11:07:00 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 11:07:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/31-wot-profile-irc 11:07:09 meeting: WoT Profile 11:07:16 mlagally: We can hear each other but not you 11:07:24 McCool has joined #wot-profile 11:07:27 chair: Lagally 11:07:37 Michael L, we can hear you and each other 11:07:52 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ben_Francis, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:09:02 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#WoT_Architecture_.28Profile.29_-_Aug_31st.2C_2022 11:12:36 mlagally_ has joined #wot-profile 11:13:33 mm: suggest put review of TPAC agenda under other business 11:13:42 topic: minutes review 08-01 11:13:49 i/suggest/scribenick: McCool/ 11:13:57 i/suggest/topic: Agenda/ 11:14:29 https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/blob/main/contributions/2022-08-10-Wot-Profile-Next-Steps.pdf 11:14:33 ml: mentioned some slides uploaded last time for profile next steps 11:15:57 ml: we discussed various options for moving forward 11:16:07 ml: any corrections to the minutes? 11:19:31 ml: ege's pref for option A is missing, should be added 11:20:33 kaz: recorded elsewhere 11:20:46 ml: ok, let's leave the minutes alone, then. Approved? 11:20:55 ml: ... hearing no objections, approved 11:21:24 topci: schedule for combined call Arch/Profile 11:21:51 s/topci/topic/ 11:22:19 ml: looks like the current time is still the best option, so we will stick with it 11:22:25 topic: contributions 11:22:40 ml: there are 10 PRs, will work from oldest to most recent 11:22:43 i|looks like|-> https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/eEl32VKd/vote doodle results| 11:22:52 subtopic: PR 251 11:23:15 ml: removing cloud events, had IPR issues due to charter update 11:24:01 q+ 11:24:15 ml: some issues with Base profile vs. core 11:24:28 mm: should use HTTP Baseline Profile as already agreed 11:24:45 i|removing|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/251 PR 251 - Remove cloud events as message format for WebHooks, update README.md (#248)| 11:24:48 ml: this PR also removed the JSON object format 11:25:47 ben: this PR was supposed to be about removing cloud events 11:26:32 ... it seems there are some other unrelated changes... would suggest removing unrelated renaming commits 11:26:38 ... deal with that separately 11:26:54 s/HTTP Baseline Profile/"HTTP Baseline Profile"/ 11:27:01 ml: agree, revert changes in this PR for README, then merge 11:27:09 subtopic: PR 256 11:27:18 ml: closes 216 11:27:30 ... I reviewed, looks good, suggest merging. 11:27:39 ... (no objections) 11:27:47 subtopic: PR 257 11:27:52 i|closes|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/256 PR 256 - Add titles to action input examples - closes #216| 11:28:00 ml: was reviewed, has been around for a while, ege has approved 11:28:19 i|was re|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/257 PR 257 - Assert that the profiling mechanism depends on TD v1.1 - closes #217| 11:28:27 ben: so there were a number of force-pushes here to resolve conflicts 11:28:36 ... but it looks like there are still conflicts 11:29:26 ml: looks like a conflict in an example... white space issues? 11:29:36 ben: will try to resolve conflicts offline 11:31:40 ml: has been approved, will trust ben to fix it; let's agree to merge after he fixes issues 11:31:46 ml: (no objections) 11:31:52 subtopic: PR 260 11:31:59 ml: closes 214 and 248 11:32:23 ml: diff is not helpful 11:33:23 ben: this is tiding up after splitting up the profile; there were some bits that were common to all three; moved to common constraints 11:33:43 ... moved default language and security constraints to the top of this new section 11:33:57 ... moved information model section and http section to common constraints 11:34:05 ... also two security sections, merged 11:34:21 i|closes 214 a|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/260 PR 260 - Re-structure profiles sections - closes #214 and closes #248| 11:34:48 ... moved security and privacy considerations to top-level sections as required for review 11:34:59 ... and then a bunch of renaming of ids 11:35:15 ben: sounds like a big change and a lot of shuffling 11:36:43 mm: suggest creating an issue to remove reference to Security Best Practices; merging with Guidelines document 11:39:08 mm: probably also need to review the considerations sections; for now are minimal; can review in security TF 11:39:27 ml: so this refactoring is useful, suggest merging 11:39:37 ml: any objections? none -> merging 11:40:18 subtopic: Pr 262 11:40:32 ml: refine assertions about 3xx status codes 11:40:54 ... but some cases where 3xx codes are used, e.g. OAuth 11:41:08 ... but excluded some cases, e.g. Multiple Choices 11:41:49 ben: there is on ambiguous redirection, 300, which suggest disallowing 11:42:23 ml: suggest merging 11:42:34 ben: but last PR has created merge conflicts 11:42:53 ml: assuming merge conflicts are fixed, will merge later 11:43:19 i|refine|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/262 PR 262 - Refine assertions around 3xx redirect responses - closes #246| 11:43:27 subtopic: PR 263 11:43:44 ml: missing form for observeallproperties and unobserveallproperties 11:43:57 i|missing|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/263 PR 263 - Add missing form for observeallproperties and unobserveallproperties #263| 11:44:13 ... in protocol binding section 11:45:27 ben: is in example TD 11:45:41 ... is adding unobserveproperties to top-level form 11:45:54 ... and this is only for sse 11:46:06 ml: any objections to merging? 11:46:14 ... hearing none, merging 11:47:04 subtopic: PR #264 11:47:23 ml: adds geolocation semantic annotation recommendation 11:47:35 ben: this may need rebasing to make sense 11:48:01 i|adds ge|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/264 PR 264 - Add geolocation semantic annotation recommendation - closes #137| 11:48:38 ml: numbers without units 11:48:42 q+ 11:49:13 ml: but schema.org does say if no unit given is m, perhaps we insist on that 11:50:45 q+ 11:50:51 ack b 11:52:13 q+ 11:53:21 mm: in general, think geolocation should be in its own profile, even if it is small 11:53:27 ack m 11:53:48 ... since there are many other ways to do it, and baking this one way into common constraints seems premature 11:54:04 ... but for now I am ok with merging as long as we add an issue to discuss it later 11:54:23 ml: add issues 264 11:54:55 ml: back to unit of measurement, allows unit of measurement to be specified 11:55:53 mm: agree with insisting on m and not allowing other units, if only because specifying units is complicated 11:56:27 ben: this is what we do in webthings, use only SI, then translating into other units as localization 11:57:02 ack b 11:57:42 mm: I think we just add an informative note that "Since this is a number only, the units are assumed to be m." 11:58:08 q+ 11:58:11 kaz: we also have been talking a lot with SDW about how to do 11:58:26 ack k 12:00:08 s/how to do/how to do. So we need to think about how to deal with geolocation information in near future, though citing schema.org if a good starting point./ 12:00:41 s/we also/Agree to add that kind of note. Please remember we also/ 12:00:49 mm: really don't feel comfortable putting it under common constraints for now 12:00:50 q? 12:01:35 ben: feel we are pulling on the thread of a much bigger issue with this geolocation information 12:02:23 [adjourned] 12:02:27 rrsagent, make log public 12:02:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:02:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/31-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz