WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

15 June 2022


janina, Rain, tzviya

Meeting minutes

Hi, am I camped on wrong call?

Judy: Put in an agenda but I've been in meetings, back to back. Please let me know of any additional agenda items, I may have missed.

Judy: I adjusted one or two items.

Judy: Overlays...?


Judy: I may provide a cautionary statement.

Judy: <adding to agenda>

Judy: Not seeing any additions.

Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts

Judy: Any upcoming publications?

Janina: APA will finish remote meetings, late comments from EO, holding. They may miss our Friday deadline.

Janina: We understand EO is prepping comments.

Judy: Sharon may comment.

Sharron: We have no further comments than what we provided last week. I appreciate the response. Sounds like we have a plan to move forward.

Janina: I think so.

Sharron: Nothing further to resolve.

Sharron: We just had our planning meeting this AM, I didn't sense anything different.

Janina: Jason and is ETS colleague indicated that additional comments were comming.

Sharron: We thought it might be an option, but we put it in a wiki, you reviewed, we received your response. We have nothing further.

Sharron: I'll verify later and get back to you after this call.

Janina: Thank you, would be good to know.

Judy: I ask a q about remote...

Judy: I was at a face to face last week presenting about hybrid meetings, and talking about what WAI was doing in virtual meetings.

Judy: I discussed with a person who was adamant that we address the ability for an individual to turn on captions themselves w/o host.

Judy: I haven't had a chance to see if its there. I think there may be some legal concerns.

Judy: I had not realized that you were just about to finalize the note. Do you know if that's covered?

Janina: I don't know off hand, but I'll review. That's a good comment.

Judy: If we don't have it somewhere in there, MIT may object.

Janina: I think we can add it, won't be controversial.

Janina: That depends on the individual accepting answer.

Judy: I have received a request right now to enable live transcripts.

Janina: Not the same as captioning.

Judy: It's ASR.

Judy: This is one reason why it should not be automatic. So people are aware that it's being transcribed with whatever level of precision ASR provides.

Kim: I'm seeing the ASR as sub-titles.

Kim: You can request anonymously. It's nice.

Judy: I think that... this is a complicated issue. If it's not delt with... I've heard from informal hard of hearing community, and colleagues.

Tzviya: I believe that this is so controversial is that Zoom does not enable automatically, but other services do. Zoom does it as a transcript that can be downloaded later.

Tzviya: Others provide as captioning. If zoom did it differently, it could be done w/o legal complications.

Tzviya: People are asking for captioning, not transcripting. Because it can be downloaded, can cause legal concerns.

Judy: Apologize for the diversion.

Tzviya: Announcement. Wendy and I are planning to spend half a day open session for publishing community about brainstorming what happens when content goes to TR.

Tzviya: We'll share info next week. We think it's Tuesday morning at TPAC, which may conflict. We'll have another session ..

Tzviya: This is a jump start about what needs the publication community has.

Judy: Everyone is invited?

Tzviya: Yes, but we understand lots of conflicts at TPAC, we'll have another session end of July or early August.

Judy: Any asynchronous ways to participate?

Tzviya: Yes.

Judy: Any other publications coming up?

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to speak about publishing session at tpac

Checking: New work under development? Cross-WAI review requests?

Judy: Any request not fulfilled yet? Anything you want to let your colleagues know about?

Janina: Collaborative Editing environments, any of those, annotations on somebody else's content. We'll do accessibility user requirements. RQTF & AUR

Sharron: We've just recently published. Submission... we are revamping the lists of accessibility courses, tools evaluations, just updating those. Submission forms are published first.

<Judy> Research Questions Task Force (RQTF)

<Judy> Accessibility User Requirements (AUR)

Sharron: Last week we put out a call to put out courses, trainings, certifications, we had among a chairs we had a wager of how many we would get. There were very few.

Sharron: Maybe we need to get the word out more widely.

Sharron: I'll provide link to submission portal.

<Sharron> https://www.w3.org/WAI/courses/submission/

Sharron: We put some notice on social medial. There are many courses, we are surprised that there are so few. If you could help spread the word, we would appreciate it.

Sharron: Put on announcement page, and somethings went out through social media.

