16:04:37 RRSAgent has joined #aria-dive 16:04:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-aria-dive-irc 16:04:39 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:04:41 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 16:04:49 title: ARIA deep dive 16:04:53 scribe: spectranaut 16:05:02 https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/373 16:05:53 siri has joined #aria-dive 16:05:53 bryan: implicit generic role elements.. previously only div and span, but there are a bunch of html elements that could use this 16:06:03 bryan: the goal is to identify which elements those are 16:06:15 bryan: important for how it maps in the accname 16:06:45 jamesn: we have agreement on 10 from the issue, and questions on the remaining seven 16:08:00 q? 16:09:08 scotto_: when we were previously working on role parity, the text level semantics were thought of as being possible generics. others such as hgroup are now mapped to generic. there are still other elements that have semantic importance, such as audio/video/embed/iframe, where we didn't call out that they get a role, they don't have a role defined, but they still have accessibility mapping. when I was trying to map the elements to 16:09:08 generic in this issue... [scott gets philosophical about the meaning of words] 16:10:11 scotto_: how pedantic do we want to be about the code role? what about var, keyboard... if exposed... might be only exposed by change of voice. the b, i and u are generally thought of as holdovers from html past, have no semantic meaning, but in html they have a semantic meaning 16:10:18 scotto_: why aren't they all emphasis role? 16:10:23 scotto_: they do represent something 16:10:36 scotto_: voiceover can navigate by styling of these elements? 16:11:20 scotto_: do we need a role for things? such as audio/visible? is everything a group? 16:11:26 q? 16:11:31 s/visible/video 16:13:31 jcraig: the primary way a mac voiceover user would jump between these kinds of elements and determine what kind of visual styling properties they have -- 1 you can jump to the next differently styled element, 2 you can change the verbosity settings so that style changes are announced (from bold to normal, etc), sometimes footnotes or titles are emphasized 3 they can, where ever the cursor is, ask for the style properties, which are 16:13:31 very specific 16:13:51 jcraig: as such, there is not significant semantic difference in the accessibility tree 16:14:38 jcraig: that was my point for a related issue, these are all stylistic hooks. as they are implemented in the style sheet. in the platform apis some things get mapped differently 16:14:38 q? 16:15:10 bryan: any specific elements that are namable? that you would like to expose and accessible name? not these style ones, but maybe others, like video? 16:15:40 jcraig: maybe not namable... but dd and dt and figcaption have some semantics. var could map to code. pre might map to code. 16:15:58 jcraig: the stylistic ones, there is no reason to have a special role for them 16:16:18 q+ 16:17:04 scotto_: back to the naming question, I've come across a few instance where there could have been an address element. for example, home vs office address. but there is no visual heading to differentiate between the two, just an icon 16:17:11 jamesn: but the icon could have an accessible name 16:17:26 scotto_: but there is no direct programmatic association between the two 16:17:42 jcraig: could be a background image style and there is no way to make it a label 16:17:52 jamesn: but you could add a group or something to name it 16:18:21 jamesn: you don't want
, they can add aria-label somewhere else 16:18:45 jamesn: we don't allow naming of this kind of stuff, there is a work around, we shouldn't change for a corner case 16:18:54 scotto_: at one point address was mapped to contentinfo 16:19:04 jamesn: oh I see so maybe this should be considered 16:19:15 ack me 16:19:33 jamesn: I was going to suggest, why would we not map to role strong? 16:19:46 jamesn: if the default rendering is the same, why don't we map them the same 16:19:56 jcraig: why do we have a role of strong? 16:19:59 jamesn: role parity 16:20:08 jcraig: but strong is generic as well 16:20:16 jamesn: why did we introduce it in 1.3? 