12:11:53 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:11:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-irc 12:11:57 ... please note: everyone needs to rejoin the WG 12:12:31 MMC: you need to ask AC rep 12:12:38 q? 12:13:01 q+ mlagally 12:13:25 benfrancis2 has joined #wot 12:13:26 ML: I was implementing a PR and noticed issues with Github 12:13:40 ... e.g., creating branches and such does not work 12:14:06 q? 12:14:07 q? 12:14:09 ack m 12:14:41 SK: w.r.t. cancellation.. I am not aware of any cancellations 12:14:50 MMC: many people go on vacation 12:14:57 i/please note/scribenick: dape/ 12:14:59 ... shall we cancel calls over the next weeks 12:15:12 ... for example SK is not available the next weeks 12:15:16 q+ 12:15:17 i/please note/SK: WG charter extension has been approved/ 12:15:23 ... I suggest to keep the calls 12:15:34 i/please note/TOPIC: Quick updates/ 12:15:42 SK: Right, I am not available next week ... but back the week after 12:15:51 i/please note/--> none -> minutes approved/ 12:16:01 ... starting from 22 of August I am on vacation 12:16:06 i/please note/SK: Minutes good to me. Any objections to make minutes public?/ 12:16:09 MMC: Should check next week again 12:16:20 i/please note// 12:16:30 dezell has joined #wot 12:16:31 ML: We decided to make profile/arch next week.. 12:16:35 i/please note/present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima/ 12:16:38 present+ David_Ezell 12:16:44 ... however, I am not available next weeks 12:16:54 ... I assume we should cancel all Arch calls in August 12:17:02 i|please note|-> July-27 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/07/27-wot-minutes.html| 12:17:15 i|please note|TOPIC: Minutes| 12:17:28 MMC: w.r.t. discovery and security we will discuss in the task force next week 12:17:31 i|please note|Kaz: working on request from Elodie Thieblin's IE application| 12:17:47 i|please note|TOPIC: New IE request| 12:17:52 rrsagent, make log public 12:18:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:18:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:18:04 DP: scripting also skips 2 calls in August 12:18:12 MMC: please update wiki section 12:18:34 SK: What about pre-TPAC PlugFest in Aug 29 - Sept 2 12:18:44 MMC: Right, might be difficult 12:18:54 ... maybe post TPAC PlugFest 12:20:39 12:21:24 MMC: lets postpone use-case call after TPAC 12:21:32 ... same for DTDL 12:21:37 q+ 12:21:43 ML: use-case call during TPAC? 12:21:51 ack ml 12:21:52 MMC: 4 hours total... 12:22:04 ... one day full of joined calls 12:22:22 ML: Other groups to talk to... 12:22:32 ... eg. Automotive 12:22:37 q- 12:22:46 MMC: Yes, let's discuss this in TPAC slot 12:23:24 q+ 12:23:47 ack dape 12:24:09 MMC: please send email about cancellations to me 12:24:19 TOPIC: TPAC 2022 12:24:31 -> TPAC 2022 WoT wiki -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_September_2022 12:24:41 SK: Note: early bird registration ends end of the week 12:24:49 rrsagent, make log public 12:24:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:24:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:25:07 SK: Joined meetings planned 12:25:28 meeting: WoT-IG/WG 12:25:36 chair: Sebastian/McCool 12:25:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:25:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:25:38 MMC: spatial data on the web.. not meeting 12:25:47 ... decided to do that after TPAC 12:25:58 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura, David_Ezell 12:25:59 SK: DID? 12:26:05 present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda 12:26:10 MMC: Manu Sporny will join us 12:26:26 ... new stuff about signature etc 12:26:36 ... can discuss with them 12:26:40 SK: JSON-LD 12:26:49 ... talked to Kellog 12:26:58 ... focus is YAML 12:27:01 i/WG charter ex/scribenick: kaz 12:27:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:27:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:27:50 ... I don't seen any urgent topic 12:28:00 q+ 12:28:06 s/seen/see/ 12:28:10 SK: suggest not having a meeting 12:28:13 MMC: YAML should be in our next charter 12:28:31 ... we have assertions with alternative content encoding 12:28:39 ... e.g. test gzipped JSON 12:28:59 mjk has joined #wot 12:29:02 q+ 12:29:14 q+ 12:29:17 Kaz: wondering whether meeting JSON-LD should take place 12:29:28 ... e.g., syntax issues et cetera 12:29:44 ack k 12:29:45 SK: At the moment no real issue that comes to my mind 12:30:00 ... at the moment we are happy 12:30:18 ... signature and canonicalization is done linked data group 12:30:39 DE: at Connexion we use YAML extensively 12:30:56 ... things YAML can do.. that JSON can do 12:31:02 ... but easy to stay away from it 12:31:33 MMC: corner cases in YAML that need to be resolved 12:31:39 ... validation still bugs me 12:31:47 s/whether meeting JSON-LD should take place/if there is really nothing to be discussed with the JSON-LD WG. Don't we have any remaining issues about how to deal with IDs and versions, reference for external resources, etc.? 12:31:52 ... validating TD 12:31:59 SK: SHACL validator ? 12:32:01 s/... e.g., syntax issues et cetera// 12:32:13 q? 12:32:18 MMC: I mean properly ... validating an extension 12:32:31 SK: not sure if this a topic of JSON-LD wg 12:32:35 ack dezell 12:32:39 ack McCool 12:33:00 q+ 12:33:05 SK: Suggest we wait for the YAML outcome from JSON-LD wg 12:33:16 ... I like having comments in YAML 12:33:44 SK: IF we want to have a meeting with JSON-LD... please contact me 12:33:51 +1 for YAML serialization. It is becoming the more preferred format 12:34:01 q- 12:34:01 ... at the moment I don't think this is urgent at the moment 12:34:04 +1 12:34:27 i/please note:/scribenick: dape/ 12:34:29 q+ 12:34:32 SK: Suggest to talk with Automotive 12:34:52 ack k 12:35:02 We are also working to formalize how extensions work in SDF, possibly with extension schemas 12:35:10 Kaz: one of the expected topics is vehicle ontology 12:35:26 MMC: Suggest to look at schedule 12:35:41 ... can have one more joint call? 12:35:47 ... APA? 12:36:17 SK: I think it is already tight 12:36:56 ... using breakout time? 12:37:03 MMC: breakout is demo time 12:37:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:37:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:37:36 SK: We can ask APA for availability 12:37:51 MMC: Yes, let's do that 12:38:04 ... we can squeeze the slots a bit 12:38:28 MMC: ask both, SDW and APA? 12:38:39 q+ 12:39:06 ... first day .. talking about new charter 12:39:14 ... second day.. having a proposal 12:39:47 Kaz: meetings 1 week before TPAC 12:39:54 ... could use that time as well 12:40:13 MMC: Pre-TPAC meetings 12:40:25 ... we should get it organized 12:40:44 s/meetings 1 week/I thought we were planning to have another dedicated 1-week meeting/ 12:40:50 ... who can make it? 12:40:56 SK: will be on vacation 12:41:12 MMC: issue: first week of school 12:41:21 ... maybe do it after TPAC? 12:41:43 ack k 12:41:46 q+ 12:41:46 SK: sounds good 12:42:32 Kaz: We should use main call slot for initial charter discussion 12:42:47 MMC: Yes, suggest to have all main calls in August 12:42:58 ... so that we are better prepared 12:43:15 Kaz: Continue discussion after TPAC is nice 12:43:49 MMC: Monday Sep 12 ... initial discussions 12:44:25 ... on Monday.. we should look at deliverables and their status 12:44:34 ... CG relations et cetera 12:44:53 Kaz: initial discussion summarizing current status 12:45:02 MMC: I will work on Monday schedule 12:45:19 Kaz: w.r.t. OpenDay slot 12:45:29 ... remove the slot during TPAC? 12:45:42 ... move it to post TPAC 12:46:05 MMC: let's schedule OpenDay separately 12:46:13 q? 12:46:14 ack k 12:46:30 MMC: will contact SDW and APA 12:46:46 ... and squeeze them in if available 12:47:01 TOPIC: Publications 12:47:10 SUBTOPIC: ThingDescription 12:47:17 s/ThingD/Thing D/ 12:47:21 