17:55:14 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 17:55:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/15-waicc-irc 17:55:16 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:55:19 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference 17:55:19 Date: 15 June 2022 17:57:28 agenda? 17:57:35 zakim, clear agenda 17:57:35 agenda cleared 17:57:37 agenda+ Scribe, agenda additions, present+ 17:57:37 agenda+ Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts 17:57:37 agenda+ Checking: New work under development? Cross-WAI review requests? 17:57:37 agenda+ (fyi, questions?) Different audiences for different documents -- and recent good reception for ARIA APG 17:57:38 agenda+ Possible follow-up discussion on working with COGA (for this week -- any questions?) 17:57:39 agenda+ FYI AGWG Charter update 17:57:41 agenda+ Any TPAC questions, as the plans are coming together? 17:57:43 agenda+ Updates & q&a on legal entity transition, as needed 18:01:13 Hi, am I camped on wrong call? 18:03:58 Rain has joined #waicc 18:04:40 present+ 18:04:48 present+ 18:05:08 janina has joined #waicc 18:05:11 present+ 18:05:21 scribe: Chuck 18:05:56 Judy: Put in an agenda but I've been in meetings, back to back. Please let me know of any additional agenda items, I may have missed. 18:06:00 Judy: I adjusted one or two items. 18:06:14 Judy: Overlays...? 18:06:16 Sharron has joined #waicc 18:06:16 +1 18:06:32 Judy: I may provide a cautionary statement. 18:07:00 Judy: 18:07:10 agenda+ JB clarification on a recent comment that was circulated 18:07:22 Judy: Not seeing any additions. 18:07:30 zakim, close item 1 18:07:30 agendum 1, Scribe, agenda additions, present+, closed 18:07:31 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:07:31 2. Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts [from Judy] 18:07:33 kim_patch has joined #waicc 18:07:37 zakim, take up next 18:07:37 agendum 2 -- Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts -- taken up [from Judy] 18:07:53 Judy: Any upcoming publications? 18:08:11 Janina: APA will finish remote meetings, late comments from EO, holding. They may miss our Friday deadline. 18:08:19 Janina: We understand EO is prepping comments. 18:08:23 Judy: Sharon may comment. 18:08:30 q+ to speak about publishing session at tpac 18:08:47 Sharron: We have no further comments than what we provided last week. I appreciate the response. Sounds like we have a plan to move forward. 18:08:49 Janina: I think so. 18:08:55 Sharron: Nothing further to resolve. 18:09:13 Sharron: We just had our planning meeting this AM, I didn't sense anything different. 18:09:29 Janina: Jason and is ETS colleague indicated that additional comments were comming. 18:09:48 Sharron: We thought it might be an option, but we put it in a wiki, you reviewed, we received your response. We have nothing further. 18:10:05 Sharron: I'll verify later and get back to you after this call. 18:10:12 Janina: Thank you, would be good to know. 18:10:19 Judy: I ask a q about remote... 18:10:44 Judy: I was at a face to face last week presenting about hybrid meetings, and talking about what WAI was doing in virtual meetings. 18:11:08 Judy: I discussed with a person who was adamant that we address the ability for an individual to turn on captions themselves w/o host. 18:11:21 Judy: I haven't had a chance to see if its there. I think there may be some legal concerns. 18:11:36 Judy: I had not realized that you were just about to finalize the note. Do you know if that's covered? 18:11:46 Janina: I don't know off hand, but I'll review. That's a good comment. 18:11:55 Judy: If we don't have it somewhere in there, MIT may object. 18:12:05 Janina: I think we can add it, won't be controversial. 18:12:17 Janina: That depends on the individual accepting answer. 18:12:31 Judy: I have received a request right now to enable live transcripts. 18:12:38 Janina: Not the same as captioning. 18:12:40 Judy: It's ASR. 18:13:09 Judy: This is one reason why it should not be automatic. So people are aware that it's being transcribed with whatever level of precision ASR provides. 18:13:16 Kim: I'm seeing the ASR as sub-titles. 18:13:30 Kim: You can request anonymously. It's nice. 18:14:05 Judy: I think that... this is a complicated issue. If it's not delt with... I've heard from informal hard of hearing community, and colleagues. 18:14:31 Tzviya: I believe that this is so controversial is that Zoom does not enable automatically, but other services do. Zoom does it as a transcript that can be downloaded later. 18:14:52 Tzviya: Others provide as captioning. If zoom did it differently, it could be done w/o legal complications. 18:15:19 Tzviya: People are asking for captioning, not transcripting. Because it can be downloaded, can cause legal concerns. 18:15:35 Judy: Apologize for the diversion. 18:16:08 Tzviya: Announcement. Wendy and I are planning to spend half a day open session for publishing community about brainstorming what happens when content goes to TR. 18:16:34 Tzviya: We'll share info next week. We think it's Tuesday morning at TPAC, which may conflict. We'll have another session .. 18:16:46 Tzviya: This is a jump start about what needs the publication community has. 18:16:53 Judy: Everyone is invited? 18:17:09 Tzviya: Yes, but we understand lots of conflicts at TPAC, we'll have another session end of July or early August. 18:17:20 Judy: Any asynchronous ways to participate? 18:17:24 Tzviya: Yes. 18:17:30 Judy: Any other publications coming up? 18:17:36 zakim, take up next 18:17:36 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Judy 18:17:41 q? 18:17:44 ack tz 18:17:44 tzviya, you wanted to speak about publishing session at tpac 18:17:45 ack t 18:17:49 zakim, take up next 18:17:49 agendum 3 -- Checking: New work under development? Cross-WAI review requests? -- taken up [from Judy] 18:18:13 Judy: Any request not fulfilled yet? Anything you want to let your colleagues know about? 18:18:24 q+ 18:18:33 jamesn has joined #waicc 18:19:06 Janina: Collaborative Editing environments, any of those, annotations on somebody else's content. We'll do accessibility user requirements. RQTF & AUR 18:19:41 Sharron: We've just recently published. Submission... we are revamping the lists of accessibility courses, tools evaluations, just updating those. Submission forms are published first. 18:19:42 Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) 18:19:53 Accessibility User Requirements (AUR) 18:20:10 Sharron: Last week we put out a call to put out courses, trainings, certifications, we had among a chairs we had a wager of how many we would get. There were very few. 18:20:18 Sharron: Maybe we need to get the word out more widely. 18:20:29 Sharron: I'll provide link to submission portal. 18:20:44 https://www.w3.org/WAI/courses/submission/ 18:21:01 Sharron: We put some notice on social medial. There are many courses, we are surprised that there are so few. If you could help spread the word, we would appreciate it. 18:21:12 q+ 18:21:23 Sharron: Put on announcement page, and somethings went out through social media. 18:21:35 ack Sharron 18:21:51 Judy: I'm noticing that there are a lot of questions to answer. Sometimes people will review and decide to wait until they can do a better job of answering questions. May deter quick responses. That's just one theory. 18:22:14 Sharron: That's a good theory. I shared with Shawn. I think we are a little early for worring about low response. 18:22:20 Judy: Let's give it a little time. 18:22:26 Sharron: Help spead the word! 18:22:35 q? 18:23:02 +1 to Rachael 18:23:05 Rachael: For whatever it is worth, took 3 minutes to review and decided I didn't know what was required. I'm not sure why I would submit my course to this. What is my end goal? 18:23:12 Rachael: That may be occuring as well. 18:23:34 Kim: I went to the very end, I see the "permission" opt in, and there are no ways to ask questions. 18:23:39