11:52:48 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:52:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-miniapp-irc 11:53:12 Meeting: MiniApps WG Teleconference 11:53:17 rrsagent, make log public 11:53:23 present+ 11:58:32 present+ zitao 11:58:34 present+ dan 12:00:35 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:00:50 present+ xiaoping 12:00:58 present+ martin 12:01:14 present+ xiaoqian 12:01:26 scribe: xfq 12:02:11 zitao: manifest 12:02:21 martin: not many additions to the spec 12:02:50 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/pull/51 12:02:58 martin: i think we can merge this ^ 12:03:19 ... I saw https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/53 12:03:29 ... looks good to me 12:04:18 martin: packaging 12:04:34 ... will send a PR to fix https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-packaging/issues/57 12:05:06 ... in the CG meeting we discussed the testing methodology 12:05:35 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/182 12:05:58 martin: this is all from my side 12:06:01 ... any questions? 12:06:07 zitao: thank you, martin 12:06:39 ... about testing, we discussed this in the CG meeting 12:06:48 ... we had consensus 12:07:16 ... any comments? 12:07:39 present+ QingAn 12:08:18 zitao: lifecycle 12:08:39 qingan: we have started the wide review 12:08:50 ... afaik we need 3 months 12:09:06 ... I will wait for the comments 12:09:56 ... i sent https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-lifecycle/pull/29 to address #24 and #25 12:10:18 [qingan describes the PR] 12:11:12 xfq: yes, lgtm, I think we can merge 12:11:20 ... and wait for feedback from the i18n wg 12:11:37 zitao: ok, will do 12:11:55 qingan: re the i18n review, have it started? 12:12:09 xfq: yes, there is an reviewer, but still WIP 12:12:25 zitao: maybe they will review in August 12:12:39 ... any comments on LifeCycle? 12:13:17 zitao: addressing 12:13:52 dan: I sent PR #11 and #13 to fix issue #9 and #11 12:14:01 s/#11/#12/ 12:14:50 ... the uri is different from a normal https url 12:15:06 ... location.host 12:15:19 ... I need to think about it 12:15:29 ... about issue #1 12:16:21 ... in EPUB they refer to the URL Standard instead of RFC 2987 12:16:29 s/2987/3987 12:16:36 dan: I'll think about it more 12:16:56 zitao: any comments? 12:17:22 zitao: widget 12:17:38 xiaoping: i introduced the widget spec in the CG meeting 12:17:44 ... I sent a PR 12:17:49 ... xfq made some comments 12:17:57 ... we're working on improving the PR 12:19:00 zitao: can you briefly describe the PR? 12:19:58 [scribe missed xiaoping's part] 12:20:08 zitao: white paper 12:20:47 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/192 12:21:18 martin: i sent a PR to fix the typo 12:24:31 xfq: @@ 12:30:01 martin: rename mini-app to MiniApp? 12:30:05 xfq: @@ 12:30:23 zitao: next meeting july 28 12:30:50 rrsagent, make minutes 12:30:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 12:43:47 xfq has joined #miniapp 13:06:26 xfq has joined #miniapp 13:25:00 xfq has joined #miniapp 13:40:54 xfq has joined #miniapp 14:32:53 Zakim has left #miniapp