14:00:27 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 14:00:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/18-wpwg-irc 14:00:31 Meeting: Web Payments WG 14:00:42 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20220818 14:01:05 Regrets: NickTR 14:01:07 Chair: Ian 14:01:09 Scribe: Ian 14:01:13 present+ 14:01:19 Anne has joined #wpwg 14:01:23 present+ David_Benoit 14:01:29 present+ Erhard_Brand 14:01:34 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 14:01:38 presnet+ Gregoire_Leleux 14:01:40 JMGirard has joined #wpwg 14:01:43 present+ Jean-Michel_Girard 14:01:47 present+ Anne_Pouillard 14:01:50 Gerhard has joined #wpwg 14:01:56 present+ Steve_Cole 14:02:01 present+ Stephen_McGruer 14:02:26 present+ Jean-Luc_di_Manno 14:02:32 present+ Tomoya_Horiguchi 14:02:44 agenda+ SPC updates 14:02:49 agenda+ TPAC Check-in 14:02:57 agenda+ canMakePayment Use Cases 14:03:10 Steve_C has joined #wpwg 14:03:17 present+ Suzie_Annezo-Sébire 14:03:25 present+ Bastien_Latge 14:03:36 SuzieAS has joined #wpwg 14:04:53 zakim, take up item 1 14:04:53 agendum 1 -- SPC updates -- taken up [from Ian] 14:05:06 Start with https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/pull/198 14:05:11 JeanLuc has joined #WPWG 14:05:38 smcgruer_[EST]: This is an alignment with Web Authentication. We used "rp" instead of "rpid" and want to fix that to align with WebAuthn 14:05:44 ...this is reasonable but also a breaking change. :( 14:05:52 ...the resulting assertion is affected 14:06:07 ...the field name changes 14:06:16 Bastien has joined #WPWG 14:06:20 present+ 14:06:24 ...my proposal is for implementations to continue to produce "rp" but also add "rpid" 14:06:38 ...and we would deprecate "rp" over time. 14:06:47 +1 for the change, before larger adoption... 14:06:49 ...an alternative is to not make the change. 14:07:04 smcgruer_[EST]: I think it's reasonable to make the change while small-ish number of users. 14:07:18 present+ Manish 14:07:34 benoit has joined #wpwg 14:07:39 Ian: Thoughts on 3DS integration cost? 14:07:43 Bastien: I can check. 14:08:00 ...a priori I don't see an issue. 14:08:13 smcgruer_[EST]: Verifying the assertion is out of scope of 3DS strictly speaking 14:09:00 ACTION: Bastien to check with the EMV 3DS WG 14:09:44 +q 14:09:44 PROPOSED: Change "rp" to "rpid" in the SPC specification. 14:09:52 ack benoit 14:10:06 benoit: What would the deprecation plan be? 14:10:46 smcgruer_[EST]: Usually we measure usage of features as part of deprecation. But we don't measure things in this case. 14:10:57 ...we would start by producing both fields in the assertion 14:11:23 ...I expect we would announce a timeline and talk loudly about it 14:11:38 "rpId" is part of the webAuthenCredList in 3DS spec 14:12:08 present+ Susan_Koomen 14:12:21 +1 support proposal 14:12:22 present+ Rolf_Lindemann 14:12:24 yes, that's the input creds 14:12:30 +1 support proposal 14:12:59 +1 14:13:02 +1 14:13:03 rolf: +1 14:13:04 +1 14:13:31 Sue has joined #wpwg 14:13:33 Topic: WebAuthn and cross-origin credential creation 14:13:33 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mMgktymuzspnhfKC9i6_yBfb_VqXcc-DiBBhe0TSv5I/edit 14:14:01 Rolf has joined #wpwg 14:14:11 smcgruer_[EST]: we've heard both for SPC and other payments use cases with FIDO is a desire to enroll a user in a cross-origin iframe in a merchant page rather than redirect. 14:14:21 ...so SPC enables this but WebAuthn does not 14:14:26 ...I have heard people say it is useful generally 14:14:54 ...so it would be good to migrate this into Web Authn; there's a standing issue there on that topic 14:14:59 ...I'd like to get the WPWG's support for this 14:15:02 What is the WebAuthn issue number? 14:15:18 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1656 14:16:05 IJ: Any highlights for reasons this did not previously get traction? 14:16:37 smcgruer_[EST]: The three concerns cited previously on this topic: 14:16:41 1) Tracking 14:17:06 ...our proposal helps on this by requiring "user activation" which is not originally required in Web Authentication. 14:17:23 2) Regulatory questions 14:18:08 ...I think that usage is relevant here and so not inherently problematic. 14:18:46 smcgruer_[EST]: There was also some confusion in the original WebAuthn conversation; the goal is here for origin A to create a credential for itself; not create a credential for another origin. 14:18:54 ...I think Google's FIDO folks would be ok with this change. 