18:29:07 RRSAgent has joined #aria-editors 18:29:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-aria-editors-irc 18:29:11 rrsagent, make log world 18:29:14 meeting: ARIA Editors 18:29:16 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/2022Aug/0002.html 18:29:18 chair: MichaelC 18:29:22 scribe: MichaelC 18:29:29 scribeOptions: -final 18:29:42 agenda+ Testing update 18:29:46 agenda+ Accname checkin 18:29:53 agenda+ Term exports - repos checked for PRs and issues? 18:29:59 agenda+ OpenUI liaising 18:30:06 agenda+ Updating workflow process for living standards 18:30:11 agenda+ Publications for 2022 18:30:17 agenda+ Call time 18:30:20 agenda+ Next meeting 18:30:56 present+ 18:33:37 Jem has joined #aria-editors 18:33:53 present+ 18:33:56 zakim, next item 18:33:56 agendum 1 -- Testing update -- taken up [from MichaelC] 18:34:37 Valerie working on new test harness 18:34:41 but for 1.2 won´t be ready 18:34:46 Jemma working on IA2 tests 18:34:55 Valerie and Joanie doing Mac / Linux tests 18:35:38 need someone to do UIA tests, ask in meeting 18:37:38 it´s a manual process this time around 18:38:27 present+ 18:38:34 Core-AAM 1.2 needs CR publication 18:38:46 hopefully before TPAC 18:39:04 zakim, next item 18:39:04 agendum 2 -- Accname checkin -- taken up [from MichaelC] 18:40:00 next stage is CR for living standards track 18:40:10 pretty much on track 18:40:16 working out an issue on hidden content 18:42:51 looking for co-editor who can help with Github stuff 18:43:24 https://www.w3.org/Guide/documentreview/ 18:43:53 need to run the horizontal review 18:44:46 zakim, next item 18:44:46 agendum 3 -- Term exports - repos checked for PRs and issues? -- taken up [from MichaelC] 18:45:11 any issues? 18:46:11 might be good for APG to use some of these terms 18:46:21 how do we access terms? where is the repo? 18:46:35 https://github.com/w3c/webref/ 18:47:23 Webref database ^ contains the terms, should have a JSON somewhere 18:48:24 would be helpful to have a browseable version of webref 18:49:04 MC will explore 18:50:34 zakim, next item 18:50:34 agendum 4 -- OpenUI liaising -- taken up [from MichaelC] 18:51:25 we discussed a monthly meeting with them, should set up 18:52:40 https://www.w3.org/2022/04/28-aria-minutes#t03 18:53:14 https://www.w3.org/2022/04/28-aria-dive-minutes 18:55:08 https://github.com/openui/open-ui/tree/main/meetings/telecon 18:55:56 zakim, next item 18:55:56 agendum 5 -- Updating workflow process for living standards -- taken up [from MichaelC] 18:56:07 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/workflow 18:57:03 we need to update for living standards 18:57:16 revise how tests created 18:57:20 and when merges to stable happen 18:57:50 we may discuss at TPAC 18:58:29 also need to work out how redesigned APG fits into that 19:00:18 pain points - can get bogged down in review process, discussions get difficult at that point 19:00:59 might borrow from AG on handling late comments 19:01:38 we used to have CfC on each feature we were deciding on 19:01:45 now it´s just at transition reviews 19:02:03 instead, we have reviews on PRs 19:02:15 for Accname that´s been less smooth 19:03:35 reviews that aren´t specific about what change to make don´t contribute 19:05:14 it can be difficult to follow a change and trace the tests for it, needed changes to APG, etc. 19:06:29 issue templates can help, such as what we have at https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/new/choose 19:08:49 zakim, next item 19:08:49 agendum 6 -- Publications for 2022 -- taken up [from MichaelC] 19:09:11 Core-AAM CR is next 19:09:19 then progress ARIA 1.2 to Rec 19:09:40 should publish FPWD of ARIA 1.3 19:09:47 Accname CR 19:09:52 1.1 19:10:21 https://www.w3.org/TR/accname-1.2/ 19:11:28 https://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.2/ 19:12:53 to publish evergreen, we need to first advance docs to Candidate Recommendation Draft 19:12:59 then we maintain as CR Snapshots 19:13:08 and publish CRD or Rec snapshot every 2 years 19:14:02 pkra has joined #aria-editors 19:15:17 question of how version numbers change with evergreen 19:15:22 and how a reader knows it´s evergreen 19:15:36 but much of the pub work this year is getting onto the evergreen tracking 19:15:59 https://github.com/w3c/tr-design/ 19:16:12 ^ TR design does styling for TR 19:16:50 zakim, next item 19:16:50 agendum 7 -- Call time -- taken up [from MichaelC] 19:21:38 there is silver meeting at 9am on Friday but I can skip a few meetings. 19:23:18 RESOLUTION: new call time is Fridays at noon Boston time 19:23:27 zakim, next item 19:23:27 agendum 8 -- Next meeting -- taken up [from MichaelC] 19:24:14 Next meeting: 19 August 2022 19:24:40 zakim, close this item 19:24:40 agendum 8 closed 19:24:41 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 19:25:19 rrsagent, make minutes 19:25:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/03-aria-editors-minutes.html MichaelC