https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-wot-thing-description11-20220803/ 12:47:25 SK: TD1.1 WD4 has been released 12:47:29 s/https/-> https/ 12:47:41 s|03/|03/ TD 11 WD4| 12:47:45 ... will be last WD before going to CR 12:48:00 q+ 12:48:37 ack k 12:49:24 SUBTOPIC: Wide Review action item 12:49:35 SK: feedback from TAG 12:49:38 ... https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Wide_Review 12:49:46 i/SUBTOPIC:/kaz: sorry but there was some confusion about the publication procedure, and would like to improve it next time./ 12:49:53 i/sorry but/scribenick: kaz/ 12:49:55 ... no feedback with discovery yet 12:50:04 i/feedback/scribenick: dape/ 12:50:15 MMC: noticed 2 internationalization issues 12:50:33 ... expect those 2 it looks good 12:50:50 SK: security/privacy ? 12:50:58 MMC: will talk to APA 12:51:49 SK: Summary: most relevant feedback is TAG review 12:52:02 ... should look into it in Arch call 12:52:15 ML: We received couple of things 12:53:08 MMC: TAG issues apply to discovery and TD as well 12:53:37 ... problem .. untestable assertions 12:54:23 SK: Update - publication process w.r.t. discovery 12:54:40 MMC: ready.. wait till Kaz finds the time.. 12:54:48 Kaz: Working on it 12:54:55 TOPIC: Testing 12:55:02 SK: TD testing look good 12:55:19 ... still some issues left ... can be solved in CR phase 12:55:31 MMC: in general TD and discovery are in good shape 12:55:40 ... should work on security issues 12:55:49 ... suggest not rush in CR 12:55:58 ... fixing in CR is more problematic 12:56:12 ... manual assertions need more work 12:56:20 ... Architectire need more work 12:56:29 s/Architectire/Architecture 12:56:38 TOPIC: Review Charter Extensions and Renewal 12:56:46 SK: Charter extension ongoing 12:56:47 q+ for AOB 12:57:06 ... will discuss this at TPAC as well 12:57:18 MMC: Suggest to have MD file for each feature 12:57:27 ... added template 12:57:52 https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/978 12:58:12 TOPIC: Liaisons 12:58:36 SK: active planning w.r.t. OPC UA 12:58:52 ... doodle still open, https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bk53MnYe 12:59:20 ... next week we miss Erich and M-Lagally 12:59:38 ... we plan to extend doodle poll with additional options 13:00:03 ... I hope we can find slot in September 13:00:39 ... suggest to have a small meeting before that.. w.r.t. business discussions 13:01:19 TOPIC: WoT CG 13:01:20 q+ 13:01:23 ack e 13:01:23 Ege_, you wanted to discuss AOB 13:01:30 EK: Kick-off meeting took place 13:01:39 ... charter review process ends next week 13:01:45 ... please provide feedback 13:02:02 q+ 13:02:34 ack k 13:02:41 Kaz: technically CG can do anything on their own. Please clarify collaboration 13:03:08 EK: BTW, 1 month ago we were approached by JSON Schema people 13:03:11 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/329 13:03:18 https://hackmd.io/@egekorkan/json-schema-wot 13:03:19 ... about use case study 13:03:33 ... will be work from WG 13:03:39 ... please review 13:04:26 ... everyone can comment hackmd document 13:04:32 s|Please clarify collaboration|However, we need to clarify CG's dependency on the WoT IG/WG and also potential impact for the IG/WG Charters. So please clarify what to be done by which group.| 13:05:13 TOPIC: TF Reports 13:05:25 MMC: Security looked into TAG issues 13:06:10 ML: Profile: send doodle poll, we try to give more time to work on it 13:06:41 SK: TD takes place in 1 hour... plan CR transition 13:06:56 ML: Can join first 30 minutes 13:07:05 SK: Great 13:07:25 EK: Farshid can join "required" discussion in 2nd hour 13:07:39 [adjourned] 13:08:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:08:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:12:51 Fady has joined #wot 13:28:24 bkardell_ has joined #wot 14:01:04 Mizushima has left #wot 14:30:26 Ege has joined #wot 14:30:46 Ege has joined #wot 15:14:40 benfrancis5 has joined #wot 15:26:51 Zakim has left #wot