15:02:29 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 15:02:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/08-publishingcg-irc 15:02:31 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:02:33 Naomi has joined #publishingcg 15:02:33 Meeting: Publishing Community Group 15:02:39 Scribe: Wolfgang 15:02:41 present+ 15:02:43 present+ 15:02:46 present+ 15:02:48 present+ 15:03:07 Chair: zheny_xu 15:03:19 chair: zheng_xu 15:03:39 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #publishingcg 15:04:01 dauwhe has changed the topic to: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingcg/2022Jun/0006.html 15:04:09 Topic: recent EPUB WG + PCG activities 15:04:35 tzviya has joined #publishingcg 15:05:12 present+ 15:05:24 https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/05/epub-3-3-is-now-in-cr/ 15:05:39 -> Publication list and status of the WG https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/epub-wg/PublStatus 15:05:46 wendyreid: for the last two years, we have been updating EPUB 3.3 - currently in CR status - updates mostly around editorial fixes, made structural changes 15:06:00 present+ 15:06:03 ... separate RS vs. content creators 15:06:55 ... new section: privacy and security - recommendations for authors and content creators - we are still making changes - feel free to log issues - reach out to any of us 15:07:06 present+ 15:07:08 CharlesL has joined #publishingcg 15:07:27 Wendy's blog post is really excellent--if you haven't read it, you should. 15:07:28 ... recommend reading the blog post 15:07:28 -> test suite for EPUB https://w3c.github.io/epub-tests/ 15:07:29 present+ 15:07:41 q+ 15:08:09 Dave: Writing tests - at least two implementations for each feature needed - call for assistance in this process 15:08:31 ack iva 15:08:33 q+ 15:08:42 Zheng: updated our web page which now contains links to specs 15:09:07 Signup for tests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13wgptApSVbQbYzi2L5VXe3D_1QLzJOTGySUAtOxn4sA/edit#gid=0 15:09:55 Ivan: over 130 tests - testing is very important - Dan Lazin (testing champion): we need roughly 50 more -spreadsheet (see link) list test for MUST features 15:10:24 dlazin has joined #publishingcg 15:10:28 present+ 15:10:31 ... description how to contribute in IRC 15:10:35 q? 15:11:31 ... also RS implementors in the CG - we need RS developers to run the tests and report back to us - if you are in such a company convince people to run these tests and report back 15:11:36 ack gau 15:11:44 ... needed for W3C process 15:11:58 q+ 15:12:03 q? 15:12:15 Gautier: responsible for EDRLAB testing - got some questions 15:13:23 Ivan: you can contact me - if you like in French - addition to testing environment: report generator for direct use in Thorium 15:13:33 q? 15:13:34 ack iva 15:14:29 Zheng: a few task forces - A11Y TF: accessibility metadata 15:14:40 ... Documentation TF 15:15:06 q+ 15:15:14 ... PCG members willing to provide assistance for tests 15:16:13 ... plan more incubating work - a lot of members are interested in education - have a TF Use cases in education 15:16:15 ack dl 15:16:33 q+ to explain incubation process (after zheng_xu finishes intro) 15:17:42 Dlazin: test lead for EPUB 3.3 + TF documentation - slowly working getting EPUB docs - only bits and pieces - best documentation in Daisy's database but with a slant towards A11Y 15:18:03 q+ 15:18:21 ... intend to do basic canonical documentation - got MDN to agree to take care of the doc 15:18:28 https://docs.google.com/document/d/16lNrPwXcGS9w1ePQLFf60Hx-RvbE4roG2YkwjL_X-Hc/edit#heading=h.aorc81xxt93h 15:19:39 https://github.com/dlazin/mdn-yari/blob/main/kumascript/macros/EPUBRef.ejs 15:20:22 https://github.com/dlazin/mdn-content/tree/main/files/en-us/related/epub 15:21:13 ... this Google doc is a checklist for MDN - basic EPUB sample documents from colleagues - architecture for the documentation - enable to run MDN locally 15:21:17 q? 15:21:50 ... we don't want to give it to MDN, before minimum viable set is ready 15:22:17 ack tz 15:22:17 tzviya, you wanted to explain incubation process (after zheng_xu finishes intro) 15:23:25 tzviya: incubation process - 10 years ago W3C had the idea that experimentation in a CG should precede a WG - you test the waters - collect use cases 15:24:42 ... explore what the world of publishing is interested in - could move that forward in a WG - we don't have this conversation of WG and PCG - it is not clear what happens when the work on EPUB 3.3 is finished 15:24:54 ... ideas should start at the CG 15:24:56 ack zh 15:26:27 zheng: let us know if you would like to put forward an idea - one of our missions is to provide feedback to WG - we are looking forward to more active communication from our members 15:26:46 ... and also for incubations of ideas 15:27:21 Topic: WG FXL A11y, Virtual locators and Testing 15:28:03 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/fxl-a11y/ 15:28:44 wendyreid: TF 1: FXL A11Y - looking for best practices based on existing A11Y specs (e.g. WCAG) - what could we do to make FXL content as accessible as possible using existing standards 15:29:17 ... not possible to make FXL content fully accessible 15:30:56 ... TF 2: virtual locators in lack of page numbers - criticism in academia: how to cite properly from EPUB? - addressability problem has haunted us again and again 15:31:31 q+ 15:31:37 ... many slightly different ways to make locators work - how can we reach a consistent standardized solution 15:31:40 ack g 15:32:10 George: do you plan to identify a standard for citations ? 