10:58:21 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 10:58:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-profile-irc 11:00:29 mlagally has joined #wot-profile 11:03:23 Ege has joined #wot-profile 11:03:49 meeting: WoT Profile 11:04:06 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool 11:06:01 Mizushima has joined #wot-profile 11:06:02 McCool has joined #wot-profile 11:06:56 present+ Ben_Francis, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:07:19 yes it would be fine 11:10:21 topic: Review of 2022-08-31 Meeting Minutes 11:11:05 resolution: Meeting notes aproved. 11:11:22 topic: Schedule 11:11:41 i|resolu|-> https://www.w3.org/2022/08/31-wot-profile-minutes.html Aug-31| 11:11:48 present+ Daniel_Peintner 11:12:16 mlagally: Ideally decide profile 1.0 spec scope next week 11:12:17 dape has joined #wot-profile 11:12:41 mlagally: We should prepare for PlugFest testing 11:13:04 McCool: Testing calls are cancelled, so when should we organise testing? 11:13:10 mlagally: How about the profile call next week? 11:13:19 McCool: Yes let's discuss then. Times, repo etc. 11:13:33 mlagally: Testing call immediately after main call? 11:14:21 McCool: Haven't actually cancelled the main call next week. Four hours later than usual. Post-TPAC is Eastern time (earlier), but still overlapping testing call. Let's discuss in the next Profile call, which i don't think we have a conflict for 11:14:25 mlagally: There is a conflict 11:14:36 PlugFest the week after TPAC 11:15:03 q+ 11:15:41 McCool: Two week review end of September, CR & review end of October, looking at January for transition... 11:15:46 McCool: Have to hit the deadlines 11:16:07 dape: The decision was made to still go for CR? 11:16:31 McCool: We will try to, only do the normative parts we have consensus on, if not ready then defer it 11:16:54 mlagally: Let's see what we have at the end of September, will give us an idea of stability 11:17:33 i/Review of 2/scribenick: benfrancis/ 11:17:41 topic: Profile 1.0 Scope 11:18:49 mlagally: Shows a presentation with a proposal 11:19:03 mlagally: Make only common constraints and HTTP Baseline profile normative 11:19:03 https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/blob/main/contributions/2022-08-10-Wot-Profile-Next-Steps.pptx 11:19:22 https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/272 11:20:28 Looking at changes in draft PR https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/272 11:20:53 mlagally: Some wordsmithing in the introduction which should hopefully not be contentious 11:22:36 McCool: Not sure about wording 11:22:40 mlagally: We can fix that 11:22:59 mlagally: I removed the information model chapter 11:24:07 mlagally: We had a discussion about scope of new profile work before 11:24:32 q+ 11:24:51 q+ 11:25:07 rrsagent, make log public 11:25:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:25:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:25:12 McCool: Could say profile for "other protocols" instead of digital twins 11:25:20 benfrancis: Yes that would be fine 11:25:28 mlagally: I don't mind, just thought it might trigger more interest 11:25:52 q- 11:25:54 McCool: E.g. profiles for other protocols and a profile for resource constrained devices 11:26:40 ack dape 11:26:52 mlagally: Took out JSON Schema section since it doesn't seem realistic for 1.0 11:27:16 kaz: OK with adding that kind of note, but clarifying the purpose/motivation for profiles should be precisely discussed here 11:27:57 kaz: The specification should maybe not be called profiles or directory implementation guidelines. If we want to publish a specification named profile we should discuss the motivation more clearly here. 11:28:48 kaz: The current conclusion of protocol-based profiles and protocol extensions is fine, but should clarify the intention of profiles. Not for specific use cases. 11:28:57 mlagally: Please constrain the discussion to the review of this PR. 11:29:24 mlagally: We did extensive work on goals and requirements, would rather not re-open this discussion. 11:29:57 mlagally: Revisiting motiviation and goals should be done during TPAC for future profile work 11:30:15 kaz: My concern is we sometimes talk about use case based profiles and we should not go in that direction 11:30:22 benfrancis: (+1 from me) 11:30:44 q+ 11:31:10 ack k 11:31:14 kaz: Would prefer to focus on HTTP/CoAP, not talk about extension at all 11:31:23 mlagally: I'm happy to remove that paragraph with the extensions 11:32:13 McCool: Future statements not good, may not want to keep them. However, in general this is "profiles" not "profile", so profiles should be for narrower use cases. 11:32:17 ack m 11:32:19 q? 11:33:03 mlagally: Terminology being removed 11:33:28 mlagally: Removed some commented out requirements from previous discussions. I think they can now be closed. 11:33:39 mlagally: Made one heading shorter 11:33:55 McCool: That's fine, good catch 11:34:05 mlagally: Placeholder for identifiers 11:34:26 mlagally: A guideline for units 11:35:11 mlagally: Date format recommendations 11:35:49 McCool: One more issue with relative values like brightness, people are confused about finite vs. percent based. Would be good to recommend using percentage for relative values. 