11:02:12 RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing 11:02:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/16-wot-marketing-irc 11:02:38 Ege has joined #wot-marketing 11:03:21 Mizushima has joined #wot-marketing 11:03:37 meeting: WoT Marketing 11:03:41 chair: Ege 11:03:51 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan 11:05:59 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:06:40 present+ Michael_McCool 11:06:55 McCool has joined #wot-marketing 11:08:42 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#August_16.2C_2022 11:09:01 topic: minutes 11:09:16 ege: review minutes of Aug 9 11:09:26 i|review|-> https://www.w3.org/2022/08/09-wot-marketing-minutes.html Aug-9| 11:10:29 ... again, would like to expand the initials 11:10:38 kaz: will also add your name to the chairs 11:11:10 ege: otherwise looks good, if no objections can publish after fixes 11:11:13 ... no objections 11:11:21 topic: PRs 11:11:28 subtopic: PR #336 11:11:36 ege: history of standardization 11:12:12 ... some feedback: pictures, second workshop 11:13:12 ... made some edits, added some pictures 11:13:23 q+ 11:13:47 ... however, need to find pictures, workshop 11:14:49 kaz: will dig into webserver but will take some time 11:15:28 mm: would be better to archive pictures somewhere we can access, so we solve this problem once 11:15:51 kaz: when do you need them by? 11:16:53 mm: I would also like to do an editorial pass, so at least a couple of weeks 11:17:06 ege: can look at it again at the end of Aug/TPAC 11:17:40 q+ 11:18:17 ege: unfortunately most pictures don't show any women 11:18:43 mm: true, but we could use the shot showing the entire audience of the second workshop 11:19:06 kaz: also a space problem with pictures 11:19:19 ege: right, if put in github will blow up the repo 11:19:45 kaz: maybe can just store the links, eg. and index page, in the repo 11:19:57 subtopic: Pr #331 11:20:02 ack k 11:20:11 rrsagent, make log public 11:20:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:20:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/16-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 11:20:24 ege: about reorganizing explainers, made a checklist last time, worked through 11:20:32 ... so there is a new draft 11:21:27 ... now explainers are linked, but titled as explainers 11:22:03 mm: only TD 1.1, do we wait for discovery? 11:22:48 ege: would like to merge this now, do discovery later 11:22:53 i|ege: history of standardization|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/336 PR 336 - Adding History of the Standardization| 11:22:55 ... let me create an issue 11:23:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:23:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/16-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 11:23:04 q? 11:23:32 mm: ok let's merge 11:23:46 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/338 11:23:54 ege: (merged) 11:23:57 i|ege: about reorganizing explainers, made a checklist last time, worked through|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/331 PR 331 - Move Explainer to Marketing repo| 11:24:03 topic: issues 11:24:05 s/https/-> https/ 11:24:12 subtopic: issue #329 11:24:27 ege: json schema case study; draft of case study, under review 11:24:38 s/338/338 Issue 338 - Add Discovery Explainer/ 11:24:53 topic: IG-CG discussion 11:25:13 ege: don't plan to do this every week, maybe biweekly or once a month 11:25:33 ... propose starting Sept 6 but that is TPAC pre-meeting, people will be busy 11:25:46 q+ 11:26:29 mm: might be ok to have it in pre-TPAC if include discussion of next WG charter items 11:26:47 i|ege: json schema case study;|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/329 Issue 329 - JSON Schema Case Study| 11:27:41 mm: seeking input on priorities and use cases 11:28:06 kaz: as staff, most important point is clarifying responsibilities of each group 11:28:43 ... don't think we should continue this discussion, and make final decision about responsibilities 11:29:03 ege: you mean responsibilities that CG should take? 11:29:34 kaz: for example, don't necessarily need wot-marketing TF after CG starts 11:30:58 mm: need to get a clear resolution 11:31:55 ege: agree, but don't understand exact first step to take 11:35:24 ... don't know where resolution should go 11:37:55 mm: suggest create issue in wot repo, draft a resolution, schedule time to discuss in TPAC pre-meeting, in the meantime label issue in wot-marketing 11:38:11 ege: propose to create an issue right now then 11:40:33 mm: need to capture and resolve some sticking points, e.g. distinguishing official WG/IG anouncements from CG material 11:40:59 ... we just need a policy 11:41:25 kaz: and from current pages, need to figure out which are managed by which group 11:42:20 ... just creating github issues is not enough, need a draft policy 11:42:53 ... maybe a diagram, listing of pages 11:43:41 ... locations and types of content 11:44:41 mm: want to make sure the directory structure is clear 11:45:37 ege: if move repo, will have to update web site redirection as well 11:45:51 mm: that should not be a problem, the wot-marketing name is troublesome anyway 11:46:17 kaz: also need to talk to W3M about publishing responsibilities, etc. 11:46:48 ege: don't understand exact issues here... 11:46:58 kaz: we did discuss it before 11:49:26 ... may need to have another call about process 11:49:45 mm: we really just need exact steps to go from here to there 11:50:27 ege: get the feeling the previous discussion was not clear; who has the work, what needs to be done? 11:50:46 kaz: before creating detailed issues and PRs, need design and policy 11:51:13 ege: so where do we write that content if we don't use github? 11:51:58 ... I felt in particular that we have already clarified our expectations 11:52:22 kaz: which group is responsible for what resources 11:55:27 mm: still feel we should use the wot repo to organize a resolution, at least for the IG/WG resolution 11:55:45 ... but some homework needs to be done to consolidate prior discussion 11:56:28 kaz: there are also multiple groups now, including Japanese WoT CG, Ben's group, etc. 11:57:38 kaz: also, need to have another resolution for "groups" that are involved in WoT 11:58:41 ege: Publishing@W3C page mentions activities 11:58:54 kaz: obsolete terminology, unfortunately 12:03:41 mm: suggest we make a list of things to do in the issue, and Kaz should comment on additional tasks 12:07:08 kaz: I am a little worried about visibility of this discussion 12:07:24 mm: we could use a private repo 12:09:07 ege: ok, let me do that 12:10:23 mm: let's aim to get a draft done by the pre-TPAC, then get input, then aim to finalize that it that week 12:10:43 ... maybe can allocate two slots; first to discuss draft and gather input, second for actual resolution 12:17:29 [adjourned] 12:17:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:17:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/16-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 13:35:34 Zakim has left #wot-marketing