14:02:03 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:02:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/22-w3process-irc 14:02:05 present= 14:02:13 present+ 14:02:17 present+ fantasai 14:02:29 present+ wseltzer 14:02:35 present+ plh 14:02:37 present+ florian 14:02:50 plh has joined #w3process 14:02:58 agenda+ Issues up for closure 14:02:58 agenda+ Community Groups and Business Groups should be incorporated into the Process 14:02:58 agenda+ Director-Free: Recusal from W3C Council 14:02:58 agenda+ Let the Team rather than the Director handle progression on TR 14:02:59 agenda+ Maturity Level is a weird term 14:02:59 agenda+ TAG Appointment: Review the proposal before sending it to the AB 14:03:00 agenda+ Process 2022 issues 14:03:02 plh has changed the topic to: Next Process CG: June 22 14:03:19 zakim, clear agenda 14:03:20 agenda cleared 14:03:26 agenda+ Issues up for closure 14:03:26 agenda+ Community Groups and Business Groups should be incorporated into the Process 14:03:26 agenda+ Director-Free: Recusal from W3C Council 14:03:26 agenda+ Let the Team rather than the Director handle progression on TR 14:03:27 agenda+ Maturity Level is a weird term 14:03:27 agenda+ TAG Appointment: Review the proposal before sending it to the AB 14:03:28 agenda+ Process 2022 issues 14:03:32 ScribeNick: fantasai 14:03:41 Regrets+ DavidS 14:03:49 regrets+ ChrisW 14:04:07 present+ jeff 14:04:28 plh: Process is going to mainly manufactured by the Team, given attendance today. 14:04:32 Topic: Issue to close 14:04:40 plh: Two issues candidate to close 14:04:41 +1 to close 14:04:58 s/Issue to close/Review of Agenda/ 14:05:04 plh: recusal from council 14:05:18 plh: pull request from Florian on Director-free 14:05:26 plh: issue from fantasai about "Maturity Level" 14:05:29 Ralph has joined #w3process 14:05:34 plh: and TAG appointments, to review where we are on the issue 14:05:35 present+ 14:05:41 plh: If we have time, we can do any other 2022 issue 14:05:46 plh: Should we dive in? 14:05:49 florian: Dive! 14:05:52 zakim, move to next agendum 14:05:52 agendum 1 -- Issues up for closure -- taken up [from plh] 14:06:00 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/443 14:06:03 Topic: Issues for Closure 14:06:05 Subtopic: Stronger emphasis on reaching Recommendation 14:06:16 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/443 14:06:36 plh: Any objections to close this issue? We have an open PR on the Guide, and no proposals for altering the Process 14:06:39 florian: Close it 14:06:46 RESOLVED: Close #443 14:06:57 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/462 14:07:10 Subtopic: Process should requre CR transition to document plan for CR exit 14:07:19 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/462 14:07:24 weiler: [describes issue] 14:07:28 zakim, move to next agendum 14:07:28 agendum 2 -- Community Groups and Business Groups should be incorporated into the Process -- taken up [from plh] 14:07:31 various: let's close 14:07:38 RESOLVED: Close #462 14:07:39 +1 to close without change 14:07:45 Topic: CG and BG processes into Process 14:07:53 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/409 14:08:00 plh: I fear we have other priorities 14:08:11 plh: Are we OK to defer this yet again? 14:08:47 fantasai: this is a big topic; I'm not sure what's being proposed is the way forward 14:08:58 plh: Doubt more important than DF 14:09:04 plh: Proposal is to defer yet again 14:09:06 florian: Yes, defer 14:09:17 florian: They are *mentioned* in the Process, but defined elsewhere 14:09:20 q+ 14:09:49 jeff__: Small thing related to this context, have we made adequately clear that CEPC applies to CGs and BGs? 14:09:58 wseltzer: Yes, it is in the Join to those groups 14:10:03 q+ 14:10:05 jeff__: To me that's the most important linkage that we might have 14:10:08 ack jeff 14:10:17 weiler: Rather than merely defer, how are we going ot get communities to tackle this? 14:10:18 tzviya has joined #w3process 14:10:20 weiler: It's bigger than us 14:10:26 ack weiler 14:10:26 weiler: How do we get tackle 14:10:38 florian: I don't even know what we're trying to achieve, and we have other things we do want to achieve 14:10:46 florian: if can wrap it up in 5min... otherwise defer 14:10:57 weiler: not defer for us to do later, but kick it to some other part of community 14:11:09 plh: We are the community. We're the CG for the Process 14:11:14 [Unless someone who proposes an alternative comes forward, I think we drop it.] 14:11:16 plh: If someone wants to work on this, not going to object for sure 14:11:22 plh: do we need to actively assign the work? 14:11:28 plh: is deferred, not closed 14:11:38 plh: I just want to send a clear signal that we don't have resources right now to take care of it 14:12:10 scribe+ 14:12:23 fantasai: much of why CG's need more process is because they're trying to do things that should be done in WGs 14:12:30 scribe- 14:12:36 zakim, move to next agendum 14:12:36 agendum 3 -- Director-Free: Recusal from W3C Council -- taken up [from plh] 14:12:39 fantasai: so we should rather look into why they're doing that and fix that problem isntead 14:12:48 RESOLVED: Defer this cycle 14:12:50 q+ 14:12:52 Topic: Recusal 14:12:56 q+ 14:13:01 plh: We have some stuff in Process, do we need to put more? 14:13:11 plh: We can always put stuff in the Guide, which is easier to change 14:13:17 ["recusal" is not the currently preferred term] 14:13:18 plh: Harder to enforce, though, because not part of process 14:13:30 ack jeff 14:13:43 qq+ 14:13:52 plh: Question is, do we have enough in the Process for this today? 