Meeting minutes
<GeorgeK> date 02 June 2022
GeorgeK: First agenda item: scope of accessibility summary
A11ySummary sub-Taskforce call on June 2
MURATA: I would like to also cover OOXML(?) in a11y summary scope
… and epub specific machine readable metadata
MURATA: possible interaction between machine readable metadata and human readable metadata
mgarrish: we might not want to provide every cases - pdf and other format
… epub is certainly what we should focus on and I am fine with only focus on it for now since other format might not have a11y spec defined yet
CharlesL: I agree with focusing on epub
GeorgeK: ok, we can remove audio book section for now
… what about mediaoverlay and FXL when present?
CharlesL: I think we definitely need to address FXL
… we might want to go to FXL TF to see what they suggest
GeorgeK: yes we might want to create FXL section
… I would also think if there is a FXL what is needed to be presented in summary
mgarrish: I have concern about what we should put positive information for FXL book, otherwise publisher might not want to add it
mgarrish: and the information is already included in opf that we know if it's FXL or not
gautier: if you check FXL book with ACE then we might not have info about it
GeorgeK: would you pls report it to ACE
<gautier> The issue was opened in ACE github time ago : https://
GeorgeK: looks like we have a lot to do with FXL with a11y
… one other thing is in a11y metadata we should not contradict information that is already in the book metadata
… ok, next what about media-overlay
CharlesL: how many media-overlay books we have?
<MURATA> In JP, no trade books have MO. DAISY textbooks do.
Naomi: we have a lot child books with SMIL but yes we don't have much overall. I think we can skip media-overlay for now
mgarrish: I agree with not much to say about media-overlay in the a11y summary yet
zheng_xu: do we have some case that screen reader overlap reading with media-overlay?
GeorgeK: I only have encounter this from some test book
Naomi: I agree with not put to current accessibility summary yet
GeorgeK: how do we know there is mediaoverlay in the book?
mgarrish: yeah, some session in accessibilityFeature we can use and reading app knows about media-overlay
GeorgeK: ok it can be a lot easier to move forward without FXL and media overlay section at this moment
Naomi: I think we should say in accessibility metadata that treat absense is unknown?
GeorgeK: I would suggest in a11y summary we should cover if the book is reflowable or not
Naomi: the question is if end user would understand that - reflowable or FXL
GeorgeK: I think the neuance is to provide some information
gpellegrino: we should be platform independent
GeorgeK: the same as MathML that we let publisher be able to provide this information
mgarrish: I agree we should use more public understandable language instead of reflowable or FXL
ACTION: item to GeorgeK: add bullet point to expand jargon terms to be more readable language
GeorgeK: next agenda item. Do we want to add a bullet point mentioning about markup
CharlesL: yes I agree we can add bullet point about using plain text and avoid markup in a11y metadata
mgarrish: I don't think anything from WG could have large impact on TF here
GeorgeK: how about bookmark and other a11y role do we need to transform to a11y summary?
mgarrish: I lean on focus on the things we really want to put in a11y summary and avoid a huge table
CharlesL: for a11y features I agree with just pick most common and have big impact - such as MathML - in summary
… and make it short, don't need to be a complete table to cover all a11y features
mgarrish: there is also some a11y feature we might not need to put in a11y summary
GeorgeK: ok, we can focus on must essential things in a11y summary
GeorgeK: do we still need an abstract in the spec
mgarrish: yes we still need a brief introduction in spec