16:20:35 jcraig: I was apposed to it. I want role parity, EXCEPT for stylistic stuff 16:20:47 s/apposed/opposed/ 16:21:33 jcraig: in mac, they are all generic 16:21:58 aaronl: I can't easily check what chrome does rn 16:22:12 jamesn: there is a subrole, "strong style group" 16:22:34 aaronl: generic role for stylistic elements 16:22:46 aaronl: in chrome, in the AXTree 16:23:06 jcraig: I've never see ax strong style group 16:23:53 jcraig: I doubt that subrole is being used 16:24:18 jcraig: but we now have a difference between things that are styled as bold and things that are , which is weird and bad 16:25:44 s/, which is weird and bad/, without any functional reason/ 16:26:09 s/subrole is being used/subrole is being used by AT like VO/ 16:26:17 bryan: we have role parity, what I would like from this discussion, is what is mapped to generic but have a sensible role mapping, and which things should be mapped to generic 16:26:36 scotto_: what about audio, where there are platform controls and control types, but no aria roles 16:26:39 q? 16:27:15 q+ to say what if role maps to "reserved:audio" 16:28:30 scotto_: for some of the things in this issue.... like abbr... is that really a generic?? 16:29:12 if you have three uppercase letters, voice as A-D-D not "add" 16:30:14 bryan: does anyone disagree with the 10 more obvious ones 16:30:25 jamesn: maybe we should go through 1 by 1 16:30:33 jamesn: first, is "area" with no href 16:30:52 jamesn: map to generic 16:31:19 jcraig: generic implies that something should be in the tree... but without href maybe it should be not mapped, not in the tree? 16:31:39 jamesn: but if it has no href, but as an alt, wouldn't it be mapped? 16:31:57 jcraig: in theory sure, but I've never seen it before, but I guess it should be generic 16:32:05 jamesn: why not call it generic, because "who cares?" 16:32:13 jcraig: not reasonable for automation tests.... 16:32:29 aaronl: you can put whatever you want in a map, including paragraphs 16:32:48 jcraig: the implementation difference is negligible where it is empty 16:33:02 jamesn: NEXT: b, any object to generic? 16:33:14 scotto_: b and i are suppose to have no special meeting in html 16:33:48 jcraig: this surprised me, because strong and emph are mapped.... maybe they should have subroles.... 16:33:59 jamesn: we are not introducing a b role 16:34:22 jamesn: if we map it to strong, then that would go against what html is doing, which is trying to make these things different 16:34:56 scotto_: I would not expect AT to announce these roles, ever, it is just to indicate the same changes to bold 16:35:29 jamesn: maybe in the future, they would announce b if we map it, but not font-weight=bold 16:35:45 s/jamesn: maybe/scotto_: maybe 16:36:31 jamesn: I fear us setting ourselves up for a fight if we map b and strong the same 16:37:08 jamesn: we have other things to do 16:37:42 scotto_: per your point, james, we can map these to generic as was previously decided. if I ever feel like I want to frustrate my week, I'll look into further 16:37:53 jamesn: NEXT: kbd 16:38:05 jcraig: I don't think this should be generic 16:38:14 bryan: but what do we map it to? 16:38:28 scotto_: visual resembled like code? 16:39:02 jcraig: speech could know that ctrl means "control" not "c-t-r-l" 16:39:48 bryan: when using jaws, I can't think of a time when the name would be exposed for kdb 16:40:11 s/kdb/kbd/ 16:40:15 q? 16:41:00 jcraig: well issue 1, I think it should be generic, and issue 2, whether or not it should take a name 16:41:28 bryan: the angle I'm coming from, if it is not generic and not mapped, then it can receive and accesible name 16:41:42 jcraig: we should have some non-generic elements that are not namabl? 16:41:53 s/namabl/namable/ 16:42:33 scotto_: I'll make a new issue for the acc name 16:42:55 jamesn: anything that we are not sure should be broken out into an issue 16:43:21 jamesn: NEXT: pre 16:43:34 jcraig: it is exposed differently, based on styles 16:43:50 jcraig: because these elements are pre-formatted. I think this is generic 16:44:27 scotto_: indenting would occur, but the font style could be changed from not mono 16:44:40 jcraig: but the AT already navigates by line 16:44:49 jcraig: you can speak the tabs 16:44:57 jamesn: I'm good with generic, any disagreement? 