11:47:42 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-equity 11:47:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/22-wcag3-equity-irc 11:47:44 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:47:46 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jeanne 11:48:00 janina has joined #wcag3-equity 11:48:04 Meeting: WCAG3 Equity Subgroup 11:48:04 present: 11:48:04 chair: Janina, jeanne 11:48:04 present+ 11:48:05 zakim, clear agenda 11:48:05 rrsagent, make minutes 11:48:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/22-wcag3-equity-minutes.html jeanne 11:48:05 agenda cleared 11:48:05 q? 11:57:13 JenS has joined #wcag3-equity 11:57:18 present+ 12:03:12 laura has joined #wcag3-equity 12:03:51 Cyborg has joined #wcag3-equity 12:05:35 agenda+ Review Recommendations 12:05:44 present+ Laura_Carlson 12:05:48 agenda+ Finalize points that Describing Equity in WCAG3 - not a definition 12:06:33 present+ 12:06:36 present+ 12:06:38 Present+ 12:06:42 scribe+ 12:07:27 js: we´re only getting 7 weeks of the planned 8 12:07:38 thought we´d skip doing a report, but they still want them 12:07:46 we´ll present Friday at Silver meeting 12:08:02 zakim, take up item 2 12:08:02 agendum 2 -- Finalize points that Describing Equity in WCAG3 - not a definition -- taken up [from jeanne] 12:08:07 for some reason i can't find the agenda... 12:08:13 can someone please resend? thanks 12:08:16 agenda? 12:08:44 Presentation draft -> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1es3HvWu_NmNDJv4mdTnAlfQFeVhsKxw5CmreAvpAzRk/edit?usp=sharing 12:09:07 js: notes, that´s text-dense and needs shortening 12:09:26 don´t want to edit peoples´ work w/o permission 12:09:39 start with equity vs equal 12:10:04 then go into outcome, state, process 12:10:21 look at equity from each of those perspectives 12:11:05 q? 12:11:25 kept ¨Usability for a site at a given conformance level is approximately equivalent across disability groups¨ 12:11:47 state = point in time 12:11:51 result = outcome 12:11:54 q+ re outcomes in equity vs. outcomes and methods 12:11:57 how I tried to group those 12:12:22 I took the definition proposals into one of those three buckets 12:12:29 then went into known challenges and questions 12:12:34 q+ 12:12:34 q+ 12:12:41 From in the Google doc: State: the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time. Outcome: the way a thing turns out; a consequence. From Oxford Languages: https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en 12:13:05 janina: can we combine the two? 12:13:40 doing so will help avoid confusion of terms 12:13:50 ack jan 12:13:50 janina, you wanted to discuss outcomes in equity vs. outcomes and methods 12:13:54 (state and outcome), as differentiated from process 12:13:57 q+ 12:14:43 cs: I added a number of comments to the google doc 12:15:55 12:16:13 cs: added reference to design justice principles 12:16:24 define inequity as problem before defining equity as solution 12:16:54 for process, can it be part of conformance model? 12:17:00 js: put under recommendations 12:17:07 the first 2 not sure if we have time 12:17:11 ack c 12:17:24 cs: these aren´t new points 12:18:20 and we need to demonstrate the harms of inequity when people ask why we want to do it 12:18:29 js: it´s time consuming to develop use cases 12:18:40 if someone can work on it, great 12:18:43 cs: meant as a framing 12:19:21 scribe+ jeanne 12:19:22 scribe+ janina 12:19:50 MichaelC: Don't disagree that saying more about inequity is useful, but for now see it as implicit--can fit into later work 12:19:59 MC: I don't object to adding a bullet point on needing to understand inequity, but I don't think we have time in this sprint 12:20:24 michalre combining outcome and state; possibly 12:20:45 MichaelC: wcag3 outcome statement would be different; but guideline by guideline, yes, very similar 12:20:50 MC: Possibly Outcome and State and be combined. Outcome as a noun is relatively equivalent to state 12:21:22 MichaelC: re verbosity, important to cover content digestibly, maybe shorter bullet points with links into GD 12:21:35 ... the content is what we want to cover. Suggest we boil it down to bullet points and link to the document 12:21:47 ack me 12:21:51 MichaelC: written should be enough for presentation; but we can make references 12:22:13 jen: don´t think outcome and state mix 12:22:27 should look at orgs using equity-centered processes 12:22:45 Jen, aren't you arguing against something no one proposed? 12:23:01 state is a condition, outcome is a consequence 12:23:36 we do need to align the lingo 12:24:01 ok for me to do a readability pass on the slides? 12:24:16 js: google has some automatic features 12:24:24 jen: they don´t do enough 12:24:32