15:32:42 wendyreid: no - how do we create a location model that fits into existing citation models 15:32:46 q+ 15:32:54 q+ 15:33:14 ack iv 15:33:23 q? 15:34:13 Ivan: how the metadata of the package document can be turned into the IEEE citation style - ACM or IEEE define that 15:35:40 ... what is the equivalent of an anchor in an HTML file that I could use to point to a specific location in the EPUB document via a URL - we look for a minimal viable algorithm to address a point in a documnet 15:36:19 q+ 15:36:44 q+ 15:36:59 q? 15:36:59 q+ 15:37:03 ... EPUB CFI was one approach - maybe a useful addition - WG spent time on it - would need incubation in terms of implementation and spec work before we start with a WG 15:37:08 ack bil 15:37:47 ack wen 15:37:49 BillK: locators TF not working on standardizing citation - just how to define a mechanism 15:37:51 q? 15:38:48 wendyreid: annotations not yet touched - focus on page numbering and page location that is quite incocnsistent - 15:39:17 ... solving this addressability problem, we should take a more holistic approach 15:39:36 billk: standardized mechanism for loactions 15:39:55 s/loactions/arbitrary locations 15:40:26 wendy: yes - CFI needs more work - are there implementations, how do they work, CFIs very complex - only machine-readable 15:40:43 q? 15:40:43 q+ 15:40:52 ... looking for sth simpler that is less complex and works both for machines and humans 15:40:55 ack zh 15:40:58 ack geo 15:41:09 q+ to explain the problem 15:41:17 George: is this problem solved in HTML? 15:41:33 q- 15:42:10 q? 15:42:26 Ivan: many years ago Annotation WG came up with a standard that might be used in HTML for anchoring annotations into an HTML page - never implemented - t 15:43:30 ... not very satisfactory - in general, we don't have a solution - if the author hasn't put IDs everywhere, I can't add annotations 15:44:33 George: an individual EPUB on my machine would have annotation - you can't hand this information on or update the EPUB without losing it 15:45:47 q+ 15:45:49 tzviya: we could write a spec - but we would need buy-in from the RS developers - different implementations need to a user lock-in - academia needs a solution 15:46:06 q+ 15:46:16 q+ 15:46:30 ack me 15:46:30 tzviya, you wanted to explain the problem 15:46:30 ack tzviya 15:46:34 ... there are several solutions, but none is standardized - there is an annotation spec, but it is has not been implemented 15:46:54 q? 15:47:38 ack wen 15:47:38 https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/ 15:48:07 ack iv 15:48:10 Wendy: agree with Ivan and Tzviya - a lot of user pressure about annotations (that should be portable) - if we don't build it, others will do it - slightly shifting tide towards supporting annotations 15:48:58 ivan: how come that these exchangible annotations do work in PDF - works also on other PDF readers 15:49:48 q+ 15:50:06 Naomi: you have edited PDF file by adding annotations - but no RS supports editing an existing EPUB 15:50:06 q? 15:50:09 ack dl 15:51:18 dlazin: for the related question of page numbers, we can only solve it on a standards levels 15:52:05 dave: pasted an option 15:52:24 dlazin: works only in Chrome - simple, but it works 15:52:24 ack da 15:53:03 Zheng: Paul will be leading our Education TF 15:53:39 q? 15:53:42 q+ 15:54:20 PaulBelfanti: TF for collecting use cases for education - features that would enhance the experience from the view of an educational publisher 15:55:03 q+ 15:55:14 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:55:17 ack zh 15:55:17 BillK: it refers to educational content on the Web - not only EPUB 15:55:44 Zheng: a lot of good directions from today's discussion - 15:56:07 Topic: modes of cooperation in CG and with WG 15:57:20 zheng: we have issues in our github repo - how could WG communicate to CG - how can we move things forward? - we have publishers, RS devs, conversion specialists 15:57:42 ... how can we make the communication more active? 15:58:40 q? 15:59:50 q+ 16:00:09 George: CG meets once a month - whole group or a TF could use that fixed date - 16:00:18 q+ 16:00:46 Zheng: each month there is update for TF and option to raise issues 16:01:11 ... you may recommend a time for the meeting of each TF 16:01:29 q? 16:01:38 ... would members like to have more specific meetings, we can arrange for it 16:01:44 ack zh 16:01:46 ack ch 16:02:46 CharlesL: a blitz to publishers - CG is the way to participate in W3C - get more exposure by marketing activities to get more involvement 16:03:40 Zakim, end meeting 16:03:40 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, Naomi, dauwhe, GeorgeK, GautierChomel, tzviya, Bill_Kasdorf, CharlesL, dlazin 16:03:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:03:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/08-publishingcg-minutes.html Zakim 16:03:46 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:03:49 CharlesL has left #publishingcg 16:03:51 Zakim has left #publishingcg 16:03:53 RRSAgent, bye 16:03:53 I see no action items