12:00:22 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:00:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/07/01-wot-irc 12:02:53 meeting: OPC-UA Liaison 12:03:13 sebastian has joined #wot 12:03:13 JimLuth has joined #wot 12:03:18 McCool has joined #wot 12:03:21 Matthias_ has joined #wot 12:03:22 KevinBrohanWaters has joined #wot 12:03:42 q? 12:03:44 Rainer has joined #wot 12:03:47 q+ 12:03:50 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:04:01 JohannesOlbort has joined #wot 12:04:13 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 12:04:13 q- 12:04:15 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:04:59 matsuda has joined #wot 12:04:59 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Darko_Anicic, Erich_Barnstedt, Jim_Luth, Johannes_Olbort, Karl_Deiretsbacher, Kevin_Brohan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Matt_Mherry, Matthias_Arnold, Michael_McCool, Reiner_Sciekofer, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:05:07 present+ Aparna 12:05:15 topic: Logistics 12:05:36 sk: (gives instruction on the IRC 12:05:38 s/IRC/IRC)/ 12:06:00 topic: OPC UA / W3C WoT Liaison 12:06:11 sk: have been doing discussions 12:06:40 ... WoT would allow people develop IoT apps quickly 12:06:47 ... including OPC platform 12:07:00 present+ Michael_Lagally 12:07:08 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:07:09 rrsagent, make log public 12:07:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:07:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/01-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:07:15 q+ 12:08:07 kaz: just to make sure, OK to publish the minutes from this meeting publicly 12:08:11 YES! 12:09:02 kd: the meeting itself being recorded? 12:09:49 mm: would suggest we record this time 12:09:53 sk: any problems? 12:09:55 (none 12:10:06 recording started 12:10:09 s/none/none) 12:10:22 sk: (starts his presentation) 12:10:26 topic: Agenda 12:11:21 sk: would like to start introduction 12:11:37 ... some people can't make this call but very interested 12:11:44 ... (shows regrets list) 12:11:59 ... Bernd, Etienne, Heiko, Stephan 12:12:25 (then starts quick self introduction by the participants) 12:13:00 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 12:13:30 Sebastian Kaebisch, Michael McCool 12:14:07 Erich Barnstedt 12:14:15 q? 12:14:18 ack k 12:14:39 Karl Deiretsbacher 12:19:30 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:19:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/07/01-wot-irc 12:19:54 q? 12:19:58 JimLuth has joined #wot 12:19:59 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:20:01 KevinBrohanWaters has joined #wot 12:20:03 JohannesOlbort has joined #wot 12:20:10 Michael_Lagally 12:20:16 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 12:20:38 cris1 has joined #wot 12:21:12 matsuda has joined #wot 12:22:03 Kaz Ashimura 12:22:15 Aparna 12:22:21 s/Michael_Lagally/Michael Lagally/ 12:23:22 Cristiano Aguzzi 12:24:20 Darko Anicic 12:24:32 s/Aparna/Aparna Thuluva/ 12:25:06 Kunihiko Toumura 12:25:52 Ryuichi Matsukura 12:26:01 matsuda has joined #wot 12:26:01 cris1 has joined #wot 12:26:01 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 12:26:01 JohannesOlbort has joined #wot 12:26:01 KevinBrohanWaters has joined #wot 12:26:01 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:26:01 JimLuth has joined #wot 12:26:01 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:26:01 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:26:01 McCool has joined #wot 12:26:01 mlagally has joined #wot 12:26:01 sebastian has joined #wot 12:26:01 cris has joined #wot 12:26:01 Matthias has joined #wot 12:26:01 hadleybeeman has joined #wot 12:26:01 bigbluehat has joined #wot 12:26:54 Tetsushi Matsuda 12:27:01 rrsagent, make log public 12:27:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:27:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/01-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:27:23 Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:27:35 s/Tomoaki_Mizushima/Tomoaki Mizushima/ 12:28:20 asocrt has joined #wot 12:28:30 mm: WoT-JP CG is working with ECHONET, FYI 12:28:49 topic: OPC UA Binding for WoT 12:28:58 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2022-07-01-OPC-UA-WOT-Pre-Meeting.pdf Sebastian's slides 12:29:26 [slide 1] 12:29:53 sk: The Web and the standards are established in our daily life and various businesses. 12:30:10 ... (mentions various Web services) 12:31:01 ... multiple sub-services are integrated for a specific service on the Web 12:31:29 ... W3C WoT standardize building blocks for IoT like that 12:31:44 ... so that people can generate services easily 12:33:06 ... one of the building blocks should be the landing page for IoT purposes 12:33:18 ... that's what the WoT Thing Description should provide 12:33:41 ... integrate the data and function points is needed 12:34:29 ... on the other hand, OPC is working on industries based on Industie 4.0 12:34:47 [slide 2] 12:35:00 sk: important to have documents on how to use it 12:35:17 s/slide 1]/slide 1] Motivation/ 12:35:30 s/2]/2] What is Missing?