26 July 2022


ada, bkardell_, cabanier, JoeLamyman
cabanier, Leonard

Meeting minutes

WebXR-WebGPU-Binding#4 Wide Review for WebGPU and WGSL

<ada> https://github.com/immersive-web/WebXR-WebGPU-Binding/issues/4

ada: if you have opinions, please weigh in
… the issue is in the webgpu repo
… we don't need to discuss here
… please take a look at the current spec and give feedback
… marker tracking
… the 2 people that want to implement it, the native API can only do image or qr tracking
… can't do both
… a short discussion could be useful
… I was thinking that if a user submits a marker, it's a lower barrier of implementation
… if the browser can say which ones it can track
… developers can ship a bunch of markers
… this has the downside that it only works on android

marker-tracking#10 Marker tracking, Status update?

<ada> https://github.com/immersive-web/marker-tracking/issues/10

ada: there is an issue for this

<ada> current meeting agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/wg/2022-07-26-Immersive_Web_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md

<ada> rik: it seems like QR tracking is probably a lower bar for entry

<ada> cabanier:

cabanier: marker tracking doesn't seem too useful. Too hard to set up
… qr code tracking seems like it fits the platform better. Very similar to planes tracking

bialpio: we specced out marker tracking as distinct from qr code tracking
… hololens allows to find qr code in the scene
… sites can find where the qr code is in space
… this is why it's difficult to come up with a spec
… because it's any qr code vs predefined images
… the other use case is a way to provide shared experiences
… if we know that they are looking at the same marker
… as for the status of the API, we have not looked into bringing it further
… it's behind a flag
… and you get a score
… we don't give any guarantee if an image will be tracked well
… there are no promises about quality of tracking

ada: shared spaces are important to me
… because it drops the need for shared anchors

Leonard: a qr code is just a special case of an image

ada: I think the issue is that android can't track qr codes
… so they don't have enough detail

Leonard: yes, so we have that problem
… I have code running on android that could handle QR codes
… there are lots of qr code formats

ada: so you're saying some qr codes could be tracked?

Leonard: yes
… for qr codes, you shouldn't assume that all input is good

ada: we shouldn't do open urls?

Leonard: maybe have a flag that it's verified
… add site restrictions

simon: we do a lot of image tracking
… the user flow is to open the camera and then the browser has the ux
… our use case for qr code is tiny
… image marker is the thing you should use
… we have our own markers that can easily be tracked
… maybe image anchors are separate
… if we have more camera access, we could do it

ada: this spec is more privacy preserving

bialpio: klaus experimented with pasting an image over a qr code
… so there might be some tricks we could do
… or how big of a burden it would be to the creato

Leonard: is this an attempt to have a custom artwork show up on printer material?
… or is it predefining on what is allowed?
… for instance, could a logo of a wine bottle work?
… a qr code would look out of place there

anchors#75 first pass at persistent anchors

<cabanier> https://cabanier.github.io/anchors/#anchor-creation

Wrong URL. Correction: https://github.com/immersive-web/anchors/pull/75

Rik: Get a unique ID for anchor based on URL that allows persistence
… created methods for CRUD.
… Pass on questions, comments, or concerns to Rik

Leonard: Anchors are not shared. Need to share data between platforms

[Note msome previous comments are from Rik]

Simon: Events for discovering anchors

Rik: Anchors can be restored. If doesn't exist, then process fails.

Rik: Does this capability need to be provided? Does a know list need to be made available?

Ada: Probably. Concerned about time delay between request and response.

Rik: Please file issue. Simon to create issue

bialpio: Are there any other systems that use an event based system for anchors

Rik: OpenXR has storage, but not returning lists

Rik, Simon, bialpio: Discussion about site vs. device for polling of anchors

Leonard: Is there an accessibility issue with being in "same space"

Rik: Oculus has space size of 8m^2. Android may be different

bialpio: Android would need cloud anchors. Process is much trickier

real-world-geometry#35 First proposal to add room capture

<ada> https://github.com/immersive-web/real-world-geometry/pull/35

Rik: With Oculus room capture does not always happen. This feature would allow the site to detect and instruct the user

bialpio: Potential for user confusion between room (boundary) capture and content capture

Simon: Different h/w approaches the problem differently and the applications reflect those differences

Rik: ARCore & ARKit (w/o lidar) both return no planes on startup
… may need a flag to provide developers what the initial state is

bialpio: Initial planes are not stable
… trying to determine what the user/developer experience would be

Simon: Use API to do a pre-warm-up?

biolpio: Doesn't really understand Oculus. ARCore has a start-up delay until a stable set emerges


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 158 (Sun Oct 17 00:40:18 2021 UTC).