may be an opportunity to look at the different offloading models (developer centric vs user centric) 15:04:08 ... the different realms of controls (enterprise vs user) 15:04:12 q+ 15:04:13 q? 15:04:19 ... I think it would be worth digging more into these questions 15:04:21 ack McCool 15:04:33 q+ 15:04:51 McCool: re user vs dev - a user could be an enterprise wanting to do sensitive work on their premises or using their own machine 15:05:04 ... e.g. Web Apps doing video processing 15:05:17 ... Establishing the right trust model is key 15:05:42 Jake: I would suggest an enterprise capability could operate under a developer centric model, vs a home user 15:06:21 McCool: we should add discussion of this topic in the doc 15:06:33 ... there are similar components around workload packaging, sandboxing 15:06:37 q+ 15:07:02 ack Max 15:07:12 Max__Liu: +1 to Dan's suggestion 15:07:26 ... we'll put more analysis on this topic in the document 15:07:44 ack sudeep 15:08:01 sudeep: the sandboxing and trust models sounds like important topics 15:08:29 q+ 15:08:42 ... we have the