11:35:57 mlagally: Please create a new issue for that 11:36:29 q+ 11:37:34 benfrancis: If you reference RFC3339 then you don't need the additional clarifying requirements 11:37:55 mlagally: Useful for people who don't read the reference 11:38:23 q+ 11:38:46 mlagally: The next change is making the two event sections non-normative 11:39:24 mlagally: Resolve editor's notes 11:39:31 mlagally: Entire section about JSON Schema removed 11:39:40 mlagally: That's the simplified Profile 1.0 specification 11:39:48 q? 11:39:50 ack b 11:40:39 bf: this is a step in good direction 11:40:57 bf: however, this is not experience-driven 11:41:21 i/this is/scribenick: Ege/ 11:41:56 bf: would like to see who is implementing WoT Profile 11:42:04 i/would/scribenick: kaz/ 11:42:36 ... note Consumers would be more difficult 11:42:40 mlagally: I have done one implementation of HTTP Baseline + Webhook 11:42:47 q+ 11:42:57 i/have done/scribenick: benfrancis/ 11:43:13 mlagally: In terms of what we have to validate, we have to verify all of the normative statements 11:43:20 ack dape 11:44:20 q+ 11:44:36 dape: What you said about the consumer simply picking them from the plugfest, I don't think that's always the case. We have a Consumer which is TD compliant, but it's not fully baseline compliant because we can't fully handle async actions. There's a pending PR from Ben which at least makes the synchronous actions from Baseline Profile compatible, 11:44:36 but not the async actions. Consumer is not implemented. 11:44:52 mlagally: don't understand 11:45:18 dape: Existing consumers can invoke an action, but not necessarily query them. You need a special implementation because the profile extends the TD. 11:45:28 mlagally: Extends the TD 11:46:03 dape: Doesn't just extend, it breaks compatibility. Currently the response to the invokeaction request may not match the output data schema. Not that easy. 11:46:25 q 11:46:27 mlagally: I understand that the TD may currently have some limitations when describing brownfield devices 11:46:33 q? 11:46:38 ack ege 11:46:39 ack dape 11:46:51 Ege: Complex interactions with hypermedia is an ongoing discussion since 1.0, still no generic proposal that works 11:47:21 I still haven't seen a Webhook consumer implementation. Is the consumer mlagally mentioned a generic consumer, or can it only consume one TD? 11:47:39 mlagally: Not generic. Actually, just logging what it says in the Webook. It just lists the notifications. 11:48:19 mlagally: I would like to come back to Ben's comment about implementation. The indication of who is implementing this is important and we have a good way to seeing that at the upcoming plugfest. Available implementations and TDs may only need to be updated with profile ID 11:48:21 q+ 11:48:48 mlagally: Could wait for two more weeks. If only have one implementation of async actions then may have to move it out. 11:49:58 bf: agree we wait a few more weeks to see the implementation status 11:50:03 McCool: Can mark it as at risk. 11:50:11 s/bf: agree we wait a few more weeks to see the implementation status// 11:50:47 q+ 11:50:54 mlagally: We have one more potential implementation. The PlugFest will help understand if there are implementation issues with the specification. 11:51:14 ack d 11:51:15 q+ 11:51:27 ack b 11:51:47 dape: The profile deviates from the TD spec, which may break existing TD consumers. 11:52:11 dape: This isn't something that I like, but I do understand the concern/verbosity if done differently. Still trying to find a better solution. 11:52:35 McCool: My understanding of the TD spec is that it has input and output data schemas. DOn't see why node-wot would have a problem with that. 11:52:36 q+ 11:53:06 dape: The profile uses output data schema, but the response has a wrapper around that. 11:53:12 ack dape 11:53:27 McCool: The profile has to be compliant with the TD spec, can't do something different, but can't specify additional constraints 11:53:54 mlagally: Getting back to the review of this PR 11:54:11 mlagally: Could we merge this as it is? 11:54:52 McCool: Agree with merging this if issues we discussed are cleaned up, can file issues e.g. for the actions issue 11:54:57 mlagally: This PR doesn't change that 11:55:07 McCool: Yes can have resolution to merge then make sure actions ready for other issues 11:56:16 q+ 11:56:59 (need to drop soon... pre-TPAC call) 11:57:29 (however, I still think we should merge this for now, carry on the point ben has raised next time) 11:57:48 q+ 11:57:53 ack mc 11:57:54 ack b 11:57:56 ack m 11:58:05 (sorry, have to go...) 12:00:32 bf: I think that there is no evidence of any profile being more implementable than the others 12:01:06 bf: we can also make the whole document informative 12:01:42 kaz: we can merge this now and discuss later in the pre-TPAC meeting 12:01:53 resolution: merge this PR and continue discussion in the pre-TPAC meeting 12:01:55 mlagally: Can me make this a resolution? 12:02:29 [adjourned] 12:02:33 rrsagent, make log pulic 12:02:38 s/rrsagent, make log pulic// 12:02:40 rrsagent, make log public 12:02:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:02:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:07:46 Mizushima has left #wot-profile 13:59:21 Zakim has left #wot-profile