Judy: I'm noticing that there are a lot of questions to answer. Sometimes people will review and decide to wait until they can do a better job of answering questions. May deter quick responses. That's just one theory.

Sharron: That's a good theory. I shared with Shawn. I think we are a little early for worring about low response.

Judy: Let's give it a little time.

Sharron: Help spead the word!

<tzviya> +1 to Rachael

Rachael: For whatever it is worth, took 3 minutes to review and decided I didn't know what was required. I'm not sure why I would submit my course to this. What is my end goal?

Rachael: That may be occuring as well.

Kim: I went to the very end, I see the "permission" opt in, and there are no ways to ask questions.

<audio issues>

Judy: I can hear you clearly, I'll relay.

Kim: At very end there is "permission" to be published in WAI's course list, it's required. There is no means to ask questions. You have to know you want to do it.

Kim: No ways to ask questions to explore the option.

Sharron: This is great feedback thanks!

Judy: Thanks for mentioning. James I see some stuff you put in chat.

James: People can look at this if they want to.

Judy: Janina may be interested in this, but it's a screenshot.

Judy: James can you describe the info?

James: When zoom came out for captioning preferences, there was an option to prevent saving the captions.

Judy: It changed at a point.

James: I have mine set so you can't save captions, and I also have a setting for individuals to turn on themselves.

James: People can turn on themselves w/o having to ask me.

Judy: Janina, got that?

Janina: Yes.

Kim: I've a comment about transcripts. People with RSI's, you can take timecodes as notes.

Kim: Transcripts are important for RSI folk.

Judy: Rachael did you have comment?

Rachael: Made comment.

Judy: Un announce new work. Another org had claimed that W3C was working on something that W3C is not formally working on at this time.

Judy: I spent time following up to get clarification. Someone had blogged W3C was working on technical requirements for overlays.

Judy: W3C is NOT working on technical requirements for overlays. That blog has a correction in place.

Judy: That said, I am aware that someone recently opened a W3C community group, to explore a topic. There is one on topic of overlays. But no progress yet.

Judy: May have changed in last 72 hours. To be a community group, has nothing to do with W3C and WAI is working on officially.

Judy: I'm also aware of exploratory work that has not yet gone to any WG. I'll track that.

Judy: I've seen nothing about technical requirements for overlays. I'm aware of nothing in any agenda for this.

Judy: I'm not expecting that to land on any prioritized work.

Judy: <reviewing Chuck's scribing>

Judy: Does anybody want to raise questions or make comments or clarify anything I just said?

Judy: I'll add one thing. W3C and WAI really appreciates when people involved in chairing or wg or facilitating task forces help promote the good work happening.

Judy: Sometimes people will want to know how authoritatively the communications are.

Judy: Usually the people who do official communications are myself and Shawn.

Judy: Everyone here is careful to give us heads up.

Judy: Feel comfortable checking in and sending other parties to us to review authoritative communications.

Judy: That's it for new work stuff.

(fyi, questions?) Different audiences for different documents -- and recent good reception for ARIA APG

Judy: A quick topic. When working on new stuff, we've started tracking but don't have statistics on... EO is also tracking... we get different hit counts depending on whether groups are publishing content to w3c tech reports page or some portion of the web site.

Judy: Can sometimes be challenging to do, ARIA practice guide has a new look. It's getting good reviews. We are still following up.

Judy: W/O being able to cite any statistics, the stuff going on WAI web site is getting higher visibility than content on the technical reports site.

Judy: Sometimes you need the formality, but WAI website is a great way to get visibility. In case people want more info on, we could provide quickly.

Possible follow-up discussion on working with COGA (for this week -- any questions?)

Judy: Extended teaser? In our last coordination call meeting, we had an opportunity to get a batch of links about advice for working with COGA. We want to continue the conversation.

Judy: We (Rain and I) didn't have good prep time to discuss, though.

Judy: We want to do today is ask if anybody had opportunity to review, if there were any questions. We really would like this content to be reviewed, and maybe we can have a more thorough conversation next time.

Judy: How much.. Rain the content you sent, is there overlap?

Rain: Really overlaps. Material is to help prepare for other material.

