WoT Architecture

21 July 2022


Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, McCool

Meeting minutes


<kaz> July-14

ml: small change to fix incomplete sentence

ml: any other changes?

ml: hearing none, if no objections, approve

New issues and related PRs

ml: based on the TAG review, created some new issues; all labellel "address TAG feedback"
… also some issues for publication process, link checker and pub rule, coral

Issue 806

<kaz> Issue 806 - Fix Link Checker results

mm: regarding link checker, most of these look easy to resolve, probably only the five 404 errors are relevant

kaz: need to work on reference links themselves, but I'd suggest we generate a static HTML under wot-architecture/publication/ver11 (=wot-architecture/publication/ver11/2-fpwd) first and then apply the linkchecker to that (to avoid unnecessary confusion)

mm: may have to merge Overview.html into repo so we can use github.io and use tools like linkchecker properly

ml: ok, let's do that, and run another publication check

<kaz> PR 780 - Generate static HTML file for WD publication (for CR candidate) has been merged

ml: there is also a broken coral reference; it is out of date

mm: suggest we can fix this in WD (and in main document also).

ml: also, let's fix all the broken links in both places, i.e. fix for WD

<mlagally___> proposal: Fix links in both the static version and the main index.html.

<mlagally___> proposal: Fix links per issue 806 in both the static version and the main index.html.

kaz: suggest we change the static version first

mm: I find it easier to change the index.html in the wd, since then it is easier to do a diff

kaz: I myself also edit index.html and then regenerate the Overview.html and diff using a Makefile. So I can provide the Makefile if needed. Anyway, we should record the workflow somewhere..

Resolution: Fix links per issue 806 in both the static version and the main index.html.

mm: let's resolve to fix it, the assignee can decide how to do it

ml: feel free to merge anything you need into the 2-wd directory, then later we can use a diff to check

toumura: ok, then I will work on the link checker, etc.

kaz: I can also provide a makefile if it is helpful

ml: could you please work with toumura-san?

ml: will also label coral fix as by WD

ml: there is also issue 804, updating profile after profile is stable.

Issue 804

<kaz> Issue 804 - Update profile description after profile spec is stable

<kaz> PR 790

PR 790

<kaz> PR 790 - Updates to chapter 7

ml: and there is also input from ege on chapter 7 in issue 790

mm: think we can defer some of these to post-WD, but use for CR

mm: would prefer a more generic description that is not so dependent on the specific terminology used in the profile spec
… that will make it more robust to changes in that spec

ml: I will fix this

<kaz> i|an there is also|subtopic: PR 790|

mm: suggest doing so only in main index.html so we don't create a dependency for Toumura-san to worry about

<kaz> i|an there is also|PR 790 - Updates to chapter 7|

ml: there are some normative changes in here for some assertions we should review regarding protocol bindings

mm: suggest some changes to the wording of "extension mechanisms": use, not have

ml: ok (edits)

ml: also, ege noted some issues about duplicate assertions

mm: suggest we create an issue about this point

kaz: would be good for the editors to work together on problems like this

kaz: would be better if we can test these assertions once
… which we could do if we had a reference from one to the other

mm: we could also have an "editor's" call to resolve this and similar issues

ml: created new issue 810, tagged "editor sync"
… but let's merge the rest

<kaz> Issue 810 - Reconsider 2 normative assertions, move to TD spec?

PR 794 and 791

<kaz> PR 794 - textual improvements to introduction

<kaz> PR 791 - Updates to chapter 8

ml: a couple more PRs, 794 and 791
… editorial, ege has reviewed and approved
… suggest we merge

mm: I am ok with these

ml: ok (fixes merge conflict, merges)

PR 798

<kaz> PR 798 - i18n section

ml: and PR 798, deals with i8n general statement

mm: regarding TAG review, just want to point out we have an action plan for security issues, but have not created issues as you have

ml: let's create an issue for the security matters then

mm: yes, and just point it at the action plan in the tag review issue

ml: and I guess you are the owner

mm: correct, as well as the security TF

<kaz> Issue 811 - Improve security section to address TAG feedback

PR 800

<kaz> PR 800 - Additional contributors

ml: one last PR 800, that adds contributors

Change logs

mm: finally, did we update the change log?

ml: no, not yet

mm: really should do that for WD

ml: can do a diff

mm: or can look at merge history; no matter how it is done, need to use data, not just try to remember

ml: created issue 812

<kaz> Issue 812 - update change log for WD publication|

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. Fix links per issue 806 in both the static version and the main index.html.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 147 (Thu Jun 24 22:21:39 2021 UTC).