11:54:37 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-equity 11:54:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/15-wcag3-equity-irc 11:54:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:54:39 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jeanne 11:54:43 Meeting: WCAG3 Equity Subgroup 11:54:43 present: 11:54:43 chair: Janina, jeanne 11:54:43 present+ 11:54:44 zakim, clear agenda 11:54:44 rrsagent, make minutes 11:54:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/15-wcag3-equity-minutes.html jeanne 11:54:44 agenda cleared 11:54:44 q? 11:55:14 queue: 12:00:11 q? 12:00:15 q- 12:00:28 Jen has joined #wcag3-equity 12:00:34 present+ 12:00:46 agenda+ Review expectations: scribing, queuing, homework, CEPC 12:00:46 agenda+ Writing proposals and supporting varied accessibility needs 12:00:46 agenda+ Review the concepts that the definition should capture 12:00:46 agenda+ Review Known Challenges section 12:00:47 agenda+ Review Outstanding Questions section 12:01:10 present+ 12:01:14 present+ Laura_Carlson 12:02:59 zakim, take up item 1 12:02:59 agendum 1 -- Review expectations: scribing, queuing, homework, CEPC -- taken up [from jeanne] 12:03:03 scribe: Laura 12:03:51 jeanne: please use the IRC que. 12:04:29 CEPC -> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/#unacceptablebehavior 12:04:33 ... reminder of CEPC 12:04:33 Reminder of CEPC 12:05:19 ... allow everyone apporunity to speak, and being respectful. 12:05:54 jennifer: please let me know if I should be doing anything. 12:06:29 janina: reminder of need to que. 12:07:03 zakim, take up next 12:07:03 agendum 2 -- Writing proposals and supporting varied accessibility needs -- taken up [from jeanne] 12:07:05 janne: looked at how to make it work for new members. 12:07:34 jeanne: set up google doc. 12:07:54 ... will try to make things sync up. 12:07:54 Drafts and thoughts on Equity -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nNIHH8c55xWLk5mmTCVDPSnORcIlX2n4MNg3eyADRRg/edit#heading=h.th10bv7bnizg 12:08:30 ... it will allow others to comment on opur work. 12:09:06 Cyborg has joined #wcag3-equity 12:09:21 q+ 12:09:49 ... good to have differing opinions. 12:10:11 s/differing opinions/differing accessibility needs 12:10:17 jen: raising issues since I joined. 12:10:38 ... such as coga. Tools are not working. 12:11:04 ... how did any thing ever get done. 12:11:37 ... some have difficulties with the tools. 12:12:19 ... need consistency in where things are. 12:12:39 q+ 12:12:54 zakim, take up next 12:12:54 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, jeanne 12:12:56 ack jen 12:12:56 jeanne: Review the concepts 12:13:07 zakim, close this item 12:13:07 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, MichaelC 12:13:11 q- 12:13:13 zakim, take up next 12:13:13 agendum 3 -- Review the concepts that the definition should capture -- taken up [from jeanne] 12:13:39 MC: looked at homework and added thoughts to the doc. 12:14:15 ... (reads his updates) 12:14:58 is this where we are now? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nNIHH8c55xWLk5mmTCVDPSnORcIlX2n4MNg3eyADRRg/edit#heading=h.th10bv7bnizg 12:15:01 mc: state vs process. Thinks it is more of a state. 12:15:55 q+ 12:15:59 jeanne: (reads her updates) 12:16:02 q+ 12:16:37 ... likes how it impacts out guidelines. 12:16:49 ... like to have very specific things. 12:17:00 q+ to drop mentioning "measurability" and simply say "prioritize meeting user needs" 12:17:21 ack jan 12:17:21 janina, you wanted to drop mentioning "measurability" and simply say "prioritize meeting user needs" 12:17:28 q+ to say state, requirements, process 12:17:39 janina: name meeting user needs as our priority. 12:17:41 q+ to respond to "measurability" 12:17:54 ack me 12:17:54 MichaelC, you wanted to say state, requirements, process 12:17:57 ack ja 12:18:03 ... measurability may be the topic. 12:18:15 mc: equity is a state. 12:18:37 ... we need to define it and be clear. 12:18:56 ... then here are things that are needed to achive them 12:19:00 q+ 12:19:01 +1 to that 12:19:22 ack jen 12:19:29 ... room for processs guidance at the end. 12:20:09 q+ to address process vis a vis state 12:20:10 jen: just finidng google doc this morning. Think it is a 12:20:36 jeanne: wiki doc is the forma doc. 12:20:52 can we add the framework doc to the google doc too so we can comment on it too? 12:21:05 link to framework doc please? 12:21:12 jen: I added a lot to the wiki last week. 12:21:24 Equity Framework -> https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Equity-Framework 12:21:43 ... intstagram real 12:21:55 ... would be a helpful guide for us. 12:22:00 +1 to the state outcome. I think there is also a process element in how we develop guidelines 12:22:14 ... we can' keep pace with technology changes. 12:22:34 q+ to talk about scope at actionable 12:22:44 ... progessive enhancement is helpful to this. 12:23:22 ... added graphics. 