13:44:42 RRSAgent has joined #pwe 13:44:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-pwe-irc 13:44:45 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:44:46 Meeting: Positive Work Environment CG 13:44:57 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pwe/2022Jun/0000.html 13:45:10 Ralph has changed the topic to: 7 June agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pwe/2022Jun/0000.html 13:46:02 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/05/24-pwe-minutes.html 24 May meeting notes 13:46:19 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/05/10-pwe-minutes.html 10 May meeting notes 14:00:55 present: Chris, Tzviya, Ralph 14:03:25 present+ JudyB 14:03:53 present+ WSeltzer 14:04:56 Judy has joined #pwe 14:04:58 present+ 14:05:14 present+ Sheila 14:05:22 sheila has joined #pwe 14:05:26 topic: Working mode of PWE, next action items for PWE 14:05:27 present+ 14:05:46 Tzviya: Liz and I talked about things have been kind-of haphazard recently 14:05:53 ... it's been hard to complete action items 14:06:17 ... we have 3 chairs now; Wendy Reid just started, though she's on vacation today 14:06:31 ... we took on the work of the Inclusion & Diversity CG last year 14:06:41 ... this is an opporunity to talk about where we go from here 14:07:00 q+ 14:07:05 ... there's a lot sitting waiting for progress that might happen with the legal entity 14:07:16 ack s 14:07:49 Sheila: a clarifying question: where would you say things are getting stuck? specific places things are breaking down or just general lack of progress? 14:08:06 Tzviya: people volunteer for tasks then do it off-line 14:08:30 ... we should work on-line so that others can pick things up later if necessary 14:08:54 q? 14:08:55 q+ 14:09:00 ack cw 14:09:01 ... in some areas we're writing policy for the organization and that needs to be passed up the pipeline; we should be able to clarify how we do that 14:09:21 Chris: the work on the CEPC was critical and the group deserves credit for it 14:09:38 ... has the merger with IDCG been part of the problem? too many disparate things assigned to this group? 14:09:57 ... on the Ombuds program there is a clear ability to move forward and we just need to unblock 14:10:05 ... we have something ready to propose; we should propose it 14:10:25 ... if additional funding is needed, I think I can help find it 14:10:32 q+ 14:10:50 ack Judy 14:11:02 ... I'm not sure how to move some things like disciplinary actions forward 14:11:31 Judy: focus could be an issue, though we have so little discussion of inclusion or even diversity that I'm not sure that is a distraction 14:11:48 ... my concern that that work would get lost in the merger have proven accurate 14:11:52 q+ 14:11:59 ... W3C desperately neeeds work on diversity and inclusion 14:12:09 q+ 14:12:09 ... w.r.t. the PWE area, I believe the need for that is also really high 14:12:21 ... the CEPC has already helped us in many ways, some more and some less visible 14:12:26 ... we need to do an update 14:12:48 ... there are some things that are not adequately defined to address scenarios that come up frequently 14:13:02 ... overall the CG is lacking clear goals and motivation towards those goals 14:13:19 ... getting the Ombuds program versioned-up could be one of those goals 14:13:28 ... we have a sketch of what we want but we're not moving forward 14:13:32 Liz has joined #pwe 14:13:39 present+ Liz 14:13:49 (sorry, meeting ran long) 14:14:01 Wendy: I recognize W3C should be doing more but we've had successes 14:14:25 ack ws 14:14:48 q+ 14:15:12 Tzviya: we can talk about how to get back to the goals of IDCG too 14:16:03 q? 14:16:05 ack me 14:16:06 q+ 14:16:07 ack sh 14:16:07 ... the Ombuds program ties-in with the disciplinary work too 14:16:43 +1 to concern about resourcing for the aspects of work needed 14:16:45 Sheila: there's a budget connection too 14:16:49 present+ WendyReid 14:16:56 wendyreid has joined #pwe 14:16:58 [WendyReit joins] 14:17:05 present+ 14:17:36 s/Reit/Reid/ 14:18:27 q+ to review existing projects 14:18:36 ack Judy 14:20:54 q+ 14:21:05 ack ws 14:21:43 ack tz 14:21:43 tzviya, you wanted to review existing projects 14:22:02 +1 to easy access 14:23:04 -> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/DraftOmbudsJobDescription.md Ombuds Job Description W3C, draft 14:23:32 Liz: I can get a draft of the disput resolution process into GitHub 14:24:11 Tzviya: WendyReid is working on the inclusion fund as well 14:26:37 -> https://www.w3.org/Guide/process/banning.html Guidelines to suspend or remove participants from groups 14:26:56 Tzviya: I don't think that falls within the purview of this CG 14:27:27 s/that falls/that the banning guidelines fall/ 14:28:13 Tzviya: we're very close to having a proposal for Ombuds; we just need to pull the pieces together 14:28:38 ... I can put that proposal together from the pieces and bring it here to our next meeting 14:28:57 Sheila: we decided to hold on the interview part; do we still need it? 14:29:11 ... is it a level of detail that we need in the proposal? 