/ 12:36:18 ... WoT binding template describes how the forms within the WoT Thing Description should be set up 12:36:51 ... a possible OPC UA binding template should describe how to set it up for OPC endpoints 12:37:17 [slide 3] Proposed Idea 12:37:32 sk: have been proposing this idea 12:37:44 q+ 12:37:52 ... how the official semantic should look like 12:38:26 ... would be greate to describe that based on the WoT data model 12:38:51 ... OPC UA is working on something similar to the WoT Thing Description 12:39:04 ... named UA NodesetFile 12:39:38 ... W3C WoT WG/IG has been working on PoC named Plugfest 12:39:52 ... to evaluate working assumptions 12:40:18 ... details on discussion on GitHub 12:40:44 mm: need to clarify what kind of technical work to be done by whom 12:41:06 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1020 wot repo PR 1020 12:41:07 q? 12:41:11 ack m 12:41:25 ml: what is important is working toghether 12:41:30 s/ghe/ge/ 12:41:34 ... working hand in hand 12:41:44 q+ 12:41:57 q- 12:42:26 [slide 4] Current status of collaboration 12:42:33 sk: (describes the history so far) 12:43:21 rzr has joined #wot 12:44:32 ack mc 12:45:36 ... note that the WoT WG is wrapping up our 1.1 specs 12:45:55 tallship has joined #wot 12:45:56 ... and are considering the new topics for then 2.0 Charter period 12:45:59 q? 12:46:04 q+ 12:46:28 mm: want to finalize the Charter work by early next year 12:46:43 ... while the MoU is expected earlier than that 12:47:09 sk: important step is working on the MoU 12:47:16 ... would clarify a concrete plan for that 12:47:17 q? 12:47:42 [slide 5 12:47:51 s/5/5] Proposed Next Step/ 12:48:20 sk: for that purpose, would like to have another meeting by the OPCF representatives and the WoT Chairs/Staff 12:48:34 mm: need to clarify the scope for our next Charter 12:48:50 ... assumption of focus on TD and binding 12:48:55 q? 12:49:08 sk: need to think about the major goa 12:49:16 s/goa/goal/ 12:49:21 mm: one more piece is security 12:49:54 ... interaction with OPC would require some mechanism to handle the security too 12:50:08 ... maybe need something new onboard 12:50:16 q? 12:50:30 mw: question about the scope 12:50:43 ... semantic definition would be useful 12:51:15 sk: WoT Thing Description is generated based on semantic interoperability 12:51:24 ... further clarification would be great 12:56:51 ack k 12:56:55 q+ 12:57:18 q+ 12:57:54 kaz: clarifying the scope should be the next step, I completely agree 12:58:18 ... on the other hand, I think we should clarify the need for the MoU 12:58:32 ... we already have liaison between OPC and W3C 12:58:46 ... so we can have any king of technical collaboration 12:59:01 ... W3C spec work is already public and W3C can provide any information to OPC 12:59:30 ... so I'd like to know if OPC needs MoU for further discussion even if we could start with public information 12:59:56 jl: we can hold technical discussion based on the current liaison 13:00:14 ... MoU and Charter to clarify the scope of the next steps 13:00:24 tallship has joined #wot 13:00:24 rzr has joined #wot 13:00:24 asocrt has joined #wot 13:00:24 matsuda has joined #wot 13:00:24 cris1 has joined #wot 13:00:24 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 13:00:24 JohannesOlbort has joined #wot 13:00:24 KevinBrohanWaters has joined #wot 13:00:24 ktoumura has joined #wot 13:00:24 JimLuth has joined #wot 13:00:24 ryuichi has joined #wot 13:00:24 Mizushima has joined #wot 13:00:24 McCool has joined #wot 13:00:24 mlagally has joined #wot 13:00:24 sebastian has joined #wot 13:00:24 cris has joined #wot 13:00:24 Matthias has joined #wot 13:00:24 hadleybeeman has joined #wot 13:00:24 bigbluehat has joined #wot 13:00:33 q? 13:00:38 ack mc 13:01:07 mw: possibly could work with the TCB members 13:01:17 jl: yes, we could help you 13:01:41 ml: it's great to have this discussion 13:02:03 ... but we need another dedicated discussion by the experts from both the sides 13:02:29 ... need further clarification about the procedure including MoU as well 13:02:52 ... good step forward gradually 13:03:07 ... let's clarify what's needed! 13:03:16 sk: right 13:03:26 ... let's have another call 13:03:36 ... to clarify procedure 13:03:49 ... and also the scope fo the technical collaboration 13:04:00 ... would it be OK? 13:04:11 etropea73101 has joined #wot 13:04:41 mm: logistics will be discussed by email? 13:04:59 sk: will send information on another doodle 13:05:43 ... also give comments to the GitHub PR 13:06:01 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1020 PR 1020 - Technical Objectives and Requirements for OPC UA/WoT Binding 13:07:19 [adjourned] 13:07:24 rrsagent, draft minute 13:07:24 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minute', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:07:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:07:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/01-wot-minutes.html kaz 15:05:06 Zakim has left #wot 15:56:54 Sterfive has joined #wot