IRC log of hcls on 2022-06-23
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:50:41 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #hcls
- 14:50:41 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:50:49 [dbooth]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 14:50:57 [dbooth]
- Meeting: FHIR RDF
- 14:51:01 [dbooth]
- Chair: David Booth
- 15:01:59 [dbooth]
- Topic: Concept IRIs
- 15:02:53 [dbooth]
- gaurav: Posted to zulip, but no response yet:
- 15:04:07 [dbooth]
- Present: David Booth, Gaurav Vaidya, Dagmar
- 15:06:33 [dbooth]
- Present+ Jim Balhoff, EricP
- 15:09:35 [dbooth]
- Topic: FHIR RDF Playground
- 15:10:15 [dbooth]
- eric: More than half way through the implementation of the last feature we need for R5.
- 15:10:38 [dbooth]
- ... Q: Preprocessor works in tandem w the @context generator.
- 15:11:16 [dbooth]
- ... Last feature is to change properties like fhir:valueQuantity to fhir:value (and have the type in the RDF type).
- 15:12:22 [dbooth]
- dbooth: preprocessor needs to break apart that single property into two pieces of information?
- 15:14:39 [dbooth]
- eric: yes.
- 15:15:45 [dbooth]
- dbooth: hope to make the preprocessor as stable as possible, so that most tweaking can be done to the @context
- 15:17:30 [dbooth]
- eric: The content model in the JSON-LD @context needs to know what type it is.
- 15:18:59 [dbooth]
- Topic: Issues list
- 15:29:59 [dbooth]
- dbooth: Looking at issue 95:
- 15:31:10 [dbooth]
- eric: we should push back to the larger FHIR community to say the type property SHOULD be included if the reference URL is not relative. Would prefer a MUST.
- 15:32:04 [dbooth]
- eric: Does their validator deference to find out the type?
- 15:32:35 [dbooth]
- ... Validation would ensure that it is the right type.
- 15:33:38 [dbooth]
- ACTION: DBooth to ask the FHIR community about requiring a type property when a ref is an absolute URI
- 15:40:17 [dbooth]
- Issue 93: How should modifier extensions be handled in R5?
- 15:43:39 [dbooth]
- Issue 70: FHIR rdf representation does not pass shex - canonical URL properties need metadata
- 15:43:46 [dbooth]
- dbooth: Closing this, because it will be caught by shex validation in the build process, so we will address then if it is still an issue.
- 16:04:43 [dbooth]
- In issue 77 (Simplifying primitive properties while still supporting FHIR extensions) The issue of connecting FHIR extension element "_foo" to element "foo" does not necessarily have to be addressed in the preprocessor, because it is a static relationship -- it does not depend on the instance data -- so it could be included in the ontology instead of being generated in the instance data.
- 16:12:29 [dbooth]
- 16:12:35 [dbooth]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 16:12:35 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate dbooth