11:52:14 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:52:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/07/28-miniapp-irc 11:53:01 Meeting: MiniApps WG Teleconference 11:53:05 rrsagent, make log public 11:53:08 rrsagent, make minutes 11:53:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/28-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 11:53:12 present+ 11:57:57 QingAn has joined #miniapp 11:58:46 present+ 12:00:28 present+ Dan_Zhou 12:01:54 present+ Xiaoping_Zhao 12:02:47 present+ martin 12:03:57 Topic: Lifecycle 12:04:04 scribe: xfq 12:04:07 chair: QingAn 12:04:29 QingAn: there are two i18n issues 12:05:23 xfq: @@ 12:05:51 QingAn: security & privacy in progress 12:06:15 ... started some work based on martin's testing template 12:06:46 Topic: Manifest 12:07:11 martin: no update for spec 12:07:14 ... doing testing work 12:08:10 present+ gaoliang_huawei 12:08:23 xfq: TAG review @@ 12:08:32 martin: I haven't checked yet 12:09:03 ... will follow up 12:10:28 Topic: Packaging 12:10:54 martin: I did some updates 12:11:05 ... to fix issues raised by xfq 12:11:51 ... #59 and #56 12:12:28 ... if there's no objection, I think we can merge them 12:12:54 QingAn: any objections? 12:13:02 present+ zitao 12:13:40 QingAn: let's merge these two PRs 12:14:16 martin: I have created some tests 12:14:30 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-tests 12:15:27 martin: feel free to contact me 12:16:21 ... I can update the docs since I don't think it's well-documented now 12:17:22 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 12:19:19 Topic: Addressing 12:19:31 dan: no update 12:23:04 qing: CR progress? 12:23:05 xfq: @@ 12:24:01 qing: there are some old issues, we should decide whether to close/defer them 12:25:06 qing: tpac 2022 china hub 12:25:15 ... need to think about the agenda 12:25:41 ... xfq, could you open an issue to call for agenda items? 12:26:50 QingAn: next meeting, August 25th 12:27:22 ... tpac china hub on the week of sep 5 12:27:35 zitao: +1 12:27:38 martin: +1 12:30:16 rrsagent, make minutes 12:30:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/28-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 12:53:54 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 14:27:12 Zakim has left #miniapp