13:00:18 RRSAgent has joined #a11y-functional 13:00:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/21-a11y-functional-irc 13:00:25 Meeting: Functional Needs 13:00:33 present+ 13:00:49 scribe+ 13:02:50 TOPIC: PLanning 13:03:30 MC: I was planning on drafting a project plan 13:03:39 Josh and I did some brainstorming 13:04:11 MC: Long term work is to get the as complete as we can 13:04:20 As well as feedback from different communitities 13:04:31 Could take a year or two to get that together 13:04:53 I'd like to look at the matrix as 3 dimensions. 13:05:03 Auth guidelines, user agent etc 13:05:19 We would first look at authoring - collaborating with Silver 13:05:29 The APA role etc, is important for FAST 13:05:48 When it shows up where - that is something we need to methodical about 13:06:00 We are ahead of the rest in thinking about how this could be used 13:06:04 We need to shop it around 13:06:28 It needs to be more complete or else others wont understand it 13:06:39 We do have a complete column (Vision and visual) 13:06:48 so that could be worth getting feedback on. 13:06:57 MC: We could start shopping the matrix with AG 13:07:05 Get feedback and then refine how we work. 13:07:15 Another piece is the Framework itself 13:07:23 Now we have the list of functional needs and user needs 13:07:41 For it to be a viable TR, we need to fill that out so it makes sense to others 13:08:06 MC: We need to circulate drafts of the FAST also 13:08:30 JOC: Sounds good 13:08:46 JA: In the short term we could fill in the paragraphs to explain. 13:08:48 MC: Yeah 13:09:02 Presentation on vision and visual to APA? 13:09:20 We could learn a lot about what is working - then a revised presentation to AG 13:10:37 JA: A colleague did a card form of sort of personas previously 13:10:51 We could iterate this - vision and visual with some user needs. 13:11:00 JOC: Sounds good Jake 13:11:32 JA: This could help people get used to the idea 13:11:59 JOC: +1 to this - using different tools to demonstrate the user need, requirements and the overall thinking - could be great 13:12:16 JA: It worked out nicely - we have shown them to different people 13:12:26 Easy to digest version of big matrix 13:12:33 MC: I'd like to see an example 13:12:58 Could be a useful part of a presenatation. 13:13:00 q+ 13:13:25 MC: If people could see the cards they may find that useful 13:13:36 This could help us to sell it etc 13:14:05 JOC: Could you show us an example? 13:14:25 JA: Not sure were they are - did show then to someone - and had an offer of help. 13:14:59 JOC: Lets build our own 13:15:18 If you had a sample from another project we could use that as a structure/form? 13:16:46 Agreement to try the cards and presenation 13:18:01 JOC: We should be able to get the cards together quick enough 13:18:13 MC: We should be prepared to show how we walkthru 13:18:28 MC: Is July realistic 13:18:45 JA: I'm off at end of July - for 4 weeks 13:19:00 We would need to do it before TPAC. 13:19:52 JOC: Lets do it before the 11th of July 13:20:23 JA: Some draft something before then 13:20:24 +1 13:21:16 JOC: Anything else? 13:21:25 If not I suggest we make this our main focus. 13:21:55 We should also talk about our deceptive patterns work with Todd as a part of APA presentation 13:22:37 ACTION: Jake to create and share a sample of the persona for our presenation 13:22:58 JA: What about our personas - and expanding it out. 13:24:35 JOC: To be clear the second part it to update this 13:24:37 http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/#collected-user-needs 13:25:20 We are looking at describing the user needs hear with more detailed paras 13:25:50 MC: We could need explanation of terms - what are controls, what is content? 13:26:30 JOC: We will need to be clear about our definitions 13:26:57 MC: Could be reword - etc several things could be collapsed 13:27:04 Especially if they are defined terms 13:27:14 JOC: Could work in the context of any emergent technology. 13:28:00 MC: Its not a clear case - but we should work on removing that third level 13:28:18 Does that make sense? 13:28:29 I could work on that if we think its a good idea. 13:28:54 JOC: My only concern would be for unknown knowns as such (emerging tech) 13:29:34 MC: SOme things may not collapse - was what we doing really only a short hand? 13:29:36 JA: Yeah 13:29:41 MC: thats easy to place 13:29:57 MC: I can do that as an edit - and we an go from there. 13:30:08 JA: I can write some explanations 13:31:28 ACTION: Michael to work on collapsing the abstraction - simplify 13:31:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:31:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/21-a11y-functional-minutes.html Joshue108 13:32:12 rrsagent, make log world