WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

29 Jun 2022


tzviya, jamesn, Judy, spectranaut, Lionel_Wolberger, Chuck, Janina
Lionel_Wolberger, spectranaut


<Judy> meeting: WAI Coordination Call

<Lionel_Wolberger> scribe: Lionel_Wolberger

Scribe, agenda additions, add present+

Judy: Let's do short introductions please.

Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts

Judy: Be sure any upcoming announcements that you have are teed up on this page.
... Janina, did you get sufficient guidance from Shawn regarding announcements?

Janina: Using an older FPWD as a template is very helpful, but it can be hard to find the last draft for a FPWD. Put a template in the github, then those templates could be incorporated via an include
... really like the idea of having a file in github that is reuseable

Judy: Note that some items here may have sensitivity regarding announcement dates, so there is confidentiality required

janina: Publications in July: four coming up
... SAUR
... Accessibility of Remote Meetings (from RQTF)
... should be as early as the 12th, for note status
... WAI-Adapt Content Module 1.0 for Candidate Recommendation
... WAI-ADapt Explainer


Judy: What about implementations of WAI-Adapt?

janina: We have implementations pending on the content side and the user side
... but keep in mind we are going to WHAT-WG to replace our data- attributes with new attributes
... meaning we must do two CRs

Judy: No way to avoid that?

janina: the 60 day IP delay will be needed, since the data- replacement will require a new draft

<Chuck> I reviewed the announcement drafts. There is one section that I found a bit confusing that I will review outside this call, but I saw nothing inaccurate.

jamesn: We intend to have a CR soon

Checking on new work? Clarification on overlays. Cross-WAI review requests?

Judy: WAI fielded many questions about overlays. Clarified that there is no formal W3C item on overlays, though there is an Accessibility on the Edge community group forming.

<Chuck> +1 thanks

Judy: no chartered W3C group is currently working on overlay related deliverables. If there is any in the future, it would need to go through the usual careful process before commencing.

janina: Research Questions taking up Collaborative Editing Requirements

Judy: In coordination with APA, correct?

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1746

<spectranaut> scribe: spectranaut

jamesn: this is a subject we have talked about several times in ARIA. the idea is that an image should be include sometimes and not others, maybe this is a "verbosity" setting, how do explain some content is not critical and only interesting sometimes. this is an adaptability of the UI question

Lionel_Wolberger: I think we have agenda for an aria/apa conversation, this is a good topic, would like to engage coga (?) people as well

Janina: I have another thing to bring to the table about live regions
... related to timeouts, when do want to announce?

tzviya: what about publishing? images that are related, but decorative, what do they add?
... similarly, how do we tag "text boxes", maybe this feature could help outline algorithm problems

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to add use cases

Lionel_Wolberger: I love this because as a cochair of wai adapt, alt=null is the most confusing thing
... and I agree the reasoning

jamesn: I don't think we want to remove alt="" because there are things we need to do this for, there are some things that no one wants to know about, but there are fewer and fewer of these, but in legacy applications it will always need support

Judy: are you sure you want to wait until sept for some of these discussions?

jamesn: with summer break it will be hard to get anything started before sept

Lionel_Wolberger: I didn't mean to remove support for alt="", just an alternative would be better

jamesn: this is about helping to design better experiences

<Lionel_Wolberger> lionel is impressed and says to spectranaut, great scribing!

Judy: lots of enthusiasm about this it seem
... who is following up on this?

More public info on legal entity transition, any questions?

jamesn and janina

will follow up on the previous topic

Judy: we have a lot of issues becoming a single organization

<tzviya> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-forum/2022AprJun/0326.html

tzviya: the AB hosts a member meeting once a month
... anyone can come
... ping me if you have trouble

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to mention member meeting

Judy: there has been a push for a new board now.
... WAI should be pretty stable during the transition

Any TPAC questions, as the plans are coming together?

Judy: goal is to make tpac as safe as possible

jamesn: where is the best place to follow the tpac planning?

Judy: the chairs mailing list? there will be a training in three weeks for hybrid meetings
... to make them accessible and equitable as possible
... maybe not the chair list....

janina: I've beeing seeing comments and discussion in the chair list, but I didn't see anything about hybrid meetings

tzviya: I know a lot of people filter out the chair list, because there is a lot of junk, so if I include the chairs I always send a seperate email to the ab because people ignore the chairs list

Judy: I want to follow chair notices to the WAI CC list
... but WAI CC is a public list and sometimes the chair list is not

janina: we are suppose to plan our joint meetings before the end of the week
... for tpac ^

Judy: how do we help fair conversations at TPAC, maybe we need to get more granular about agenda planning, then topics can be set according to the timezone of the attendants

janina: I agree with that, but when APA wants a joint meeting, we send the chairs a message with the topics and why, so now how do we do it?

tzviya: we need to do early scheduling, but it is hard because it's summer vacation time for most people

Judy: I'm getting feedback we need better subject lines in the chair list

everyone: yes

janina: I don't think I can get them out until early july
... the coordination meetings ^
... I have a concern about how to do daily testing

Judy: I'll make sure there is guidance about it

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/06/29 19:00:16 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision VERSION of 2020-12-31
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/There may be some in future, which would/If there is any in the future, it would need to/
Succeeded: s/Lionel_Wolberger/Janina/
Succeeded: s/Lionel_Wolberger/Janina/
Succeeded: s/Lionel_Wolberger/Janina/
Default Present: tzviya, jamesn, Judy, spectranaut, Lionel_Wolberger, Chuck, Janina
Present: tzviya, jamesn, Judy, spectranaut, Lionel_Wolberger, Chuck, Janina
Found Scribe: Lionel_Wolberger
Inferring ScribeNick: Lionel_Wolberger
Found Scribe: spectranaut
Inferring ScribeNick: spectranaut
Scribes: Lionel_Wolberger, spectranaut
ScribeNicks: Lionel_Wolberger, spectranaut
Found Date: 29 Jun 2022
People with action items: 

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