14:13:59 plh: Last time I checked it doesn't reflect what we're actually doing 14:14:08 plh: Either need to change experiment or process 14:14:10 ack jeff 14:14:10 jeff__, you wanted to react to jeff__ 14:14:15 -> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/director-free/#council "5.7.2. The W3C Council" Director-free draft 14:14:34 jeff__: In my mind, recusal is not unrelated to dismissal, and dissatisfied that dismissal is working as we need it to 14:14:43 jeff__: Too early to come to a conclusion, need to keep experimenting 14:14:50 jeff__: basis for my dissatisfaction is twofold 14:15:12 jeff__: First of all, we've had successful Councils formed where potentia beneficiaries of the decisions have not been dismissed 14:15:13 rrsagent, please make record public 14:15:15 q+ 14:15:51 q- 14:16:14 s/jeff__: First of all, we've had successful Councils formed where potentia beneficiaries of the decisions have not been dismissed// 14:16:29 rrsagent, please make record member until cleaned up 14:16:29 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make record member until cleaned up', wseltzer. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:16:58 s/basis for my dissatisfaction is twofold/I think we need a post-mortem for the experiments/ 14:17:19 s/rrsagent, please make record member until cleaned up// 14:17:39 ack florian 14:17:51 florian: I thin what's in process is neither too much nor enough, it's outdated 14:18:03 florian: I think we action me to update 14:18:13 florian: and we can point at whereever we're maintaining the dismissal thing or whatever 14:18:29 q+ to florian 14:18:32 florian: eventually the Process should be updated with it, but for now let's just stick an issue in the Process to mark as Work in Progress 14:18:34 +1 to florian 14:18:34 ack jeff 14:18:34 jeff__, you wanted to florian 14:18:36 q- 14:18:38 q+ 14:18:41 ack plh 14:18:53 plh: Fine with putting an issue and deferring conversation 14:19:17 plh: 2 questions, if we defer, should be deferring after TPAC. But that might push us later into 2023 14:19:23 florian: I think this is up to AB 14:19:34 florian: They need to say what rules we adopt 14:19:52 plh: Was going to ask if we're right group to discuss these things 14:20:04 florian: We're the right group to draft text, but the AB needs to say what to draft 14:20:26 plh: The AB is super busy... 14:20:40 florian: I'm in both groups, and we have quite a few members here who are regulars of the AB 14:20:46 q+ 14:20:51 florian: I don't feel this group is the right group to draw conclusions from the experiments 14:20:52 ack jeff 14:21:08 jeff__: I think that for the entire Process, it's managed by the AB, and they delegate a lot of the work to us 14:21:18 jeff__: if they want to weigh in they can 14:21:23 jeff__: We work with the best information we have 14:21:38 plh: Any objection to defer until after TPAC this conversation, to allow experiments to proceed/ 14:21:50 [discussion of timing] 14:22:06 plh: if AB doesn't get back to us by TPAC, we should try to make progress ourselves 14:22:27 florian: Meanwhile, action me to add an issue to Process 14:22:36 ACTION Florian: Add issue in Process about recusal/dismissal 14:23:37 zakim, move to next agendum 14:23:37 agendum 4 -- Let the Team rather than the Director handle progression on TR -- taken up [from plh] 14:23:43 plh: good at deferring things today... 14:23:52 Topic: Let the Team handle progression on TR 14:23:57 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/586 14:24:00 florian: fantasai and I looked at this 14:24:07 Github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/586 14:24:20 florian: There was request from LĂ©onie that when Team moves things forward with weak justifications, Team needs to document it 14:24:23 florian: this was already in the text 14:24:47 florian: Also comment from dsinger wrt Team approving advancement on the REC track, not clearly tied to criteria in Process 14:24:58 florian: Director could block for any reason, not just procedural 14:25:17 florian: which wouldn't be fine in case of Team, so dsinger requested clarification that the Team is expected to assess the quality of the spec 14:25:23 florian: and not based on personal opinions 