11:52:42 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:52:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-miniapp-irc 11:53:15 Meeting: MiniApps WG Teleconference 11:53:21 present+ 11:53:27 rrsagent, make log public 11:53:30 rrsagent, make minutes 11:53:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 11:53:38 scribe: xfq 11:59:16 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 12:00:10 present+ Xiaoping_Zhao 12:01:17 present+ martin 12:01:49 present+ xiaoqian 12:02:02 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:02:09 present+ Dan_Zhou 12:02:22 present+ Zitao_Wang 12:03:04 Topic: TPAC 12:03:22 https://tpac2022-china-hub.netlify.app/#/miniapp 12:03:57 martin has joined #miniapp 12:04:06 present+ martin 12:04:16 present+ Thomas_Steiner 12:04:40 xfq: the detail agenda is not ready yet 12:05:11 ... first part is the Hackathon for MiniApps specs 12:05:37 ... second part is the MiniApps WG meeting, specs status and plan 12:05:57 ... third part is the CG meeting, a few proposals 12:06:14 ... 3 talks, one from the Taro team of JD.com 12:06:30 ... another one from Dingdao, about Manifest 12:06:49 ... the last one is from GeekTech, about MiniApps on Desktop 12:07:09 ... one more from Microsoft, about PWA and MiniApps 12:07:25 scribe+ xiaoqian 12:07:29 zitao: @@ 12:08:11 [explain the MiniApps Frameworks and specs] 12:09:11 ... it would be great if we can show the architect of a miniapp framework in the Hackathon 12:09:20 ... JD Taro can be an example 12:09:37 ... but we need to think about the next steps 12:10:01 ... do you think this is should be part of the Hackathon or the CG meeting? 12:10:12 s/this is/this 12:11:16 dan: what's the plan for the WG meeting? 12:11:49 zitao: I think the testbed project is one of the important steps of our specs development 12:12:01 ... we can Cfp in this meeting 12:13:20 ... we are also looking for speakers from other vendors 12:13:50 ... Qing An can introduce MiniApp on Cars 12:14:31 ... we can also introduce our polypill project in the Hackathon 12:14:49 ... the joint project of the Huawei, Baidu and Alibaba 12:15:07 ... to show support from these 3 vendors 12:16:26 present+ QingAn 12:20:26 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/194 12:21:59 xiaoqian: I have a question for martin and tomayac 12:22:09 ... I wonder if you'd like to join the WG meeting 12:22:22 ... and if so, do you need multi-language support? 12:22:43 martin: if I can, I'd be glad to join 12:23:07 xiaoqian: the Hackathon is in the morning, which isn't an ideal time for you 12:23:14 ... but you can join the WG and CG meetings 12:23:20 Time permitting (and given translation), I'd be happy to attend, too. Likewise, I'd be interested in reading the summary. 12:24:00 Topic: Lifecycle 12:24:48 qing: lifecycle has completed privacy, a11y, and i18n review 12:24:58 ... i'm working on addressing the comments 12:25:21 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-lifecycle/issues/32 12:25:40 qing: i've looked at other lifecycle specs 12:25:50 ... but didn't see a11y related text 12:25:54 ... will work with PING 12:26:02 ... to address this issue 12:26:40 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-lifecycle/issues/31 12:26:43 qing: simple one 12:27:00 ... will try to provide more detailed explanations 12:27:28 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-lifecycle/issues/30 12:27:36 qing: I've sent a PR 12:27:50 ... I have discussed this issue with Xiaomi 12:28:01 ... and PING made a similar comment 12:28:20 xueyuan_ has joined #miniapp 12:28:27 ... I'm trying to use events instead of callbacks 12:28:53 ... still need time to evaluate if the PR satisfies the requirements 12:29:27 ... Page Lifecycle also uses addEventListener instead of callbacks 12:29:34 dan: thanks 12:29:37 ... any comments? 12:30:37 qing: if would be good if you and zitao can review it 12:30:40 zitao: will do 12:30:46 dan: ok 12:31:54 Topic: Manifest 12:32:35 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/43 12:33:16 martin: this issue is about the alignment of MiniApp's app_id and Web App Manifest's id member 12:33:23 ... raised by tomayac 12:33:53 ... I already raised an issue against WAM 12:34:30 ... MiniApps don't have document URLs because it's distributed in multiple ways 12:34:40 ... it's still open 12:34:51 ... IMO if we can adopt the id from WAM it would be great 12:34:55 ... but no news so far 12:35:01 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/54 12:35:18 martin: this is something I can do 12:35:55 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/55 12:35:55 ... based on the text in the white paper 12:36:29 martin: PING is asking how to validate / verify app_id 12:36:43 ... I will work on this issue 12:36:48 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/56 12:37:03 martin: this is also from PING 12:37:45 ... asking for clarification on "sessions" 12:38:13 ... if you have any comments feel free to comment on the issue 12:38:23 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/57 12:38:32 martin: this issue is raised by tomayac 12:39:01 (Noting that there's no accepted solution yet, so having mini app requirements be part of the discussion would be very much welcome!) 12:39:03 ... similar to #43 12:39:04 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-packaging/issues/3 : Discussion of page configuration file 12:39:57 ... if we can do it, we're happy to align with WAM 12:40:26 martin: no new PRs or commits this month 12:41:02 dan: maybe we can clarify the relationship in the explainer 12:41:17 martin: yes, and add notes to the spec 12:42:00 Topic: Packaging 12:42:30 martin: wide review has started 12:42:45 ... I know we will get some comments 12:42:57 ... because we're missing an important part of the packaging 12:43:03 ... the "content" of the miniapp 12:43:10 ... HTML/CSS/JS 12:43:32 ... so far I've included some "placeholders" 12:44:13 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-packaging/issues/30 12:44:46 Topic: Testing 12:45:01 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-tests 12:46:36 [martin introduces the structure of a test] 12:48:34 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-tests/issues/7 12:48:50 martin: xfq raised an issue about how to run the tests 12:49:15 ... I wrote some information on how to write tests and generate reports 12:50:23 ... I created some tests about manifest, packaging, and lifecycle 12:51:32 ... feel free to try it 12:51:57 ... so far we cannot test the MiniApps, but hopefully we can test them in the near future 12:52:06 ... using the conversion tool or whatever 12:52:18 ... the .ma files are the packages themselves 12:52:44 ... please have a look 12:53:30 Topic: Addressing 12:53:33 dan: no progress 12:53:46 Topic: Widget 12:54:06 xiaoping: updated the PR a bit, nothing worth mentioning 12:54:22 ... can talk about it in next month's TPAC 12:55:24 dan: next meeting is tpac 12:56:08 rrsagent, make minutes 12:56:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 12:58:44 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 13:07:16 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 13:48:05 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 13:51:36 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 14:25:14 Zakim has left #miniapp