11:54:36 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-protocols 11:54:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/07/08-wcag3-protocols-irc 11:54:45 Zakim, start meeting 11:54:45 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:54:46 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Jaunita_George_ 11:55:29 Meeting: AGWG-2022-07-08 11:55:35 Chair: Jaunita George 11:56:34 agenda+First draft of Protocols Editor’s Draft 11:56:45 rrsagent, make logs world 12:01:28 JF has joined #wcag3-protocols 12:02:02 Present+ 12:02:45 Present+ 12:03:38 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jq-TiPGMaMKF3hId2CpSqovXarSnU2y_2bVnnAIBfTY/edit# 12:03:54 ShawnT has joined #wcag3-protocols 12:05:00 Scribe: Jaunita George 12:05:41 JF: Is there anything we can accomplish today? 12:06:10 Jaunita: We would just copy both proposals 12:06:38 JF: I'm not a big fan of copying both proposals until we have feedback. 12:07:20 JF: This will need be a request on Github 12:08:01 Jaunita: Fair Point 12:08:13 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag3-protocols 12:08:40 JF: That would be my preferred way forward. 12:08:47 +1 12:08:57 +1 12:09:08 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jq-TiPGMaMKF3hId2CpSqovXarSnU2y_2bVnnAIBfTY/edit# 12:10:32 Bruce: Should we meet offline to work on this? 12:10:36 Jaunita: Sure 12:10:47 RRSAgent, generate minutes 12:10:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/08-wcag3-protocols-minutes.html Jaunita_George_ 12:10:52 present+ 12:11:14 RRSAgent, generate minutes 12:11:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/08-wcag3-protocols-minutes.html Jaunita_George_ 13:53:51 jeanne has joined #wcag3-protocols