Functional Needs

21 June 2022



Meeting minutes


MC: I was planning on drafting a project plan

Josh and I did some brainstorming

MC: Long term work is to get the as complete as we can

As well as feedback from different communitities

Could take a year or two to get that together

I'd like to look at the matrix as 3 dimensions.

Auth guidelines, user agent etc

We would first look at authoring - collaborating with Silver

The APA role etc, is important for FAST

When it shows up where - that is something we need to methodical about

We are ahead of the rest in thinking about how this could be used

We need to shop it around

It needs to be more complete or else others wont understand it

We do have a complete column (Vision and visual)

so that could be worth getting feedback on.

MC: We could start shopping the matrix with AG

Get feedback and then refine how we work.

Another piece is the Framework itself

Now we have the list of functional needs and user needs

For it to be a viable TR, we need to fill that out so it makes sense to others

MC: We need to circulate drafts of the FAST also

JOC: Sounds good

JA: In the short term we could fill in the paragraphs to explain.

MC: Yeah

Presentation on vision and visual to APA?

We could learn a lot about what is working - then a revised presentation to AG

JA: A colleague did a card form of sort of personas previously

We could iterate this - vision and visual with some user needs.

JOC: Sounds good Jake

JA: This could help people get used to the idea

JOC: +1 to this - using different tools to demonstrate the user need, requirements and the overall thinking - could be great

JA: It worked out nicely - we have shown them to different people

Easy to digest version of big matrix

MC: I'd like to see an example

Could be a useful part of a presenatation.

MC: If people could see the cards they may find that useful

This could help us to sell it etc

JOC: Could you show us an example?

JA: Not sure were they are - did show then to someone - and had an offer of help.

JOC: Lets build our own

If you had a sample from another project we could use that as a structure/form?

Agreement to try the cards and presenation

JOC: We should be able to get the cards together quick enough

MC: We should be prepared to show how we walkthru

MC: Is July realistic

JA: I'm off at end of July - for 4 weeks

We would need to do it before TPAC.

JOC: Lets do it before the 11th of July

JA: Some draft something before then


JOC: Anything else?

If not I suggest we make this our main focus.

We should also talk about our deceptive patterns work with Todd as a part of APA presentation

ACTION: Jake to create and share a sample of the persona for our presenation

JA: What about our personas - and expanding it out.

JOC: To be clear the second part it to update this


We are looking at describing the user needs hear with more detailed paras

MC: We could need explanation of terms - what are controls, what is content?

JOC: We will need to be clear about our definitions

MC: Could be reword - etc several things could be collapsed

Especially if they are defined terms

JOC: Could work in the context of any emergent technology.

MC: Its not a clear case - but we should work on removing that third level

Does that make sense?

I could work on that if we think its a good idea.

JOC: My only concern would be for unknown knowns as such (emerging tech)

MC: SOme things may not collapse - was what we doing really only a short hand?

JA: Yeah

MC: thats easy to place

MC: I can do that as an edit - and we an go from there.

JA: I can write some explanations

ACTION: Michael to work on collapsing the abstraction - simplify

Summary of action items

  1. Jake to create and share a sample of the persona for our presenation
  2. Michael to work on collapsing the abstraction - simplify
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


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Maybe present: JA, JOC, MC