16:45:12 jamesn: NEXT: q 16:45:25 scotto_: also generic, it just adds quote on either side of the text 16:45:51 jcraig: I think voice over ... the quotes are used a css generated content in a before and after pseudo element 16:46:16 jcraig: I don't think firefox does and I don't know what chrome does, but they changed things which means It hink they don't 16:46:32 scotto_: nvda and jaws speak pseudo content 16:46:40 scotto_: I think inline generic 16:46:52 jamesn: NEXT: s 16:46:57 jcraig: generic 16:47:33 scotto_: it represent not deleted content, but content that is no longer relevant, where you have an old price. but if the old content is announced without extra information 16:47:53 scotto_: but maybe you can infer the lower number is the price? 16:48:19 jamesn: I think strike through text should be read by default because in all cases it is important to know. I can't think of a single case where it is not useful 16:48:37 aaronl: we asked jaws to read it by default they had turned it off for some reason 16:48:47 jamesn: would it help screen readers if this actually had a role.....??? 16:48:58 aaronl: but what if there is another role on there? 16:49:19 jamesn: it seems like this is something screen readers should do soemthing with and what can we do to help them? 16:49:45 aaronl: it is a slow rolling movement... google docs is trying to get better support so they are working with jaws and nvda 16:50:10 jcraig: I'm not sure what the change out be we already exposed the style 16:50:27 jamesn: but does voice over or can voice over announce this info by default 16:50:36 jcraig: we normally announce by speaking at a lower pitch 16:50:48 jcraig: voice over could probably do by default... by mapping it to 16:51:07 jcraig: if this was an aria change to map to del, it seems reasonable to me 16:51:15 jcraig: an easy change in webkit and voiceover 16:51:27 aaronl: what if there is another role there, who would win? 16:52:13 jamesn: ? what is this? 16:52:39 jcraig: lets raise a separate issue in aria for this ^ 16:53:23 aaronl: I'm not worried about but I am
16:53:41 jamesn: but you would also have disabled in that case 16:53:59 scotto_: lets say small and u are generic 16:54:07 scotto_: I'll open an issue for var, saying should we map it to code 16:54:21 q? 16:54:32 scotto_: we would want to change the definition to make them a bit more generic, rather than specific parity for one html element 16:54:54 scotto_: bdi and bdo, I think they are generic..... 16:55:06 general agreement 16:55:53 scotto_: cite has some additional semantics that make it more than just a piece of text, you can reference the url you are siting by an attribute. I think we need an issue for this one 16:56:03 scotto_: address, I think there is usefulness in mapping to group 16:56:09 jamesn: I'm ok with that 16:56:13 general agreement 16:56:22 scotto_: figcaption, nothing to do, we already agree 16:56:37 scotto_: label and legend, they have the same mapping in core-aam, similar to caption 16:56:57 scotto_: I'm curious if we need these at all, but its more than a 4 min convo 16:57:20 scotto_: I think we need to talk about audio, video, iframe 16:57:34 s/I don't think firefox does and I don't know what chrome does, but they changed things which means It hink they don't/I think firefox maps against the DOM but may have special cased pseudo elements. I don't know what chrome does, but they recently shifted to use the DOM tree, rather than the render tree/ 16:57:34 scotto_: because they should be namable 16:57:36 ack me 16:57:36 jcraig, you wanted to say what if role maps to "reserved:audio" 16:58:15 bryan: action item, do we need to talk about this in ARIA working group? 16:58:30 jamesn: we have this meeting notes, and many members in this group 16:58:45 aaronl: we need a list of the changes and a short reason for the change 16:59:16 scotto_: I will work on all this and make a response and make follow up issues 16:59:43 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:59:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-aria-dive-minutes.html spectranaut 16:59:56 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:59:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-aria-dive-minutes.html spectranaut 17:01:37 zakim, end meeting 17:01:37 As of this point the attendees have been (no one) 17:01:38 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:01:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/30-aria-dive-minutes.html Zakim 17:01:42 I am happy to have been of service, jamesn; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:01:46 Zakim has left #aria-dive 18:23:00 bkardell_ has joined #aria-dive