11:53:02 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:53:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/23-miniapp-irc 11:53:14 Meeting: MiniApps CG Teleconference 11:53:18 present+ 11:53:23 scribe: xfq 11:53:29 rrsagent, make log public 11:53:31 rrsagent, make minutes 11:53:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/23-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 11:57:06 present+ xiaoping_zhao 12:01:03 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:02:06 present+ zitao 12:02:12 present+ yanyumeng 12:02:18 present+ martin 12:02:46 present+ 12:03:35 topic: components 12:03:41 [martin shares his screen] 12:04:23 martin: this is also related to https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/190 12:04:39 ... please review the diagram 12:04:46 ... regarding to components 12:05:00 ... we have been discussing internally 12:05:21 ... I will describe briefly about the diff with web components 12:07:02 [martin describes his proposal] 12:07:22 ... reusing the HTMLElement interface 12:07:35 ... the current MiniApp impls follow the mvvm pattern 12:08:13 ... regarding the common events, I won't go into details here 12:08:23 ... most of these events are similar to dom events 12:08:39 ... longpress, swipe, etc. are not in the standard events 12:09:14 ... in case those are not standards we can propose to existing WGs 12:09:30 ... or just discuss them based on existing dom events 12:09:44 ... i think the proposed solution is to use the standard html+dom 12:10:02 ... it would be compatible with the existing html+dom standards 12:10:27 ... some discussions in the open issue some folks recommend us using existing standards 12:10:46 ... if they're not in the current standards we can propose them in the relavant WGs 12:10:57 [martin shows a list of basic elements] 12:11:49 ... some of them have equivalent elements in html 12:11:56 ... we can just change the name 12:12:12 ... some are under discussion under the openui CG 12:12:33 ... in terms of the structure of the markup language, events, and attributes 12:13:56 ... the best way to do it is to propose them to the openui cg 12:14:29 ... some elements list list 12:14:37 ... we have html elements that are related 12:14:45 ... but we have other requirements 12:14:50 ... so we can use web components 12:15:03 ... we can reach out to the open ui cg 12:15:28 ... if we can reuse the existing elements we can just use it 12:16:12 ... some challenges we have include new elements not in the html spec, but somehow in frameworks 12:16:46 ... 2) similar elements, like , , , etc. 12:17:01 ... @@ 12:17:16 ... 3) non-standard attributes in MiniApp components 12:17:31 ... like disable and focusable 12:17:50 ... we can adapt and use the standard attributes 12:18:28 ... or create a basic MiniAppElement that extends HTMLElement, but this prevents MiniApps from using web components 12:18:38 ... in the case of events 12:19:07 ... we can adopt the standard events like PointerEvents 12:19:39 ... for new events we can propose to relevant WGs if needed 12:19:47 ... @@ 12:20:02 ... once we have consensus we can start writing the proposals 12:20:20 ... we should document what are really in the standards 12:20:27 ... in a note 12:20:39 ... requirements 12:20:55 ... subset of CSS features we use 12:21:07 ... also for events etc. 12:21:13 ... if we push a new solution 12:21:25 ... for a non-HTML-based standard 12:21:38 ... we need to crfeate a domain specific language based on xml 12:21:45 ... create an xml schema 12:21:53 ... and scripting 12:22:02 ... these are the two main options 12:22:21 ... 1) following the standards; 2) bring a new set of languages and new model for MiniApps 12:22:41 ... also, we can use SVG for graphics 12:23:22 ... we can find examples of how to define elements, how to do styling 12:23:30 ... we can also look into ttml 12:23:42 ... in case we need to create a vocabulary 12:24:11 zitao: we have disucssed this for a long time 12:24:29 ... especially how to make it compatible with existing specs 12:24:39 ... how to develop standards that make sense 12:25:08 ... how to move the proposal forward? 12:25:31 xiaoqian: thank you 12:25:37 ... excellent presentation 12:25:47 ... wonder whether you can share this with the public 12:25:57 ... Mike Smith is in the html WG 12:26:21 ... i wonder if you'd like to ask his opinion on this work 12:26:40 martin: it's also interesting to hear other vendors' opinions 12:27:15 maritn has joined #miniapp 12:27:18 xiaoqian: we should get more attention from other people in the w3c community 12:27:28 present + 12:27:39 present+ Martin 12:27:42 ... can we have a breakout session in tpac about MiniApp components? 