IRC log of hcls on 2022-06-16

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:56:52 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #hcls
14:56:52 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:56:54 [dbooth]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:56:59 [dbooth]
Meeting: FHIR RDF
14:57:04 [dbooth]
Chair: David Booth
15:03:23 [dbooth]
Topic: FHIR RDF Playground
15:03:36 [dbooth]
eric: Still need to do the value type simplification.
15:04:39 [dbooth]
... Need to update shex library first though.
15:06:58 [dbooth]
eric: Revelations: if we want to hoist scalars -- scalars have deep XML representation, but in JSON they're hoisted -- but in RDF we need to come up w the analog to the extension point. That means that we need to use RDF Collections.
15:08:21 [dbooth]
... If there's a CodeableCOncept w n codings, the fhir:index goes into each of the codings. But if I have two status, it isn't a bnode, so I can attach the fhir:index. That means that if we want to use hoisting, that pushes us to also use RDF Collections.
15:10:31 [dbooth]
Topic: Issue 95: References lack a type arc
15:10:40 [dbooth]
dbooth: More to be done on this issue?
15:11:23 [dbooth]
eric: Preprocessor needs to implement it. Also need to infer type from ref URL.
15:11:47 [dbooth]
... That will work for FHIR URLs, but not other URLs.
15:16:49 [dbooth]
dbooth: i wonder if the broader FHIR community has raised this issue
15:16:55 [dbooth]
gaurav: <<reference attribute, a "Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL">> (from the issue)
15:17:47 [dbooth]
eric: Right now, there's a small set of types that are allowed, which comes from the resource definition.
15:18:21 [dbooth]
.. In the shex I was saying "it has to be one of these types". If we cannot validate that it is one of those things, then we need explicit code in the shex to relax that.
15:19:19 [dbooth]
eric: OWL property constraint.
15:19:31 [dbooth]
... i.e., the owl analog to range.
15:22:44 [dbooth]
ACTION: DBooth to find out if the broader FHIR community is looking at this issue.
15:23:14 [dbooth]
eric: Preprocessor already does the microparsing of the relative URL to determine the type.
15:24:31 [dbooth]
dbooth: If the broader community doesn't address this, do we close this issue with a WONTFIX tag?
15:24:35 [dbooth]
eric: yes.
15:25:23 [dbooth]
Topic: Concept IRIs
15:25:49 [dbooth]
gaurav: Fixed the final issue (UTF16 encoding issue).
15:28:41 [dbooth]
... but want Eric to review my code.
15:33:54 [dbooth]
eric: You should never see a surrogate pair when you are expecting a unicode char.
15:34:22 [dbooth]
... In JS, python, etc, you get the string and then should never see any BOMs.
15:36:49 [dbooth]
15:45:12 [dbooth]
ACTION: Eric to review gaurav's code
15:47:59 [dbooth]
dbooth: A couple of slides here:
15:51:18 [dbooth]
ACTION: gaurav to reach out to Terminology group.
15:53:36 [dbooth]
15:53:53 [dbooth]
Present: Brad Simons, EricP, David Booth, Gaurav Vaidya
15:54:07 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:54:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
16:21:28 [dbooth]
s/needs to implement it. Also need/job. Needs/
16:21:30 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:21:30 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
16:23:38 [dbooth]
i/More to be done /
16:23:43 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:23:43 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth
16:25:43 [dbooth]
s/Preprocessor needs to implement it/Preprocessor job.
16:26:01 [dbooth]
s/Also need to infer/Needs to infer/
16:26:06 [dbooth]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:26:06 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dbooth