10:02:23 RRSAgent has joined #wot-arch 10:02:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-wot-arch-irc 10:02:29 McCool has joined #wot-arch 10:02:55 ktoumura has joined #wot-arch 10:03:03 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool 10:03:13 meeting: WoT Architecture 10:06:26 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 10:06:59 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Architecture_June_30th.2C_2022 10:08:20 q? 10:08:51 scribenick: kaz 10:08:54 topic: Minutes 10:09:03 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/06/23-wot-arch-minutes.html June-23 10:09:05 approved 10:09:15 topic: Schedule 10:09:26 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md extension plan 10:10:06 mm: fyi, TD decision for CR has been deferred till Aug-3 to wait for the feedback from the next Testfest 10:10:48 ml: who to do what for Architecture? 10:10:57 mm: mainly manual checks 10:11:14 ... we need two different implementations 10:11:20 ... node-wot and something 10:11:43 ... we've delayed the next Testfest to July 25-29 10:12:16 ... actual CR transition resolution to be made on Aug 3 10:12:19 ml: sounds good 10:12:46 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 10:13:06 mm: note that Toumura-san is proposing we highlight the features at-risk 10:13:30 ml: ok 10:13:36 ... we can update the schedule 10:13:39 mm: can do that 10:13:55 ml: Test 3 to be held... 10:14:01 mm: July 25-29 10:14:29 ml: CR transition one week earlier than TPAC? 10:14:32 mm: yeah 10:14:49 ... TPAC discussion should concentrate on the next Charter 10:15:18 ml: TPAC 2022 on September 12-16 10:15:43 mm: but kind of doubt much participation in person 10:15:56 ... should consider remote/hybrid Plugfest 10:16:24 ... August 3 we should make resolution for CR for Architecture, TD and Discovery 10:16:29 ... and next week for Profile 10:17:02 ml: expectation for Profile? 10:17:23 mm: a month from now to see the actual Profile 10:17:37 q? 10:17:37 q+ 10:18:29 ack k 10:18:42 mm: assuming we'll finish Profile work in one month 10:18:47 mlagally has joined #wot-arch 10:19:53 kaz: concrete date for the plan? 10:20:04 mm: August 31 as the current plan says 10:21:13 (CR candidate on July 30; CR transition on August 31) 10:21:38 topic: PRs 10:21:42 subtopic: PR 779 10:21:56 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/779 PR 779 - Editorial fixes 10:21:59 merged 10:22:19 subtopic: PR 780 10:22:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/780 PR 780 - Generate static HTML file for CR publication 10:22:51 q+ 10:23:39 ack k 10:24:13 kaz: the next publication will be a "WD", so the directory for the publication preparation should be "2-wd" or something like. right? 10:24:16 mm: right 10:24:25 tou: will change the directory name 10:24:49 mm: we could merge the PR itself and Toumura-san can change the name later 10:25:06 ... no highlight in this draft for publication 10:25:58 ml: Toumura-san, are you ready for being merged yourself? 10:26:21 ... need another path before merging? 10:26:48 mm: we can review the detail later 10:26:57 ... review and discussion by email 10:27:29 ... would be easier to handle the draft for review and tooling if this is merged 10:27:31 ml: ok 10:27:44 ... Toumura-san, what do you want? 10:27:57 ... another look by the end of this week, maybe? 10:28:28 q+ 10:29:15 ack k 10:29:35 kaz: I'm also OK with merging this PR itself if Toumura-san prefers doing so 10:29:48 ... we can create another PR to fix the directory name 10:30:45 ml: how to deal with this then? 10:30:56 mm: think we should merge this after the other PRs 10:31:40 kaz: in that case, let's review the other PRs/Issues 10:31:50 ... and Toumura-san can work on further fixes for this PR 10:32:01 ... and we can revisit this PR next week 10:32:05 subtopic: PR 782 10:32:31 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/782 PR 782 - Discovery deliverable 10:32:57 mm: additional access control 10:33:05 merged 10:33:21 subtopic: PR 783 10:33:31 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/783 PR 783 - Specify TLS and DTLS versions 10:33:41 mm: based on the discussion during the Security call 10:34:03 ... TLS 1.3 is recommended 10:34:33 ... don't mention the previous versions by concrete number 10:34:39 ... e.g., 1.1 or 1.2 10:34:58 s/or 1.2// 10:35:20 q+ 10:35:49 [[ 10:35:49 id="arch-security-consideration-dtls-1-2"> 10:35:49 If DTLS 1.3 cannot be used for compatibility reasons 10:35:49 but secure transport over UDP is appropriate, 10:35:50 then DTLS 1.2 [[RFC6347]] 10:35:51 MAY be used. 10:35:53 id="arch-security-consideration-no-earlier-tls-or-dtls"> 10:35:57 Versions of DLTS or TLS earlier than 1.2 MUST NOT be used for 10:35:59 new development. 