12:27:57 ... or an agenda item in the MiniApps WG meeting? 12:28:09 xiaoqian: tpac is just like two months away from now 12:28:19 ... we can prepare for tpac 12:28:53 martin: i think it's important having this discussion 12:29:19 xiaoqian: as a follow up we should get opinions from alibaba, baidu, xiaomi, and other MiniApp vendors 12:29:34 ... we can set a deadline for comments 12:30:03 maritn: we can set a special meeting on this if anyone wants to discuss this 12:30:10 present+ dan 12:30:16 dan: i agree to reuse html elements 12:30:30 ... we can have more readability and SEO 12:30:43 ... i don't know if developers are allowed to access the dom in js 12:31:02 ... currently the dom is not allowed to be accessed for security and perf reasons 12:31:16 maritn: it could be a subset of html elements for any reason, I don't know 12:31:23 ... full css is not mandatory 12:31:40 ... for scripting we can restrict for security or other reasons 12:31:51 ... for apis we can have similar discussions 12:32:00 ... perhaps in a dedicated spec 12:32:45 dan: we can discuss when we have some concrete proposal 12:33:01 maritn: for epub they define attributes for ebooks 12:33:09 ... subset of css 12:33:19 ... also with scripting 12:33:51 zitao: another topic is api 12:34:04 ... if we want to discuss it in a tpac breakout session 12:34:34 ... we can discuss it in the later tpac-related agenda 12:35:33 dan: we can do more work on ui components and api 12:35:43 +1 to a session on UI Components and APIs at TPAC 12:36:35 dan: can we collect topics in an issue? 12:36:39 regrets+ qing 12:36:53 dan: so that other people can give their opinions 12:36:58 topic: testing 12:37:15 Open issue: https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/182#issuecomment-1162949151 12:37:46 maritn: the idea is to reuse epub tests 12:38:07 s/epub tests/the structure of epub tests/ 12:38:26 maritn: we can include both the docs and the tests 12:38:38 ... anyone from the community can help us 12:38:45 ... to create new test cases 12:39:29 ... we can classify the topics 12:40:10 [martin shows an example test] 12:41:04 maritn: must vs should 12:42:43 ... the system will automatically generate the docs 12:43:10 ... the test is a json-ld document 12:46:18 ... we can link the test and the spec 12:46:48 ... in the spec we can see the test coverage 12:47:00 ... it's already proven in the epub testing process 12:47:50 ... the system can automatically generate a MiniApp package 12:49:48 ... this is the idea 12:50:00 ... if you agree with the methodology we can move forward 12:50:31 ... we can do it in many other ways but i think this is a way to do it easily 12:50:53 dan: very wonderful example for us to learn 12:50:59 xiaoqian: I agree 12:51:03 ... excellent work 12:51:25 ... I think for this part the wg and cg should work on a chinese version of the readme 12:51:51 ... some contributors may have some difficulties reading english 12:52:02 maritn: i think if we agree to use this approach 12:52:17 ... we can develop this as soon as possible 12:52:31 +1 12:53:23 maritn: i'd be glad to explain more technical details if anyone is interested 12:53:35 dan: i need to look into it to see if i can help you 12:54:08 topic: widget 12:54:21 [xiaoping shows his screen] 12:54:40 xiaoping: i'll introduce the draft widget spec 12:54:58 [xiaoping shows the outline of the widget spec] 12:56:05 [xiaoping shows the outline of the widget spec] 12:56:16 [xiaoping explains the terminologies] 12:56:45 xiaoping: unlike MiniApp pages, there isn't a start widget for a MiniApp widget 13:00:33 dan: thank you 13:00:41 ... I look forward to the PR 13:01:04 zitao: i also look forward to the PR 13:01:16 ... some work is related to existing WG work 13:01:22 ... especially the lifecycle work 13:02:27 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-widget/pull/11 13:02:35 dan: we can review this PR 13:03:21 dan: next cg meeting will be july 21 13:03:36 +1 July 21 for next meeting 13:03:43 xiaoqian: w3c web apps wg is waiting for our feedback about joint meeting on manifest 13:04:20 ... xfq can you create an issue for that? 13:04:22 xfq: yes 13:05:00 rrsagent, make minutes 13:05:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/23-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 14:33:22 Zakim has left #miniapp