Rain: It all builds on everything else. The slide deck from TPAC preso is the most concise.

Judy: That may be a good place to start.

Judy: This is something WAI needs to figure out how to do better. This is a part of the disability community that we could improve upon. Partly is understanding apart from particular documents, more abstractly on how to work together.

Judy: I will encourage people to find time and review. We want more conversation next meeting.

Tzviya: Are you hoping for more feedback? Most docs are about working with COGA. Is this about working with COGA, or gathering best practices in general, or both?

Rain: Bigger goal is to incorporate into WCAG.

Rain: Not straight forward, a lot of the guidance is very subjective, and depends on individual need. Goal is to understand one directional on what COGA needs.

Rain: They aren't 2 directional, not covering needs of other groups.

Rain: Needs to be covered later (working in 2 directions).

Tzviya: I'm wondering how this might work for best practices and an international audience. GITHUB is an example where our Chinese members have challenges working with GITHUB.

Tzviya: I'd love to meet with you and try to figure out how to put in a larger framework.

Judy: I support the positive work environment community group reviewing the COGA TF content.

Judy: I see 2 levels. Kim...

Kim: I like the materials a lot. We've adopted (mobile group) the best practices. There's a lot that could be applied generally.

Kim: Would be great to do 2 way, to keep going and make it 2 way.

Kim: They are great resources, thanks!

Judy: My comment is, I see 2 different layers. 1 is how to have mutually successful conversations between different WAI groups including COGA, and be mindful of what works better and what may not work so well, in both directions.

Judy: 2, what to determine to incorporate in other W3C docs. I like Tzviya's question.

Judy: Do we need an update to CEPC? There are a few things that may be helpful to add.

Judy: Need a good discussion to facilitate good content.

Judy: I think this is what we were hoping for today. Providing an opportunity to be aware of what's there.

Judy: HOpefully we can have more discussion next time.

James: Please include link to the resources in agenda.

Judy: I will try to do that more regularly.

Judy: Anything else?

<Judy> acj t

FYI AGWG Charter update

Judy: I was expecting Michael would send a charter update.

Judy: Chuck, can you pull up link and give a quick update? Things changed since last update.

<kim_patch> Chuck: larger context is exploring the possibility of having two groups

<kim_patch> Chuck: we settled on continuing as a single body that would be primarily focused on WCAG 3

<kim_patch> Chuck: this is our first use of the early review opportunities. We'll see how this goes

<kim_patch> Judy: review process is designed to save the working group from surprises

<kim_patch> Chuck: that's a very high level update

<kim_patch> Judy: I'm wondering if the last time the other way groups heard about this you were hearing that there might've been two groups and at this point I think it's a consolidated plan for one working group going forward rather than splitting into two

<kim_patch> Judy: the other thing is this is the group with which most of the WAI groups have dependencies to some extent. I think every group should look at this charter as early as possible

<kim_patch> Judy: asking about dependencies

<kim_patch> Chuck: sounds like you are saying it would be great valuefor anybody to review our draft charter and make comments

<kim_patch> Judy: with the new effort for WCAG 3 that's more and more the focus because WCAG 2.2 is hopefully going to be done pretty soon. I'm expecting it to say accessibility web technologies or maybe accessibility of web content and applications but I look at it and it looks like web content is almost like the headline

Judy: Any TPAC questions? There's more discussion with AC and comments on plans for TPAC, including discussion on baseline for heath precautions. Are your groups getting what you need?

Judy: Any questions or comments?

Judy: I'll be addressing concerns in my very next call.

Judy: It's odd and wonderful to be doing in person meetings.

Judy: It's possible that this is member confidential.

Judy: Everyone here should have access.

Tzviya: We only discussed TPAC.

Any TPAC questions, as the plans are coming together?

Updates & q&a on legal entity transition, as needed

Judy: A commitment from previous calls, does anybody have questions on the transition?

Judy: I'm happy to answer any updated questions. There's been advancement.

Judy: Board format has been agreed upon, among other decisions.

<Judy> zakm, drop item 9, because we already covered it

<Judy> jb: already covered that

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/excess ability/accessibility

Maybe present: James, Judy, Kim, Rachael, Sharron