17:14:24 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 17:14:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/24-waicc-irc 17:14:26 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:14:26 Zakim has joined #waicc 17:14:28 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference 17:14:28 Date: 24 August 2022 17:14:29 agenda? 17:16:54 agenda+ Scribe, agenda additions, add present+ 17:16:54 agenda+ Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts 17:16:54 agenda+ Clarifying pre-TPAC publishing expectations 17:16:54 agenda+ New work? Cross-WAI review requests? 17:16:54 agenda+ Accessible tools for our groups 17:16:55 agenda+ TPAC questions, travel safety, joint meeting status/issues 17:16:57 agenda+ Outreach and group recruitment goals at TPAC 17:17:00 agenda+ More public info on legal entity transition, any questions? 18:04:07 jamesn has joined #waicc 18:04:08 Matthew_Atkinson has joined #waicc 18:04:11 agenda? 18:04:25 present+ 18:08:56 janina has joined #waicc 18:10:17 https://www.w3.org/2022/08/24-apa-minutes.html#t09 1. [28]Current draft charter on github is not a meaningful path forward 2. [29]APA confirms it considers both WCAG 2.2 and WCAG 3 important for 18:10:21 accessibility and wishes to see each of them proceed unimpeded. 18:12:56 present+ 18:13:02 scribe+ janina 18:13:09 present+ judy 18:14:04 Ryladog has joined #waicc 18:14:23 present+ 18:14:23 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 18:14:23 present+ 18:14:27 present+ 18:14:34 zakim, drop item 1 18:14:34 agendum 1, Scribe, agenda additions, add present+, dropped 18:14:35 present+ 18:14:37 zakim, next item 18:14:37 agendum 2 -- Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts -- taken up [from JudyB] 18:15:05 judy: Assuming we all know what to do? 18:15:13 judy: Asking upcoming ... 18:15:41 judy: Asks ARIA ... 18:15:48 james: Core-AAM soon 18:16:04 judy: a lightweight announcement? 18:16:11 james: reuse what we used before 18:16:32 scribe+ Matthew_Atkinson 18:16:48 janina: We want to publish FPWD for Maturity Model and CR for Adapt's Content Module 1.0 before TPAC. 18:17:07 ... We just added Conformance and Exit Criteria sections to Adapt's spec. 18:17:47 ... We're doing our best to avoid a last-day announcement. Roy is on it and I believe Shawn's aware of the announcement. We worked on it last week and are passing it on to Shawn. 18:18:26 ... Plan is for Maturity Model to publish on the 29th/30th. 18:19:01 judy: Aim for a few days before the cutoff. 18:19:06 janina: ACK 18:19:57 MichaelC: This is pending the approval of the transition request, which we hope the changes will satisfy (both for Adapt and Maturity Model). 18:20:51 judy: Will follow up outside of this meeting. 18:21:21 zakim, take up item 4 18:21:21 agendum 4 -- New work? Cross-WAI review requests? -- taken up [from JudyB] 18:22:58 janina: After CAUR, we are going to be working on the accessibility of accessibility evaluation tools. 18:23:22 ... It wouldn't be appropriate in the CAUR doc, as it's too big a scope, but it's long-since been needed. 18:24:00 ... The problems depend on the toolset being used. We want the accessibility industry to provide accessible tools. 18:24:00 q+ 18:24:31 Matthew_Atkinson: Recalls reading a paper on the topic, a usability study of AT 18:24:49 Matthew_Atkinson: Recognizes this isn't AT, but it was a good paper relating to UI and may be relevant 18:25:23 judySounds narrower than an AT scope, but agree it could be very relevant 18:25:36 judyRecalls related attempt to sue ... 18:26:27 judyAsks Katie, does RQTF advise IG when new work like this is taken up 18:26:31 janina: No, but we should 18:26:54 judyAssuming our AX testing tools created in AGWG are fully accessible 18:27:14 ack me 18:27:37 judy: Asks they be consideredzakim, next item 18:27:49 zakim, take up item 5 18:27:49 agendum 5 -- Accessible tools for our groups -- taken up [from JudyB] 18:28:25 judyNoting, as we have before, many aren't as accessible as we need them to be 18:29:13 judComes up when moving from one TF or WG where accomodations have been handled, but moving into another group raises the issues all over again 18:29:51 judyAsks whether there's a commonality of what we can say 18:30:45 s/judyNoting/judy: Noting/ 18:31:01 s/judComes/judy: Comes/ 18:32:22 janina: E.g. I can't use Google Docs, but accept its use in groups, and assume that really important things will come up in the discussions and on list. 18:33:04 janina: We need to try to make the process as accessible as possible, but not get caught up on the process. 18:33:14 Q+ 18:33:32 katBelieve we need something universally interoperable 18:33:39 katfor text 18:34:31 s/katBelieve/katie: Believe/ 18:34:42 s/katfor/katie: for text/ 18:34:53 judy: A wall of text could be the problem; doesn't work well for everyone 18:34:59 zakim, who's here? 18:34:59 Present: Matthew_Atkinson, janina, judy, MichaelC, Katie_Haritos-Shea, jamesn, spectranaut 18:35:02 On IRC I see Ryladog, janina, Matthew_Atkinson, jamesn, Zakim, RRSAgent, tzviya, MichaelC, spectranaut, Rachael, dmontalvo, ChrisLoiselle, trackbot 18:36:03 Ryladog: There are ways to manage and we should explore among possible tools 18:36:11 zakim, next item 18:36:11 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, janina 18:36:15 q? 18:36:18 ack r 18:36:40 judy: Asks other experiences 18:38:06 janina: We need to avoid people diving in to these issues on calls. We also have instances where people will e.g. make on the fly edits to a Google Doc that aren't understandable to the editors of the doc. 18:38:15 q? 18:38:49 q+ 18:39:28 ack ry 18:39:38 Ryladog: We shouldn't be waiting for people to speak up 18:39:46 q+ 18:40:00 Ryladog: Let people know that they can't rely on complaining 18:41:11 janina: In some cases, because it's easy to dive into Google Docs and make changes, some people have done this and thrown the editors of the doc into confusion, and taken us out of scope of the document being worked on. 18:41:25 ... i.e. they have shoehorned their view into the doc. 18:41:50 Ryladog: That's not a good approach. 18:42:01 janina: ACK that some of these concerns are legitimate, but the process needs to be followed. 18:42:37 judy: Suggests we may need to continue again in future, and maybe offline as well 18:42:38 judy: There are two sides; need to ensure we're not maligning contientious contributors. Proposing to close this for now, do some background work. Think about documentation. 18:43:00 zakim, next item 18:43:00 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, janina 18:43:04 q? 18:43:10 ac ja 18:43:12 q? 18:43:17 ack ja 18:43:20 zakim, next item 18:43:20 agendum 2 -- Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts -- taken up [from JudyB] 18:43:29 agenda? 18:44:31 judy: reminding us all to be extra careful because we're so eager to get back in person; be mindful 18:46:52 judy: notes remaining items--proposes we can talk recruiting next time 18:47:08 judy: LE is in process, with BOD expected to be seated by 1 October 18:47:16 rrsagent, make minutes 18:47:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/24-waicc-minutes.html janina 19:09:41 zakim, bye 19:09:41 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Matthew_Atkinson, janina, judy, MichaelC, Katie_Haritos-Shea, jamesn, spectranaut 19:09:41 Zakim has left #waicc 19:09:46 rrsagent, make minutes 19:09:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/24-waicc-minutes.html janina 19:27:20 janina has left #waicc 23:17:41 JudyB has joined #waicc