14:26:35 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 14:26:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/21-ixml-irc 14:27:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:27:19 Meeting: ixml Group Teleconference 14:27:30 Date: 21 June 2022 14:27:34 Chair: Steven 14:29:11 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-ixml-minutes.html 14:29:47 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022Jun/0034 14:30:17 rrsagent, make minutes 14:30:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/21-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:30:50 Tom has joined #ixml 14:31:24 Regrets: Bethan 14:31:44 Present: Tom, John, Norm, Steven 14:34:51 TOPIC: action items review 14:35:54 no V1 action items presently 14:36:42 TOPIC: Status Reports 14:37:16 ndw's implementation in good state, aiming for a 2.0 release by Balisage 14:37:35 Steven apologises that his implementation was down for a while earlier this week 14:37:58 JL's implmentation online 14:38:12 passing all tests older than a week 14:39:17 Sent everyone details on the XPath features; might try to get QT3 tests running against it. 14:39:44 ACTION: JW to get 14:40:09 s/ to get/ to get QT3 tests working on his XPath feature 14:40:42 Michael: Fixing test failures; only remaing gaps are insertion tests. 14:42:29 ACTION: Michael to close and re-open pull request #115 14:42:29 s/remaing/remaining 14:44:37 TFJH: not had much time to work on my implementation: think I'm going to step back from the committee meetings and spend more time on github/tests/balisage/JayParser 14:45:23 Steven: proposes reducing committee meetings to monthly for a while (second Tuesday of each month) 14:45:43 Tom: proposes keeping the same diary slot for other breakout meetings, e.g. balisage papers 14:46:42 TOPIC: Testing 14:47:05 JL: I find it hard to navigate: I could do with a way of just seeing current tests 14:47:34 ndw; suggest cloning a second copy for ease of comparison 14:48:56 s/ndw;/NDW 14:50:07 Instructions for pulling a given branch is available at the bottom of a given PR 14:50:15 TOPIC: Balisage 14:50:33 Steven: What has got to be done, and who is doing it? 14:51:01 NDW: happy for Michael to kick off with a summary of the b 14:51:09 s/b/V1 release 14:51:16 ...or Steven? 14:51:31 Norm: I said Steven, but I don't care who does it. 14:51:35 Sessions are 45 minutes (30 mins talking, 15 mins questions) 14:52:14 Michael: the answer to "when can I use it" is "you can use it today"; lots of demos would be good. 14:54:03 Tom: a schematron based demonstration would be good: cf Jirka's paper in XML London (link to follow by email) 14:54:15 ACTION: Tom to set up a schematron demo 14:57:44 Michael: it would be good to show we get the same results for some sentence across the implmentations. Suggest Oberon language as a candidate. 14:59:26 NDW: the grammar for extracting docbook bibliographies would be great 14:59:40 Steven: That's the one I was intending to do. 14:59:55 JL: I have the XPath one to do. 15:00:27 ACTION: Michael to look at FXSL library for a source of XPath samples 15:01:06 JL: we are hampered by not being able to include one grammar in another (e.g. ISO dates in ISO lists) 15:02:25 Michael: for now, I would suggest simple macro expansion to build grammars outside of iXML 15:05:15 ACTION: Steven to introduce: prose by 1st July ready for conference proceeding 15:05:42 ACTION: all to produce proce precis of demos by 1st July ready for conference proceedings 15:07:10 s/demos/demos and implementations 15:07:36 TOPIC: website and implmentations 15:07:53 NDW: I propose putting the spec and grammars in a /1.0/ directory for future proofing 15:08:07 Steven: we can redirect the existing URLs to the latest version 15:09:37 ACTION: NDW to update web CI to produce such a webpage 15:10:22 Next meeting: 12th July 2022 AD 15:10:58 Tom: suggest pragma paper authors meet this time next week 15:13:07 rrsagent, make minutes 15:13:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/21-ixml-minutes.html Steven 17:20:17 norm has joined #ixml 17:56:51 norm has joined #ixml 18:15:07 cmsmcq__ has joined #ixml 18:18:14 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 18:28:27 norm has joined #ixml 18:36:44 Present+Michael 18:36:52 rrsagent, make minutes 18:36:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/21-ixml-minutes.html Steven 19:10:57 norm has joined #ixml 19:29:09 norm has joined #ixml 21:32:54 norm has joined #ixml 21:55:48 norm has joined #ixml 22:16:42 norm has joined #ixml 22:38:01 norm has joined #ixml 23:10:52 norm has joined #ixml 23:38:57 norm has joined #ixml