14:29:34 Tzviya: we didn't want potential interviewees to see it in advance 14:30:33 JudyB: it seems that posting the interview questions publicly might not be the best way to conduct interviews 14:30:58 Sheila: being transparent about the process but not the specific questions 14:31:41 ... we have a general rubric about the selection committee but some open questions about who would serve and the specific questions 14:32:28 q? 14:32:30 Tzviya: so our next step on Ombuds is to pull the pieces together and have a proposal for the next CG meeting 14:32:50 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pulls 14:33:03 topic: Open Pull Requests 14:33:04 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/194 14:33:13 Tzviya: some of the pulls are simply editorial 14:33:31 s/+1 to concern about resourcing for the aspects of work needed// 14:33:44 ... e.g. #194 is only to make the sort order more useful 14:33:47 ... any objections? 14:33:48 [none] 14:34:46 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/184 14:34:50 ... -> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/183 "Verbal -> Informal #183" is in the disciplinary process so skipping for now 14:35:08 ... added personal attacks to unacceptable #184 14:35:25 ... comments about verbal attacks 14:35:41 ... attacks against individuals vs organizations 14:35:47 ... please add your thoughts 14:36:38 "Verbal or written attacks, insinuations, or denigration of individuals or organizations." 14:36:50 ... Jeanne's comments about insinuations 14:37:09 ... "Verbal or written attacks, insinuations, or denigration of individuals or organizations." 14:37:20 ... comments? 14:38:29 Judy: it's far from plain language 14:39:24 Tzviya: the intent is that we don't want attacks or things that could be construed as an attack 14:39:28 q+ 14:39:34 ack Judy 14:40:00 Judy: can we capture this at a basic level? "negative statements about someone's character" 14:40:57 ... there are a number of things in CEPC where a single instance is less severe than repeated occurrences 14:41:15 verbal or written attacks 14:41:28 negative statements about character 14:42:58 I personally don't think organizations warrant the same level of protection as individuals 14:43:35 ack ra 14:45:02 Tzviya: I'll close this pull and open a new one with these two suggestions 14:45:31 ... objections? 14:45:33 [none] 14:45:53 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/201 14:46:07 Tzviya: -> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pull/201 "misinfo #201" I added at the request of someone 14:47:16 Ralph: Sarven's question is how is deliberate misinformation different from disinformation? 14:47:18 q+ 14:47:50 ack sheila 14:47:59 Liz: the definition of disinformation is that it is intentional / deliberate 14:48:32 ... my inclination is to use "deliberate misinformation" as it might not be obvious to some that "disinformation" is deliberate 14:48:44 ... even though they mean the same thing, it's better to be explicit 14:48:52 Tzviya: any objections to merging? 14:48:54 [none] 14:49:26 https://w3c.github.io/PWETF/ 14:49:44 q+ 14:50:05 Tzviya: we've merged a lot of edits and we might want to publish an update 14:50:15 ack Judy 14:50:32 q+ 14:51:36 ack tz 14:52:13 +1 to changing to threats. additionally, might be worthwhile to add violence to the glossary and define its breadth. 14:52:54 q? 14:55:00 [adjourned] 14:55:03 zakim, end meeting 14:55:03 As of this point the attendees have been Chris, Tzviya, Ralph, JudyB, WSeltzer, Sheila, Judy, Liz, WendyReid 14:55:05 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 14:55:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-pwe-minutes.html Zakim 14:55:08 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:55:12 Zakim has left #pwe 14:55:52 chair: Tzviya 14:56:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-pwe-minutes.html Ralph 15:05:37 Thank you re PR 201