12:23:51 ... nees pwd contributing to the work. 12:24:12 can the wiki material be added to the google doc to reconcile them please? 12:25:07 jeanne: reads Laura's updates. 12:25:45 Laura's definition prooposal -> https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Equity-Framework#draft-definition-from-laura 12:25:57 q? 12:25:58 ack je 12:25:58 jeanne, you wanted to respond to "measurability" 12:26:46 q+ to s/measure/evaluate/ 12:26:54 +1 to we cannot exclude things because of measurability 12:27:12 jeanne: thinks measurability can't be excluded from the definition. 12:28:05 ack cy 12:28:24 q+ to note existing efforts towards equity, and to prioritize finding additional ones 12:28:30 Cyborg: +1 to Jeanne. 12:28:56 ... can wiki content be put into the wiki? 12:29:12 q+ to talk about how to keep documents in sync 12:29:32 ... we are talking about equity and inequity. 12:29:39 q+ to explore inequity 12:30:10 ... need to explain both. Explain inequity first. 12:30:38 ...think it is a process and a state. 12:31:06 ... we should address measurability too. 12:31:35 ... will add to google doc. 12:31:50 ack jan 12:31:50 janina, you wanted to address process vis a vis state 12:32:29 q+ to say req for proc 12:32:44 janina: agree with MC it is a state. But it also needs to be a process because it keeps changing. 12:33:25 ... no one has fully clean hands. 12:33:53 ... alt text has qualitative factors. 12:34:30 q+ 12:35:10 ... what makes things work? It may be qualitave not just quantitative. 12:35:15 ack me 12:35:15 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about scope at actionable and to s/measure/evaluate/ and to note existing efforts towards equity, and to prioritize finding additional ones and to 12:35:18 ... explore inequity and to say req for proc 12:36:09 mc: scope of what we can do: We are ficused on web site authoring. 12:36:48 s/ficused/focused/ 12:37:28 ... could have requirements for our proceces. but should be a separate conversation. 12:38:31 ... I've been focusing on test an measure to evaluate. 12:38:49 ... looking at inequity could be helpful. 12:40:02 jeanne: mirroring wiki in the google doc can be complicated. 12:40:54 q+ 12:40:57 jen: mirror issues are very real. 12:41:31 ... looking at "outcome" or "state". 12:41:53 ... added definitions. 12:42:09 ... leaning toward "outcome" 12:42:24 ... something to reflect on. 12:42:57 ... increasing representation is a longer term issue. 12:43:54 q? 12:44:10 ... may pwd have joined but will not come returrn because of issues encountered. 12:44:30 s/returrn/return/ 12:44:32 q+ about this subgroup scope 12:44:37 q+ 12:44:49 ack je 12:44:51 ack jen 12:44:56 ack cy 12:45:24 Cyborg: terms woud fit into a model. 12:45:50 ... will think about it. 12:46:31 ... difficult to do 2 screens. 12:47:17 jeanne: trying to write a proposal to bring this together 12:47:20 ack je 12:47:20 jeanne, you wanted to talk about how to keep documents in sync 12:47:30 ack jan 12:48:02 janina: hearing tool issues are problematic. 12:48:17 ... need to narrow our focus. 12:48:38 q+ to say our focus for this sprint is what is needed to make conformance decisions at TPAC 12:49:16 ... need a tech description of what authors need to do. 12:49:20 q+ 12:49:49 ack jea 12:49:49 jeanne, you wanted to say our focus for this sprint is what is needed to make conformance decisions at TPAC 12:49:51 ... not going to solve all equity issues. need to narrow scoe. 12:50:05 s/scoe/scope/ 12:50:18 jeanne: our focus for this sprint is what is needed to make conformance decisions at TPAC 12:50:52 ack cy 12:50:59 ... need good decsions about conformance model. 12:51:07 q+ 12:51:24 Cyborg: come back to process and conformace. 12:51:48 ... could create buckets and invite input. 12:52:49 ... helpful to get continuing input on inequity. 12:53:05 ... scope higher. 12:54:10 janina: not sure how we meet coga in measurability, it is a qualitative & subjective. 12:54:24 q+ to review difference between measureability and evaluation and automation 12:54:33 ACK jan 12:54:48 ... describe how it looks and works. 12:55:29 what Janina just said ought to be in this document. 12:55:45 jeanne: are groups working on measureability and evaluation 12:56:16 ack je 12:56:16 jeanne, you wanted to review difference between measureability and evaluation and automation 12:56:19 ... could add a new section for those 12:57:27 jeanne: we on AG agenda for next week. 12:57:34 how can i add between now and then? 12:57:52 ... (reads proposed survey questions) 12:58:13 can we please copy from the framework to the google doc so i can comment on that? 12:58:42 ... I can add things to the wiki. 12:59:09 rrsagent, make minutes 12:59:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/15-wcag3-equity-minutes.html jeanne 13:40:12 laura has left #wcag3-equity 13:47:50 janina has left #wcag3-equity 14:44:27 present+ Cyborg, MichaelC 14:44:39 rrsagent, make minutes 14:44:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/15-wcag3-equity-minutes.html jeanne