12:04:06 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:04:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/10-wot-irc 12:04:13 meeting: WoT-IG/WG 12:04:45 chair: McCool/Sebastian 12:05:10 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally 12:06:13 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:06:35 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:07:07 dape has joined #wot 12:08:04 topic: Profile discussion - continued from the Profile call 12:08:24 present+ Michael_Koster 12:09:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/contributions/2022-08-10-Wot-Profile-Next-Steps.pdf 12:09:18 s/pdf/pdf Lagally's slides/ 12:09:40 ml: (explains the slides on the high-level structure of the WoT Profile spec) 12:09:54 ... [HTTP Baseline + Common Constraints] 12:10:10 ... [Webhook +SSE Events] 12:10:15 ... [Alternatives] 12:10:35 q+ 12:10:35 ... possible options for the net steps 12:10:55 [[ 12:10:55 A. Dont' publish Profile REC within this Charter, defer to nxt Charter 12:10:57 B. Publish the Profifil as a WG Note in this Charter period 12:10:59 C. Publish the Profile 1.0 as a REC ,make event mechanisms non-norative 12:11:01 D. Publish Profile 1.0 as a REC with "HTTP Baseline" only 12:11:03 ]] 12:11:05 ml: event handling is still tbd 12:11:41 ... Option C suggests make it normative in Profile 1.1 after sufficient plugfests 12:12:12 s/make it/publishing event mechanism non-normative in Profile 1.0/ 12:12:38 ... Option D suggests publishing Profile 1.0 only with "HTTP Baseline" 12:13:09 ... Option A suggests not publishing Profile as a REC within this Charter period 12:13:11 q? 12:13:28 q+ 12:13:32 mm: Ben was in favor of option A here 12:13:34 ack m 12:13:43 ... a compromise is take option C or D 12:13:55 ... publish it in early stage in the next Charter 12:14:04 ... we simply carry it forward 12:14:15 ... 2 deliverables here, 1.0 and 1.1 12:14:26 ... 1.0 just with HTTP Baseline 12:14:46 ... can't wait until everything is done 12:15:03 ml: tx for your proposal 12:15:07 q+ 12:15:17 ... however, would like to go for option C or D 12:15:47 ... we now have good momentum 12:16:05 ... and would like to continue to use it 12:16:16 q? 12:16:33 q+ 12:16:45 dp: no strong opinion 12:16:59 ... but going forward to REC requires two implementations 12:17:09 ... possible Oracle and WebThing 12:17:18 ... but not really sure at the moment 12:17:48 ... Scripting API doesn't have enough support for WoT Profile yet 12:18:05 mm: Actions is on the border line now 12:18:32 ml: not Actions in general but just sync/async Actions 12:19:15 dp: even Actions still in flight from my viewpoint 12:19:40 s/even/Events to be postponed, and even/ 12:20:06 q? 12:20:09 ack d 12:20:13 ml: why don't you join the Profile call and join the discussion on the remaining difficulties? 12:20:22 sebastian has joined #wot 12:20:31 ... would try to meet all the requirements of the whole WG 12:21:01 ... would go for option D when we're confident 12:21:13 ek: would agree with Ben for option A here 12:21:51 q? 12:22:19 ... don't like 1.1 specs due to potential backward compatibility issues 12:22:21 ack e 12:22:40 ack k 12:24:02 kaz: we should clarify all the remaining issues, e.g., those mentioned during this call, and register them to the wot-profile repository 12:24:21 ... and discuss the details during the Profile call rather than this call today 12:24:27 ml: ok 12:24:38 ... on the other hand, kind of concerned about the procedure 12:24:55 ... wondering about when/how to close the discussion 12:25:12 mm: would like to check if we have the Profile call next week 12:25:20 ml: no Profile call next Tuesday 12:25:37 q+ 12:25:39 s/Tuesday/Wednesday, August 17/ 12:25:42 ack k 12:26:06 ack e 12:27:12 (so the next Profile call will be on August 24) 12:27:45 topic: WoT F2F meeting around TPAC 2022 12:28:02 mm: how to organize the Pre-Meeting? 12:28:23 q+ 12:28:56 dezell has joined #wot 12:28:58 ... do we want to have 2h meetings over five days as usual? 12:29:02 (no objections) 12:29:09 present+ David_Ezell 12:29:23 mm: think we need enough time for discussion 12:29:24 kaz: +1 12:29:36 mm: Kaz and I will work on the logistics then 12:29:55 ... we need to cancel all the other (ordinary) meetings 12:30:06 ... during the pre-meeting on Sep 5-9 12:30:14 topic: TPAC f2f 12:30:22 mm: TPAC agenda next 12:30:42 ... given the pre-meeting, would be good to have just summary during TPAC on Monday 12:31:01 ... about Deliverables and new Charter 12:31:05 ack k 12:31:38 ... generated deliverable proposals area 12:32:05 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/main/proposals/deliverable-proposals Deliverable proposals for the next WoT WG Charter 12:32:18 mm: also discussion issue available 12:32:26 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/978 Discussion issue 12:32:38 mm: regarding the joint meetings 12:32:52 q+ 12:33:11 ... Automotive, DID/VC are confirmed 12:33:23 ... need to get registered 12:33:31 ... note the early-bird rate is over 12:33:54 ek: will participate remotely in the end 12:34:10 kaz: please edit the