Voice Interaction TPAC

13 September 2022


bev, debbie, Kaz_Ashimura, noreen, phil

Meeting minutes

phil: GS1 interested in things that people might want to be talking to, healthcare, when was this conveyer belt maintained?
… wake words, disambiguation, audio files, customers are companies, e.g. retail

bev: worked on multi-lingual speech data
… worked on disaster recovery and emergency response

noreen: NYC college of technology
… web design
… Internet Safety Lab
… geospatial
… disaster tools are voice activated

phil: has worked on disaster relief, supply chains

debbie: should we have a disaster relief use case?

noreen: how to protect identifiers for users, privacy
… voice translation
… how to help with speech disabilities?

bev: I suggested the disaster use case previously FYI: M3 https://multi3generation.eu/ disaster resilience, response, recovery, humanitarian tech, a11y, etc. Yes, we discussed security too! emotions deep fake problems

bev: disaster relief use case?

ACTION: noreen, bev to prepare disaster relief use case and send to mailing list

phil: could include supply chain as aspect of disaster relief

debbie: who would be users?

noreen: public, first responder both

phil: possibly if you can't activate your phone normally, you might need to activate by voice

noreen: use voice even if you have a temporary disability

noreen: would be more interesting if we talked about the public as users

phil: first responders have their own ways of doing things

phil: what about speech recognition and NLP in stressful situations?

phil: flooding might be a good disaster

noreen: might be a good hands-free use case

noreen: emergency numbers, evacuation routes

phil: where is dry and how do I get there?

debbie: is there a shelter nearby that takes dogs?

noreen: information about hazards, could be important to know where you are

debbie: general advice about taking care of yourself in a flood

noreen: what are the signs that you better get out?

kaz: floods in Japan, is there also a need for multimodal? broadcasting, signage

would also want to know about weather forecast

debbie: use case should stress the cooperation among agents

phil: emergency access API

noreen: there could also be a government source of common database

kaz: should just send minutes to public list

<kaz> WoT use case template

kaz: have been proposing multimodal use cases to wot

<kaz> WoT use cases

<kaz> fyi, Smart Cities breakout tomorrow

<kaz> [adjourned]

today's presentation -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2022Sep/0002.html

Summary of action items

  1. noreen, bev to prepare disaster relief use case and send to mailing list
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


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No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: ddahl

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