10:00:16 RRSAgent has joined #wot-arch 10:00:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/08-wot-arch-irc 10:01:28 meeting: WoT Architecture 10:01:37 mlagally has joined #wot-arch 10:01:38 ktoumura has joined #wot-arch 10:01:46 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool 10:01:54 chair: Lagally 10:04:39 Mizushima has joined #wot-arch 10:06:50 present+ Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima 10:07:44 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Architecture_Sept_8st.2C_2022 10:08:16 topic: agenda 10:08:24 ml: (goes through the agenda) 10:08:29 i/goes/scribenick: kaz 10:09:19 ... anything to be added? 10:09:21 (none) 10:09:39 topic: minutes 10:09:55 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/09/01-wot-arch-minutes.html Sep-1 10:11:29 ml: (goes through the minutes) 10:12:37 ... wondering about the Issue 809 10:12:48 mm: need some time to fix it 10:12:54 ... please assign that to me 10:13:36 ... need to fix it by CR transition anyway 10:13:57 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/809 Issue 809 - Fix normative references / convert to informative, where applicable 10:15:30 mm: will do that immediately after this call 10:15:58 ml: (adds a label of "by CR transition") 10:15:59 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/828 10:17:27 s/ml: (adds a label of "by CR transition")/ml: (creates another issue 828 on "Prepare CR publication" and adds a label of "by CR transition" to it)/ 10:17:37 topic: Issues 10:17:39 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/820 10:17:54 i/820/subtopic: Issue 820/ 10:17:55 closed 10:17:56 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/818 10:18:05 i/818/subtopic: Issue 818/ 10:18:46 Consider whether this makes more sense as a Note [TAG feedback] 10:19:27 ml: (adds comments) 10:19:44 ... discussion about the scope and the future deliverables 10:19:53 ... in the next Charter period 10:20:04 ... during the TPAC meeting 10:20:09 (closed) 10:20:25 q+ 10:21:11 kaz: depending on the response from TAG, would suggest again we have a joint discussion with them 10:21:20 mm: e.g., we can invite them to our TPAC meeting 10:22:09 kaz: could you please try to contact Daniel Appelquist and Amy Guy? 10:22:13 https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/ 10:22:22 McCool has joined #wot-arch 10:23:38 -> https://www.w3.org/groups/other/tag TAG info page 10:24:03 topic: PRs 10:24:19 s/topic: PRs// 10:25:09 topic: Discovery-related issues 10:25:17 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen++label%3Adiscovery+ issues with "discovery" label 10:25:44 mm: we can apply another label of considering to be closed 10:26:41 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen++label%3A%22close+next+week%22+ issues with "close next week" label 10:27:30 mm: next week, we'll discuss issues around the next Charter 10:27:31 q? 10:27:32 ack k 10:27:35 q? 10:28:11 subtopic: Issue 824 10:28:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/824 Issue 824 - Adjust policy-like security and privacy assertions 10:28:37 mm: (describes the situation) 10:28:45 ... Security TF has not discussed this yet 10:29:09 ... would suggest we review the updated draft during the CR period 10:29:13 q+ 10:29:27 ... changed a lot of things 10:29:38 ... e.g., "isolation" is a vague word 10:29:57 ... we really care is untrusted code 10:30:13 s/code/code out of the sandbox/ 10:30:43 ... anyway, I don't want to ask people to do something impossible 10:31:29 kaz: continuing the review during the CR period is ok 10:31:57 ... but we need to make sure there would not be any changes which have impacts for implementations 10:32:00 mm: right 10:32:05 ... there should not be any impacts 10:32:18 subtopic: PR 827 10:32:50 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/827 Revise Security and Privacy assertions 10:33:00 (fixes the issue 824) 10:33:26 ml: "isolated" execution is now "sandboxed" execution 10:33:44 s/execution/execution environments/ 10:33:47 s/execution/execution environments/ 10:34:27 mm: this has much longer text after it 10:34:40 ... about data access 10:34:50 ml: about security and data protection 10:34:53 mm: yes 10:35:23 ... private data protection is important here 10:35:36 ... btw, typo there... 10:35:47 ml: (fixes it) 10:36:27 s/fixes it/adds comments about that 10:36:39 ... (around line 4172) 10:37:15 ... remove "perform" 10:39:05 (still pending status, though) 10:40:32 ml: link to the WoT Security and Privacy Guidelines? 10:40:42 mm: can add an anchor there 10:40:49 (around line 4204) 10:41:15 mm: next point is the word of "guarantee" 10:41:20 ... which means "SHOULD" 10:41:35 (around line 4296) 10:42:38 mm: then around line 4608/4604 10:42:44 ... MUST to be SHOULD 10:43:28 ... mutable IDs required for some use cases 10:44:02 (around line 4613/4609, "required to" to be "should" 10:44:11 s/should"/should")/ 10:44:13 q+ 10:44:32 (around 4617/1613, MUST to be SHOULD) 10:44:55 (around 4619/4615, "cannot" to be "should not") 10:45:16 mm: we can remove some of the text, though 10:45:58 ... you can add a suggestion using the GitHub interface 10:46:06 ml: (adds a suggestion) 10:46:58 mm: line 4614-4616 (on the right side) to be removed 10:48:05 kaz: what about the other lower-case "should" sentences? 10:48:21 ... like line 4609 on the right side? 10:48:54 ... I'm OK with removing them, but we should make sure about our policy at this stage 10:48:59 mm: right 10:49:48 ... also we can add a text mentioning lower-case keywords are not assertions withing the RFC2119 description section 10:51:29 ml: (around line 4620, "sould not use nosec" to be "should use access control") 10:51:34 s/sould/should/ 10:52:17 ... (then shows the preview) 10:52:30 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/mmccool/wot-architecture/pull/827.html#conformance preview: section 2. Conformance 10:52:51 mm: the question is that the text here comes from ReSpec automatically 10:53:33 ... I'm OK with either merging this and add fix later, or wait to fix them 10:53:39 ml: ok to merge? 10:53:43 (no objections) 10:53:47 merged 10:53:56 topic: Issues 10:54:30 s/Issues/Tag review issues/ 10:54:40 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Atag-needs-resolution TAG review issues 10:54:58 subtopic: Issue 817 10:55:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/817 Issue 817 - Review for unnecessary normative statements [TAG feedback] 10:55:32 ml: (adds comments) 10:55:57 ... several normative statements have been weakened from "MUST" to "SHOULD" 10:56:06 ... specifically in the security section 10:56:27 ... also some of the redundant assertions have been removed 10:57:21 ... group-wide review will be done when the implementation report is done 10:58:58 ... collecting testing inputs and we'll see which assertions need to be @@@ 10:59:20 mm: for CR transition, we need to identify feature at risk 11:01:19 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/829 new issue 829 - Provide implementation report on architecture for node-wot 11:02:38 s/@@@/identified as "at risk"/ 11:03:09 topic: Resolution for CR candidate 11:03:21 mm: need to make a resolution 11:03:29 proposal: submit the current editors draft as CR candidate and ask for group-wide review 11:04:26 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 11:04:55 resolution: submit the current editors draft as CR candidate and ask for group-wide review 11:05:19 [adjourned] 11:05:23 rrsagent, make log public 11:05:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:05:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/08-wot-arch-minutes.html kaz