10:36:01 ]] 10:36:06 mm: 1.3 (or later) is recommended 10:36:30 ml: looks good 10:36:53 kaz: it depends on the group's policy for dealing with TLS 10:37:00 ... and I'm OK with this description 10:37:08 merged 10:37:16 subtopic: PR 784 10:37:39 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/784 PR 784 - Intro text for the binding template section 10:38:17 mm: "Binding Templates block" should be "Binding Templates building block" 10:38:20 sk: right 10:39:03 ml: (fix it) 10:40:14 s/"Binding Templates block" should be "Binding Templates building block"/"Binding Templates block addresses" should be "Binding Templates addresses"/ 10:41:35 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/784.html#sec-binding-templates preview - 7.5 WoT Binding Templates 10:41:39 merged 10:42:07 subtopic: PR 776 10:42:27 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/776 PR 776 - WIP: June 2022 Implementation Report Update 10:42:38 mm: would like to show the latest status on my PC 10:42:41 ml: ok 10:43:38 mm: (shows the HTML on his PC) 10:44:04 ... the results are still all "0", though 10:44:13 ... identified all the assertions 10:45:07 ... let's include the atrisk.csv and template.csv as well 10:45:55 ... (checks the status at "Files changed") 10:46:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/776/files Files changed 10:46:29 mm: various changes including assertion names 10:46:37 merged 10:47:16 topic: Issues 10:47:51 subtopic: Publication blocker(s) 10:48:24 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/766 Issue 766 - arch-schema: Thus, the corresponding Interaction Affordances SHOULD declare a data schema to provide more detailed syntactic metadata for the data exchanged. 10:48:37 ml: Sebastian, could you give comments? 10:49:09 mm: seems it's a high-level requirements 10:50:55 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-architecture/#media-types 6.8 Media Types 10:51:03 [[ 10:51:03 Note that many media types only identify a generic serialization format that does not provide further semantics for its elements (e.g., XML, JSON, CBOR). Thus, the corresponding Interaction Affordances SHOULD declare a data schema to provide more detailed syntactic metadata for the data exchanged. 10:51:04 ]] 10:51:25 sk: it's kind of impossible to define schema for binary data 10:52:25 q+ 10:53:10 q? 10:54:38 q+ 10:54:50 ack k 10:55:02 kaz: tend to agree with Sebastian's point 10:55:12 ... but I'm OK with the current text 10:55:54 ... but we should clarify the detailed assertions are described by the Thing Description specification here again 10:56:36 ml: (summarizes the discussion) 10:57:33 ... the Interaction Affordance for structured data types SHOULD be associate with a data schema to provide more detailed syntactic metadata for the data exchanged. 10:58:31 ... details should be specified in the TD spec. 10:58:46 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/766#issuecomment-1171075131 Lagally's comments 10:59:05 subtopic: Issue 608 11:00:15 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/608 Issue 608 - Relationship between "8.7 Protocol Bindings" and "9.5 WoT Binding Templates" 11:00:36 ml: Sebastian will create a PR for some text 11:00:39 closed 11:00:51 Proposal: approve merging the agreed text in issue #766 off-line. 11:01:07 i/766/subtopic: Issue 766/ 11:01:09 Resolution: approve merging the agreed text in issue #766 off-line. 11:01:44 s/subtopic: Issue 766/subtopic: Issue 766 - revisited/ 11:02:00 [adjourned] 11:02:05 rrsagent, make log public 11:02:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:02:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-wot-arch-minutes.html kaz 13:02:17 Zakim has left #wot-arch 13:56:38 kaz has joined #wot-arch