18:57:46 RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web 18:57:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-irc 18:59:03 Leonard has joined #Immersive-web 18:59:10 present+ 19:01:33 bajones has joined #Immersive-Web 19:01:38 laford has joined #immersive-web 19:02:29 present+ 19:03:18 Ren has joined #immersive-web 19:03:23 WBS of charter review > https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/iwwg-charter-2022/ 19:03:49 unable to join the webex meeting 19:03:55 stuck on "connecting" 19:04:01 present+ 19:04:10 oh that's odd 19:04:11 rrsagent, make log public 19:04:39 it seems to be working laford 19:04:52 AC rep list > https://www.w3.org/Member/ACList 19:04:58 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:04:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:05:31 s/ > / -> / 19:05:34 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:05:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:05:55 s/ > / -> /g 19:06:12 I'm in 19:06:14 +present 19:07:23 present+ 19:07:48 scribe leonard 19:08:14 Agenda: /invite RRSAgent #immersive-web 19:08:29 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/e04319d4-6887-4325-b02c-c4eff5814093/20220614T120000 19:08:30 Agenda at https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/wg/2022-06-14-Immersive_Web_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 19:08:48 https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-hand-input/issues/117 19:09:14 s|Agenda: /invite RRSAgent #immersive-web|| 19:09:25 s/agenda at/agenda:/ 19:09:28 Rik: Oculus browser stopped working when using hand inputs. Now hand inputs are on regardless or system gesture or not. 19:09:52 i|https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-hand-input/issues/117|topic: webxr-hand-input #117 Provide a signal that hands are doing a system gesture| 19:09:57 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:09:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:10:12 ... wants to provide signal when the system is processing system gestures and the application should not do hand movement recognition 19:10:17 +q 19:10:43 s/scribe /scribe: / 19:10:45 c: 19:10:47 s/+present/present+ 19:10:49 ... Concerned about adding another event because of the large number of events 19:10:54 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:10:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:11:22 q+ to say that gamepad is mistake 19:11:33 ack laford 19:11:37 s|s/agenda at/agenda:/|| 19:11:53 s/Agenda at /agenda: / 19:11:55 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:11:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:11:57 q? 19:11:59 ack ada 19:11:59 ada, you wanted to say that gamepad is mistake 19:12:49 +q 19:12:51 q+ 19:12:54 ack laford 19:13:13 Lachlan: Would like more clarity on why events are bad 19:13:37 q+ 19:13:42 Rik: There are a lot of authoring issues with events. Mostly it seems that authors are not handling them correctly. 19:13:46 q+ 19:14:36 q+ to concede 19:16:58 Zakim, choose a victim 19:16:58 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose yonet 19:17:09 flag: XR_HAND_TRACKING_AIM_SYSTEM_GESTURE_BIT_FB 19:17:43 zakim, present 19:17:43 I don't understand 'present', ada 19:17:59 who's here? 19:18:02 zakim, who's here? 19:18:02 Present: Leonard, ada, cabanier, present, yonet 19:18:04 On IRC I see Ren, laford, bajones, Leonard, RRSAgent, Zakim, yonet, atsushi, ada, cwilso, iank_, sangwhan, cabanier, NellWaliczek, bemfmmhhj, SergeyRubanov, babage, etropea73101, 19:18:04 ... [old]freshgumbubbles, rzr, OverTime, Chrysippus, dietrich, fernansd, `join_subline, Manishearth 19:18:20 q? 19:18:31 q- 19:18:33 ack cabanier 19:18:36 ack bajones 19:18:48 Leonard has left #immersive-web 19:18:50 Hold on, tech difficulties 19:19:13 q+ 19:19:43 brandon: generally I think it is little difficult to look at some of the events and make apple to apple comparison 19:20:16 It is something doesn't come up often that people are motivated. I'm hesitant to make comparison. 19:20:31 brandon: I want to make sure it is not easy to accidently ignore 19:21:06 brandon: we do have the target ray mode in input sources, a lot of apps check 19:22:05 brandon: There are a lot of ifs, with a the content out there, it is hard to say, this won't break. 19:22:22 Both flag and event will be both ignorable by the developers 19:23:03 ada: my experience dealing with hand input, it seems frequently, the only time devs check target ray mode is when the app starts. 19:23:31 laford_ has joined #immersive-web 19:23:31 ada: if it is not tracking pointer, it is gaze and you go a different path 19:24:07 ada: they have to be significantly refactor to account for target ray mode is can change anytime 19:24:51 brandon: It would not surprise me if the frameworks are checking ray target once. 19:25:20 q+ 19:25:30 ada: From the pure developer point, flag would be simpler. 19:25:33 ack ada 19:25:33 ada, you wanted to concede 19:25:36 ack cabanier 19:25:59 cabanier: I proposed this in the context of hands but maybe we should have flag for all of the input sources 19:26:22 ada: if the user is doing something for the screen input 19:27:36 ack bajones 19:27:38 q? 19:27:43 brandon: so much of our devices are gestured input right now. I think the native input can turn into a back gesture. I need to look. 19:28:27 brandon: the thing I want to point, looking at the properties in the input source now, handedness, target ray mode, the profiles and spaces. 19:28:35 technically those are all immutable 19:28:56 While the position of the space is immutable and you query the spaces everytime. 