14:25:35 florian: so text has been updated to tie their approval to such requirements 14:25:43 florian: to avoid making it seem the Team can block based on their own feeling 14:26:13 florian: There was also something we noticed: a sentence saying that the Director (now Team) had the ability, without WG's approval, to take a REC-track document and move it down, e.g. CR to WD 14:26:27 florian: There is the ability to forcefully do this, and while unlikely to abused, felt more comfortable under just the Director than just the Team 14:26:38 florian: so we added the fact that if the Team wants to do this, it needs the approval of the AB and TAG 14:26:46 florian: so that's a new idea for your consideration 14:27:03 florian: I think if we need ability to forcefully downgrade a document, should get some approval 14:27:13 plh: We can review at the next meeting 14:27:17 plh: Any questions about this? 14:27:54 scribe+ 14:27:57 fantasai: Just recommend to review the PR commit by commit, because we both changed and moved some text, easier to review move and changes separately 14:28:19 plh: Encourage Ralph to look at this, since the Team is functionally Ralph in a lot of those cases 14:28:43 florian: PR isn't intended to change anything that we're actually doing, should be compatible with existing practice 14:28:57 weiler: ?? question in that thread, Team's decision are objectable? 14:29:00 florian: yes 14:29:05 weiler: what about Director decision? 14:29:12 florian: Decisions -- all decisions -- are objectable 14:29:27 plh: New process clarifies that 14:30:02 florian: So goal is to land it next time? 14:30:03 plh: yep 14:30:07 zakim, move to next agendum 14:30:07 agendum 5 -- Maturity Level is a weird term -- taken up [from plh] 14:30:13 Topic: Maturity Level is a weird term 14:30:19 scribe+ 14:30:52 fantasai: I filed this because we never use "maturity level" outside of the process doc, because it's so awkward. People use other terms. 14:31:17 ... I want us to pick a term than can be used comfortably outside the process. 14:31:28 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/455 14:31:32 q+ 14:31:37 ... I recommend "maturity stages" 14:31:42 Github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/455 14:31:53 ack florian 14:32:06 ... this avoids conflict with "level of spec" 14:32:38 florian: I don't have a strong opinion, but if we can land something , great. 14:32:44 plh: prefer to not bikeshed this here. 14:32:55 ... May I defer to florian and fantasai? 14:33:37 fantasai: i proposed something. if you weren't paying attention, you might not even notice the change. 14:34:01 q+ 14:34:15 ack plh 14:34:26 plh: my sense is thiat this isn't worth it. 14:34:47 fantasai: the advantage is that people are obviously uncomfortable using "level". 14:35:32 q+ 14:35:44 florian: this is used all over the place outside the process. 14:35:44 plh: HOw about make a PR and we'll discuss it 14:35:45 ack weiler 14:35:56 fantasai: That's a lot of work to get rejected if ppl don't like it 14:36:04 fantasai: decide the term, and then we'll make a PR 14:36:14 s/outside/inside/ 14:36:26 weiler: I wonder if the issue is not the term, but that our ppl don' care about the different levels? 14:36:34 weiler: Not the term, but why do we have stages? 14:36:47 weiler: and in that case why bother 14:36:59 fantasai: people do talk about them, but maybe with term "status". 14:37:07 https://www.w3.org/pubrules/doc/rules/?profile=REC also uses "maturity level" 14:37:15 weiler: fine, then go paint the bikeshed. 14:37:19 plh, because it's closely linked to the Process 14:37:32 plh: then go propose it and give it a month 14:37:39 fantasai: I did it 2 years ago. 14:37:48 plh: people pushed back then 14:38:00 florian: I don't think "wait" works. we did that. 14:38:11 ... maybe "here's the action absent objections" 14:38:22 plh: fine, so how long to allow for objections? July 20? 14:39:32 plh: done. 14:39:39 zakim, move to next agendum 14:39:39 agendum 6 -- TAG Appointment: Review the proposal before sending it to the AB -- taken up [from plh] 14:39:57 Topic: TAG Appointments 14:40:05 florian: The general idea, we have a TAG election, and it elects part of the TAG 14:40:14 florian: We used to have 3 ppl appointed by Director, but we won't have a Director 14:40:17 florian: so what do we do? 14:40:30 florian: Current idea is to form a TAG Appointment Committee to do the appointing 14:40:30 Github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/608 14:40:44 florian: currently it's formed during the election, and makes a decision after the election 14:40:49 florian: in order to be able to balance the elected TAG 14:41:00 florian: That part isn't too complicated, what's complicated is who is on that committee? 