14:19:07 Rolf: This is different from cross-origin invocation with special bit, right? 14:19:10 smcgruer_[EST]: Correct. 14:19:31 Rolf: If I receive and assertion, can I observe that it was created in a cross-origin iframe? 14:19:43 ...the existence of such information could help garner support. 14:19:54 smcgruer_[EST]: I would be open to that. 14:20:16 ...we need to think about whether there are privacy implications. 14:20:48 smcgruer_[EST]: Also note that the caller knows that they are creating an assertion in an iframe. 14:21:02 s/in an iframe// 14:21:21 Rolf: It's not clear you can disable invocation in an iframe easily. 14:21:37 smcgruer_[EST]: There are headers you can load to stop it. It's the caller's javascript the decides where to call. 14:21:51 Rolf: Be sure to tell people that they can disable something, and how to do so. 14:22:19 smcgruer_[EST]: Good point. I can add to the proposal mention of headers and possibly adding topOrigin 14:22:39 ACTION: smcgruer_[EST] to update the proposal to discussion of how to disable the functionality. 14:22:50 X-Frame-Options: DENY ? 14:23:03 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h6xgrp0Rwe9b3xs3RYgJ-3SJEwqjLP7jRtAc6DmBFbk/edit?pli=1 14:23:16 JeanLuc: I think that is correct, or use SAMEORIGIN 14:23:43 https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-crossorigin 14:23:45 [We observe that there's a flag in WebAuthn that indicates iframe was cross-origin] 14:24:11 smcgruer_[EST]: Jean-Luc, that may be it or another one like "same origin only" 14:24:53 PROPOSAL: Adopt the Proposal to re-raise issue of cross-origin creation with the WebAuthn WG (after stephen's edits) 14:25:02 Ian: +1 14:25:20 +1 14:25:28 yep +1 14:25:28 +1 14:25:35 +1 14:25:38 +1 14:25:43 +1 (do I count? ;)) 14:25:45 so RESOLVED 14:26:09 Topic: TPAC check-in 14:26:34 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-TPAC2022 14:28:23 present+ Carey_Ferro 14:29:19 careyf has joined #wpwg 14:30:17 Rolf: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h6xgrp0Rwe9b3xs3RYgJ-3SJEwqjLP7jRtAc6DmBFbk/edit may be useful reading, it's my proposed plan for this 14:30:48 Rolf: It does include such an extension in the WebAuthn space which maps to the FIDO CTAP bit 14:31:21 Sorry, the above is said from Stephen to Rolf, for clarity 14:31:45 Rolf: RP can ask the user in advance if they want to use cross-origin. 14:36:04 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/09/TPAC/#registration Registration 14:36:46 q+ 14:36:51 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:37:16 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2022/SessionIdeas 14:38:53 Ian: Any suggestions for topics? 14:39:23 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bxm7_gc-Wi7ZjWlgOMPbq3Kdv0L3lgvkkcVaQIFgPx8/edit#heading=h.dvz4zyoilau4 14:41:06 Fun fact: there's another TPAC also happening at the same time in Vancouver as our W3C TPAC 14:41:33 And they're first when you google "TPAC Vancouver" ! :D 14:41:44 'Third Party Advantage Conference' 14:42:37 Topic: canMakePayments 14:42:41 I saw that Stephen! lol 14:42:55 (This relates to Payment Request) 14:42:58 -> https://github.com/w3c/payment-handler/issues/401 Issue 401 14:43:05 "Request for use cases: "canmakepayment" event" 14:43:40 smcgruer_[EST]: We are looking at privacy topics generally (Sandbox) and this touches on all APIs, including PR API and PH API. 14:43:47 ...we've published a list of issues 14:43:56 -> https://github.com/rsolomakhin/webpayments/blob/gh-pages/privacy/issues/README.md 14:44:04 ...we have some ideas for mitigations of these concerns 14:44:12 ...we'll discuss more at TPAC 14:44:25 ...canMakePayment (and equivalent in Android) carries a lot of information 14:44:46 ...so we'd like to be sure we understand the use cases for this functionality so that we can properly mitigate the risks. 14:46:42 Ian: Would be good at TPAC to hear more about Chrome [And Other] view of PR API future 14:46:48 smcgruer_[EST]: Yes, let's chat 14:47:04 Topic: AOB? 14:47:16 Topic: Next meeting 14:47:16 TPAC 14:47:30 (No meeting 1 or 8 Sep) 14:47:49 RRSAGENT, make minutes 14:47:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/18-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:47:53 RRSAGENT, set logs public 15:00:50 GregoireLeleux has left #wpwg 15:01:53 careyf has left #wpwg 15:01:57 Steve_C has joined #wpwg 15:02:38 Bastien has left #wpwg 15:05:39 Gerhard_ has joined #wpwg