19:29:40 If any change, it is removal and re-enter. It is nice to say everything is immutable. That makes me to lean towards event 19:29:51 q+ 19:29:55 ack cabanier 19:30:02 brandon: maybe it is clearer if its an event 19:30:21 rik: it would not be an attribute, but a function instead 19:30:37 brandon: I would feel better about that than straight attribute 19:30:52 rik: you are right, everything else is not immutable. 19:31:01 q?4 19:31:34 brandon: spitballing on this. Let's ignore if we have a gesture and ignore if it is event or flag 19:32:01 Target ray space is there but you might not be able to get it at some point. 19:32:31 brandon: if we stop giving out target ray point when there is a gesture, how much we would be breaking things 19:33:20 if you are using a hand, I'm interacting with buttons. If you take away target ray space and the ray space dissapear. Any interactions based on that will dissapear naturally 19:34:00 The failure mode that comes to mind, if they have some logic, first check target ray and if it is not there, there is no hand. I haven't seen a logic like that. 19:34:16 I don't think we should not worry too much about that case 19:34:18 q? 19:34:32 rik: I guess that's something we should try out first 19:34:42 brandon: getspace can always return null 19:35:23 rik: if you can track the controller or hands we can assume we have target ray space 19:36:06 brandon: I still think you could do a blur without this. If we think this is the safe thing to do, people might pay more attention. 19:36:50 Maybe we can say, we wouldn't be breaking certain percentage of the apps but I am not sure if we can say that 19:37:05 Rik: we might be able to gather some data on this.4 19:37:46 rik: recap, we should always have a method that says (tbd). We need to experiment when you are doing a gesture we don't have target ray 19:37:47 q? 19:38:40 rik: next topic, a library called doVR? 19:39:01 Right now they use layers, you can't calculate their opacity. 19:39:29 q? 19:39:29 q+ 19:39:45 rik: it is not surfaced in webxr layer. 19:39:58 ada: what is the advantage of having opacity? 19:40:43 rik: in the media layer there is no control. If you render it to a webgl layer, right now you render everything to a shader 19:40:55 ack bajones 19:40:56 ada: I guess it is for debugging too. 19:41:57 brandon: There are multiple ways that alpha blending can happen, is that something that is exposed to openXR and what are the options 19:42:10 rik: there are multiple options. 19:42:28 rik:composition layer color scale bias 19:42:33 q+ to ask about mixBlendMode 19:42:41 is an extention 19:43:05 brandon: this is used not only for alpha but also for a tint 19:43:32 rik: also have a composition layer alpha blend, that lets you control how the background is treated. 19:43:50 rik: currently webxr offers only source over blending 19:44:06 q? 19:44:18 brandon: if I draw partially transparent pixels, it will only render alpha 19:44:21 ack ada 19:44:21 ada, you wanted to ask about mixBlendMode 19:44:30 q+ 19:44:56 ack ada 19:45:07 brandon: I don't have a particular problem with giving alpha. I just don't want to get overly complex with different layer blending options 19:45:25 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/mix-blend-mode#syntax 19:45:32 ada: it would be nice if you get the same blend modes of css's blend modes 19:45:37 rik: that we can not do. 19:46:12 brandon: a lot of this mixed blend modes can be represented by openGL and web gpu 19:46:29 I think it is more likely that we take WebBL or what web gpu does 19:46:56 you are describing how the values are slotted than these human readable values 19:47:36 ada: not all of these are going to be based on OpenXr. If we can have a some kind of blend mode, we could have a unified way for web 19:47:56 rik: it can be done. 19:48:17 ada: if we have a cloud layer and have fog with additive mode, that would be nice 19:48:20 q? 19:48:37 It would be cool to have more of these modes. 19:48:59 ada: WebGL has a list of modes for when it composites 19:49:11 rik: meta is the only one that supports that. 19:49:35 ada: if you were to use it, it will work but is not on the webxr spec 19:49:51 rik: it is not on webxr spec but it is on openXR spec 19:50:03 +1 19:50:06 +1 19:50:07 rik: everybody OK with opacity? 19:50:07 +1 19:50:10 +1 19:50:45 ada: go ahead and update the spec 19:51:04 +1 19:51:25 Do we have anything else we want to bring up 19:51:43 Sorry Ren, I've tried to get Ada's attention but I was muted I guess 19:52:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes 19:52:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html ada 19:52:42 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:52:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html yonet 19:53:18 Ada, I think I didn't change the scribe. 19:53:28 oh no 19:53:35 Do you the minutes doesn't have mine 19:53:39 i/flag: XR_HAND_TRACKING_AIM/scribe+ yonet/ 19:53:40 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:53:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:53:44 OK. I'll look into it. 19:53:54 thanks for updating that atsushi 19:53:58 and just type it in 19:56:19 i/next topic, a library called doVR?/topic: layers#283 Alpha property for XRCompositionLayer/ 19:56:20 rrsagent, publish minutes 19:56:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/14-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:57:06 believe, this should be fine ;) 19:58:10 Thanks Atsushi 19:58:22 I've copied the text here if needed. 19:59:37 quick guide is here -> https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html 22:27:57 Zakim has left #immersive-web