13:06:45 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 13:06:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-publishingcg-irc 13:06:57 zakim, start meeting 13:06:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:06:59 Meeting: Publishing Community Group 13:07:22 scribe+ 13:09:57 present+ 13:13:16 present+ 13:18:12 pbelfanti: introducing the purpose of this TF, and question 13:18:19 present+ 13:18:20 The purpose of the PCG Education Task Force is to answer the question: “What does Education want from the Web?” What limitations currently exist that may be presenting obstacles to educators, educational publishers, EdTech companies, et al, in delivering content or services efficiently and at high quality? What new capabilities could lead to improved learning experiences, or enable innovative new products and services? The mem[CUT] 13:18:48 will be forwarded to the appropriate W3C working group for consideration in a future standard update. 13:18:50 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:18:53 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #publishingcg 13:19:02 present+ 13:19:07 present+ 13:19:22 q+ 13:19:44 q? 13:20:14 The purpose of the PCG Education Task Force is to answer the question: “What does Education want from the Web?” 13:20:14 13:20:14 What limitations currently exist that may be presenting obstacles to educators, educational publishers, EdTech companies, et al, in delivering content or services efficiently and at high quality? What new capabilities could lead to improved learning experiences, or enable innovative new products and services? 13:20:14 13:20:14 The members of the Education Task Force will survey stakeholders in the education space and develop use cases around their pain points and aspirations. In turn, the use cases will be presented to the Publishing Community Group for review and evaluation. Use cases that have the highest impact potential will be forwarded to the appropriate W3C working group for consideration in a future standard update. 13:20:44 q+ 13:20:49 rickj: define scope? 13:20:53 q? 13:21:01 ack rickj 13:21:06 q? 13:22:01 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:22:10 Bill_Kasdorf: suggesting CG to incubate ideas and use cases before moving on to WG 13:23:01 q+ 13:23:04 q+ 13:23:06 q? 13:23:07 Q+ 13:23:08 ack Bill_Kasdorf 13:23:15 q? 13:23:44 q+ 13:23:58 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:24:46 Bill_Kasdorf: suggest not only in a small group such as publisher 13:25:10 ... there is also some cross work related to other group 13:25:11 q+ 13:25:13 q+ 13:25:43 ... also the scope might include corporate training but will leave to the group 13:25:51 q? 13:25:54 ack tzviya 13:25:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:26:19 q+ 13:26:23 tzviya: there is also an import factor is web. Recommend start writing use cases then we can see pattern 13:26:27 q? 13:27:06 yes 13:27:19 q+ 13:27:28 JF: also define users for user cases 13:27:33 q? 13:27:53 q+ 13:27:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:28:10 zheng_xu is scribing 13:28:16 q? 13:28:32 ack JF 13:28:40 q? 13:29:21 sue-neu: we need to define who the users are and pain points 13:29:32 ack sue-neu 13:29:51 suggest "User Profile" as a starting point. Consumer/Producer. K-12/HigherEd. Mainstream/users with disabilities 13:29:59 q? 13:30:11 q? 13:30:49 pbelfanti: we need to talk to a large group of users 13:31:04 +1 to Paul 13:31:34 q? 13:31:38 ack rickj 13:31:40 q? 13:31:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:32:25 rickj: how to segment? Maybe can define segment regarding users? 13:33:22 ... also need to consider group of adoption 13:33:30 q? 13:33:34 q? 13:34:41 ack z 13:35:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:36:08 q? 13:36:29 q? 13:36:46 zheng_xu: we have label for each use case on github 13:36:53 ack George 13:37:44 annotations is my favorite example of a very useful spec that is rarely used 13:37:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:38:08 GeorgeK: some of items might related to best practice 13:38:39 q? 13:38:48 ack pbelfanti 13:38:55 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:38:55 q? 13:39:30 CharlesL: might want to consider early childhood as a segment 13:39:41 q+ 13:39:44 ack CharlesL 13:39:53 ack Charles 13:39:57 q? 13:40:25 GeorgeK: also a11y 13:40:36 q? 13:41:19 scribe+ 13:41:44 zheng_xu: We could accomplish this with GitHub Labels for Early Childhood etc. 13:41:57 q? 13:41:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:42:02 ack zheng_xu 13:42:04 ack zheng 13:42:34 scribe+ 13:42:54 PCG use case template on Github: 13:43:00 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg 13:43:52 you may send an e-mail or any other dorc format, but you might create your use case just in Github 13:44:35 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:44:55 ... only a few members can assign labels, but just let us know - we might do it for you 13:45:25 ... Zheng gives a live demo in Github how to write a new use case 13:45:39 s/dorc/doc/ 13:46:27 ... important to define the role as precisely and specifically as possible! 13:47:10 q+ 13:47:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:48:00 ... e.g. As a use case writer I would like to know how to write down a use case 13:50:37 ... A pain point might be that I write down a long description but no one can pick up the problem so the discussion spreads/fails. 13:51:09 ... audience: people who read and write use cases. 13:51:32 ... might add a proposal 13:51:43 I would suggest distilling this to: I am a [party] and I need [issue] in order to [result]. 13:51:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:52:04 *remember: it's a use case and not a sketch for a technical solution! 13:52:15 q? 13:52:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:53:15 pbelfanti: a label ETF = Education Task Force would be helpful 13:53:40 s/ETF/Ed TF/ 13:54:14 George: suggested labels, e.g. Ed TF, K12, teacher, etc. 13:55:01 Zheng: good idea, but we should not create redundant labels 13:55:09 q? 13:55:54 CharlesL: recommendation of template, just heading and plain text is good enough 13:55:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:56:40 GeorgeK: can we have different template 13:56:43 q+ 13:57:03 GeorgeK: different templates for different groups? Is that doable? How to select a template? 13:57:42 Zheng: only one template available, but we can create several ones. 13:57:59 GeorgeK has joined #publishingcg 13:58:37 pbelfanti: action items, scope, provide some use case template (Charles) 13:58:53 ... meeting frequency? 13:59:06 pbelfanti: Action Items: work on purpose statement, segmentation, use case template (CharlesL) 13:59:07 ... bi-weekly or monthly? 13:59:12 q? 13:59:18 ack CharlesL 13:59:34 +1 to bi-weekly 13:59:40 Bill: bi-weekly better 14:00:05 q+ 14:00:10 pbelfanti: bi-weekly! 14:00:12 I vote for Google Doc 14:01:21 zakim, end meeting 14:01:21 As of this point the attendees have been pbelfanti, sue-neu, tzviya, Bill_Kasdorf, GeorgeK 14:01:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 14:01:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-publishingcg-minutes.html Zakim 14:01:27 I am happy to have been of service, zheng_xu; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:01:31 Zakim has left #publishingcg 14:40:42 ivan has joined #publishingcg