f2f wiki directly 12:34:12 ek: ok 12:34:32 mm: we'll have the reports from the WoT CG and the WoT-JP CG as well 12:34:36 ... anything else? 12:34:38 (none) 12:34:42 topic: Publication 12:34:55 mm: TD was published on August 3 12:35:04 ... Discovery was also published today 12:35:29 ... CR transition expected around August 31 12:35:47 i|TD was|-> https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-wot-thing-description11-20220803/ TD| 12:36:20 i|TD was|-> https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-wot-discovery-20220810/ Discovery| 12:36:46 mm: we'll discuss the CR publication during the Pre-TPAC meeting 12:37:01 ... can think about the latest ED as the CR candidates 12:37:28 q+ 12:37:30 ack e 12:37:57 s/ED/WD/ 12:38:14 kaz: maybe there are some recent updates after the published WD 12:38:24 mm: would expect the recent updates are minor 12:39:04 ... but the latest ED might be better 12:39:17 ... (generates proposal for resolution) 12:39:37 proposal: consider the current ED for Discovery and Thing Description and start a two-week review today, aiming at a resolution on CR Transition for both during the week of 5-9 Sept (TPAC pre-meeting) 12:40:00 mm: objections? 12:40:02 (none) 12:40:04 resolution: consider the current ED for Discovery and Thing Description and start a two-week review today, aiming at a resolution on CR Transition for both during the week of 5-9 Sept (TPAC pre-meeting) 12:40:44 mm: PR transition expected around December 12:40:48 topic: Testing 12:41:02 mm: approved the minutes from the Testfest 12:41:55 ... am working hard to keep the latest implementations on the specs' repositories (on the main branch) 12:42:12 ... TD has 37 unimplemented features 12:42:40 ... 15 features with only one implementation 12:42:49 ... will grab these numbers 12:43:04 ... and put them on the agenda 12:43:20 ... related issue on i18n 12:43:34 ... features around Discovery are still at-risk 12:43:59 ... still in-flight is Architecture 12:44:11 ... some of the assertions are not testable as pointed out by TAG 12:44:31 ... the rest are straightforward 12:45:03 ... unfortunately, security call will be cancelled next Monday 12:45:09 ... but will work on the remaining issues 12:45:24 ... to make the assertion validatable 12:45:32 ... Profile still need more work 12:46:05 ... the implementation reports look good now 12:46:17 ... but still some remaining issues there 12:46:41 ... new stuff about language, etc. 12:46:47 topic: Liaisons 12:47:14 sk: Doodle poll for the OPC UA liaison meeting has been extended with the candidates in September 12:47:18 ... please respond 12:48:14 mm: should prioritize some of the key people 12:48:17 sk: right 12:48:57 mm: tech discussion issue still available 12:49:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1020 PR 1020 for discussion 12:49:21 subtopic: DTDL 12:49:28 mm: still waiting response from Erich 12:49:31 topic: WOT CG 12:49:39 mm: CG Charter review done? 12:49:44 ek: yes 12:49:56 ... Cristiano is talking with the CG manager 12:49:57 q+ 12:50:23 ack k 12:50:47 benfrancis4 has joined #wot 12:50:55 topic: Ongoing actions 12:51:21 mm: don't see remaining issues except the TAG review 12:52:09 ... still need to work on Accessibility for Architecture and Profile 12:52:48 s/still/but still/ 12:53:01 s/WOT/WoT/ 12:53:18 i/Doodle/subtopic: OPC-UA/ 12:53:23 rrsagent, make log public 12:53:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:53:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:54:38 topic: WoT-JP CG 12:55:00 kaz: they're working on a WoT promotion event for publishing industry 12:55:11 ... should include topics on digital twin and metaverse as well 12:55:31 mm: wondering about the expected reports during TPAC 12:55:48 topic: TF reports 12:55:57 q+ 12:56:02 subtopic: TD 12:56:12 sk: would address as much issues as possible 12:56:13 q+ 12:56:33 s/issues/issues and PRs/ 12:57:01 ... wondering if it's ok to start the official review phase 12:57:24 mm: we've already made a resolution 12:57:34 ... and it meant the ED the end of today :) 12:57:39 subtopic: Marketing 12:57:48 ek: JSON Schema case study 12:58:01 ... whether it needs serious review or not 12:58:08 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/329 12:58:09 ... if people are interested would get reviews 12:58:22 ... generated a GitHub issue for that purpose 12:58:41 https://deploy-preview-336--wot-marketing.netlify.app/about/history/ 12:59:14 ... you can get rendered results by accessing the netlify page above 12:59:30 mm: what about Munich f2f and second workshop? 12:59:35 ... should mention that 13:00:03 i/https/ek: also working the history page/ 13:00:09 q- 13:00:56 [main call adjourned; test call in 10mins on the same WebEx but different IRC channel (=#wot-pf)] 13:00:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:00:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:09:43 Mizushima has left #wot 13:10:50 ktoumura has left #wot 15:03:54 Zakim has left #wot 15:28:42 benfrancis8 has joined #wot 16:36:13 kaz has joined #wot 16:56:31 benfrancis2 has joined #wot