12:24:34 Can we please not digress? 12:24:55 jen: I can´t read this at the moment 12:25:09 want to make it easy for the group to read, provide ahead of time 12:25:23 js: I will check display after the content matures 12:25:28 you can take a pass at that point 12:25:47 so, I changed slide title to Equity-centered processes 12:25:53 q+ 12:26:10 objections to editing text, if original linked? 12:26:21 lc: that will help 12:26:35 ack je 12:26:49 ack cy 12:26:50 jen: so the slide content is from the google docs? 12:26:56 q+ to say suggesting 12:27:42 js: yes 12:28:04 cs: it´s not clear that we´re discussing 2 things 12:28:09 how equity is developed in AG 12:28:18 and how it is achieved via guidelines 12:28:32 as well as relation on conformance model 12:29:18 because we have to look at potential inequities in conformance model from many directions 12:29:33 q+ 12:29:54 ack me 12:29:54 MichaelC, you wanted to say suggesting 12:30:00 ack mi 12:30:56 mc: suggest using suggesting mode in google docs to highlight your comments 12:31:05 ack jen 12:31:08 we can review and accept for a new round each weeks 12:31:25 jen: are slides readable to you? 12:31:54 janina: generally gsuite is difficult, it´s got keyboard but gotchas 12:32:01 jen: how will you review? 12:32:13 janina: I will review with Jeanne 12:32:59 jen: I´m really struggling to understand the slides 12:33:07 +1 to Jennifer being able to do the work to make this understandable 12:33:53 want to make sure people seeing the intro receive a streamlined, impactful message 12:33:59 q+ 12:34:29 js: I did re-arrange to give structure 12:34:50 janina: we did think we had a presentation tomorrow, so it was a hasty gathering 12:35:12 js: we´ll move some content back to the background doc, which will help with review 12:36:40 ack me 12:36:56 mc: remember that content development has stages from rough to final 12:37:08 we have walkthrough of the rough version 12:37:20 +1 to using "result" 12:37:23 and the nearly final version will be ready for additional review 12:37:23 Please note, my concerns are less about the development of content and more about being able to understand what content is presented — due much to the current presentation of the proposed content. 12:38:17 q+ 12:38:22 js: what about combine result and state? 12:38:29 q+ 12:38:41 mc: if we don´t have consensus to combine, best to leave uncombined at this early stage 12:38:43 ack cy 12:39:11 cs: equity-based process holds a journey towards an outcome; along that journey there are states 12:39:17 Where something is "proposed" might we label it as such? i.e., "Equity as a state" becomes "Proposed: Equity as a state" — this way we come to understand what we're talking about. 12:39:23 +1 to Cyborg 12:39:30 js: think people would understand that 12:39:46 cs: that would address process of developing guidelines 12:39:52 =1 to Cyborg that along the journey towards equity there are states 12:40:19 q+ for Cyborg's two definitions of equity process 12:40:24 if our goal is equity for end users, there is a different process 12:40:44 within equity-based process we consider the meta-process 12:41:38 so want to separate a) how do we achieve equity for end users in WCAG 3 b) how do we engage in equity-based process in the development of WCAG 3 12:41:45 +q 12:42:05 js: that sounds like great content for the final report, which we´re not ready for yet 12:42:54 ack jen 12:43:42 jen: Please note, my concerns are less about the development of content and more about being able to understand what content is presented — due much to the current presentation of the proposed content. 12:43:50 Where something is "proposed" might we label it as such? i.e., "Equity as a state" becomes "Proposed: Equity as a state" — this way we come to understand what we're talking about. 12:45:26 ack ja 12:45:26 janina, you wanted to discuss Cyborg's two definitions of equity process 12:45:27 ack jan 12:46:53 janina: capturing that we want to support equity in the impact of a W3C specification, and that that specification itself embody process designed to continue to improve equity as a result of applying equity to its process 12:47:28 q+ 12:47:41 we need to capture how we do that, but not ¨boil the ocean¨ 12:47:46 maturity model relates to this 12:48:14 q? 12:48:25 js: editing slide 3 for that point 12:48:49 ack lau 12:49:04 lc: thanks for the work and input on this difficult work 12:49:16 re recommendations, there are a couple in the wiki 12:49:44 Achieve AGWG consensus on a clear definition of equity scoped for WCAG 3. 12:49:44 Achieve AGWG consensus on the actions and process needed for WCAG 3 to attain equitable results for all disability groups including those who may have been previously marginalized. 12:49:52 could see a slide for that 12:50:02 https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Equity-Framework 12:50:06 MichaelC has changed the topic to: WCAG 3 Equity sub-group 12:50:19 ack cy 12:50:43 cs: I think equity vs inequity fits in slide 2 12:51:17 +1 to janina´s characterization of what I said 12:51:29 but some of the details not clar 12:51:33 s/clar/clear/ 12:51:55 one of my biggest concerns is of inequity being baked into conformance 12:52:40 the need for equity in the conformance model is something we need to highlight 12:52:46 js: should conformance have its own slide then? 12:53:01 q+ 12:53:38 ack m 12:53:42 scribe+ 12:54:04 MC: The slection of recommendations should be Conformance oriented 12:54:32 ... the filters we have about achievability will have impact on conformance 12:54:58 ... accessibility support of WCAG2 has an equity impact by requiring people to have a level of tech 12:55:10 ... we aren't propose solutions, but we need to document the entire space 12:55:29 s/should be/should be in part/ 12:55:56 q+ 12:56:58 jen: another point we need to document is process 12:57:07 +1 to what Jen just said 12:57:31 ack j 12:57:37 rrsagent, make minutes 12:57:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/22-wcag3-equity-minutes.html MichaelC 13:58:09 janina has left #wcag3-equity