14:41:10 florian: We had a notion that it would be a subset of TAG and subset of chairs 14:41:23 florian: fantasai observed that subsetting chairs is time-consuming, and maybe we can just take them all 14:41:35 q+ 14:41:46 florian: that gets us a broad community, can more easily see what expertise is missing 14:42:01 florian: So this gets us a simplified process for setting up the committee 14:42:22 weiler: So you think it's easier to get consensus in a larger group than to run random selection? 14:42:34 weiler: I think the question is, what's likely to get us to a better outcome 14:42:46 florian: getting consensus in a large group can take awhile 14:43:03 florian: subsetting is not just the random selection, you have to see if the selected ppl are willing to show up 14:43:11 florian: so you need to run the process multiple time 14:43:21 florian: ... 14:43:24 -> https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+tag+label%3A%22Director-free%3A+TAG+Appointments%22 related issues labeled "Director-free: TAG Appointments" 14:43:31 florian: not conceptually hard, but it takes awhile to get to an actual set of people 14:43:40 weiler: I assume we can make that work 14:43:45 q+ 14:43:48 ack weiler 14:43:51 ack plh 14:43:57 florian: That was the initial assumption, is why we wrote it that way 14:44:13 plh: I think I agree with Sam, easier to find consensus 14:44:25 plh: Also this would change the balance of the committee, because only one member of the Team 14:44:33 plh: and many chairs 14:44:57 plh: so I tend to agree with Sam, go through the pain of selecting 4 chairs 14:45:04 plh: so that we can save time getting consensus 14:45:15 scribe+ 14:45:34 [by the way, the suggestion from fantasai I was commenting about is https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/608] 14:45:38 fantasai: I made the proposal from watching the Council experiment process run 14:45:57 ... I agree it's harder to get consensus in a larger group 14:46:15 ... it's easier to have some kinds of discussions in a smaller group 14:46:16 jeff has joined #w3process 14:46:49 ... I was also concerned about the Team participant being drowned out 14:47:07 weiler: I've been on the IETF NomCom, 7 people appointing 3 14:47:14 weiler: It's a lot of work, it eats a lot of time 14:47:30 weiler: it's going to be simpler here, fact that you're selecting ppl for the same position (TAG member) simplifies it 14:47:37 weiler: but nom matter what it's a lot of work 14:47:53 weiler: From IETF experience, some things I might tweak in how you do it to address florian's concern around e.g. are they willing to 14:47:58 weiler: but I feel confident that we can make it work 14:48:25 weiler: It's not going to be "meet twice for 2hrs and we're done", but not a bad process, probably a good one 14:48:41 weiler: what is the question in front of us today? 14:49:01 florian: Question from fantasai is should we a) adopt immediatley b) reject immediatly c) ask more people to weigh in 14:49:19 florian: The version in the document is with subsetting, and issue #608 is about removing subsetting 14:49:44 florian: My feeling is this group leans against #608, but maybe give more airtime outside the group? 14:49:54 weiler: We're looking at 80-100 people, it would not be workable 14:50:09 weiler: you're not going to get consensus, and you won't get the kind of confidentiality you need 14:50:13 weiler: I would kill it right now 14:50:20 weiler: You cannot do this with 40 people, even 14:50:31 florian: fantasai, willing ot let go? 14:50:36 +1; unworkable in practice 14:50:37 fantasai: yes, I defer to weiler's experience 14:51:00 RESOLVED: Close no change 14:51:30 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Director-free%3A+TAG+Appointments%22 14:51:36 florian: We do have a bunch of other issues about the TAC, I haven't looked at them in awhile 14:51:41 florian: encourage everyone to have a look 14:51:51 florian: otherwise, time we revisited those 14:51:51 s/IETF NomCom,/IETF NomCom, which is 10 people (+ 5 not voting) appointing ~12; this is/ 14:53:00 zakim, move to next agendum 14:53:00 agendum 7 -- Process 2022 issues -- taken up [from plh] 14:53:12 Topic: Process 2022 Triage 14:53:32 plh: Looking for volunteers to prepare more of these for discussion 14:53:39 zakim, move to next agendum 14:53:39 agendum 7 was just opened, plh 14:53:45 zakim, close agendum 7 14:53:45 agendum 7, Process 2022 issues, closed 14:53:46 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 14:53:49 zakim, move to next agendum 14:53:49 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, plh 14:54:24 plh: 486 will be on next agenda 14:54:35 plh: Thanks everyone, let's continue next time 14:54:38 Meeting closed. 14:55:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:55:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/22-w3process-minutes.html wseltzer 15:00:14 zakim, bye 15:00:14 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been weiler, fantasai, wseltzer, plh, florian, jeff, Ralph 15:00:14 Zakim has left #w3process 15:59:01 TallTed has joined #w3process