15 June 2022


Cristiano_Aguzzi, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes

minutes review

<kaz> June-8

McCool: any objections to publish?

McCool: no objections, publish

upcoming meetings

McCool: aiming for June 23 meeting with the Spatial Data on the Web WG on discovery, geolocation topics to set up TPAC agenda

McCool: Architecture meetings cancelled due to holiday

McCool: DTDL in-depth discussion June 21

<McCool_> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2e4d1489-61bb-4fc9-b180-36525bc6aabc

Ege: marketing call cancelled for the next 2 weeks, June 21 and June 28


<kaz> TPAC page

McCool: registration open at end of June
… we need to allocate time blocks soon, while they are available
… the schedule is vague and doesn't mention AC events

McCool: we should grab two blocks on Wednesday

McCool: Friday is less than ideal because of people leaving and inconvenient for remote participants

McCool: Wednesday is not good for breakouts

Kaz: there is guidance not to schedule group meetings on Wednesday

McCool: Friday seems to be the best option

McCool: let's do a doodle poll and update when we get the detailed agenda from W3M

McCool: may be staying at a different hotel, will let everyone know

Kaz: regarding possible joint meetings, we might want to gather ideas from all the group participants

wide review

McCool: looked at the issue tracker a few days ago, added links to the labeled issues

McCool: 2 week review period for Discovery restarting due to changes found during hte testfest
… editorial PRs outstanding
… please make issue or PR if there are any problems
… want to have a resolution to publish in 2 weeks

McCool: review the publication plan

<kaz> wg-2021-extension-plan.md

McCool: starting a 2 week review of Architecture draft today

<McCool_> proposal: consider the current main branch of Architecture as a draft for the CR Candidate, and will call for a resolution in two weeks to publish as a WD

RESOLUTION: consider the current main branch of Architecture as a draft for the CR Candidate, and will call for a resolution in two weeks to publish as a WD

McCool: any objections for starting the 2 week review period on Architecture and Discovery WDs?

<McCool_> proposal: consider the cr-candidate branch of Discovery as a draft for a CR Candidate, and will call for a resolution in two weeks to publish as a WD

RESOLUTION: consider the cr-candidate branch of Discovery as a draft for a CR Candidate, and will call for a resolution in two weeks to publish as a WD

testfest 3 schedule

McCool: holiday conflicts 1st half of July
… 2nd half July is best

Lagally: prefer the week of July 18th

McCool: 18th - 22nd

testfest report out

McCool: goal was to clean up TD and Discovery
… it was mostly successful
… reviewing test reports
… no more missing tests for TD

<kaz> todo.csv

McCool: created a todo.csv file for the implementations that are still needed
… a lot of these are easy

McCool: someone could just create an example
… people could also think about assertions and make sure they are all checked off

McCool: how do we include older inputs?

McCool: let's review in the testing call
… have some cleanup to do on the test results

McCool: a lot of gaps but they are simple to fix

Kaz: let's publish the updated report on github so we can review it

McCool: we can review the document in the testing call and then merge the PR

charter review

McCool: need more votes, kaz will follow up with a reminder
… please let your AC know

<McCool_> proposal: update draft extension charter to remove mention of 2.0 deliverables (Kaz to implement)

RESOLUTION: update draft extension charter to remove mention of 2.0 deliverables (Kaz to implement)

McCool: remove mention of 2.0 ? any objections?

<kaz> -> (no objections, and resolution made)://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/wotwg2022/ AC review form (Member-only)

review of CG charter

McCool: can we defer the CG charter work until September?

Ege: there are things we need to do right away

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/pull/392

McCool: we can do the charter update without the web page management section
… and defer that discussion

Kaz: let's have more discussion on July 5

McCool: any other important business?

Lagally: suggest the CG can create an outreach document

Ege: there are more details in the email, please review

<cris_> +1

McCool: time check, let's discuss on email

McCool: adjourned

Summary of resolutions

  1. consider the current main branch of Architecture as a draft for the CR Candidate, and will call for a resolution in two weeks to publish as a WD
  2. consider the cr-candidate branch of Discovery as a draft for a CR Candidate, and will call for a resolution in two weeks to publish as a WD
  3. update draft extension charter to remove mention of 2.0 deliverables (Kaz to implement)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).