17:59:14 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 17:59:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/01-waicc-irc 17:59:16 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:59:19 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference 17:59:19 Date: 01 June 2022 17:59:36 Rain has joined #waicc 18:00:40 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 18:01:06 present+ 18:01:39 agenda? 18:01:46 clear agenda 18:01:48 agenda+ Scribe, agenda additions, present+ 18:01:48 agenda+ Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts 18:01:48 agenda+ Checking: New work under development? Cross-WAI review requests? 18:01:48 agenda+ Recommended materials from TPAC sessions on working with COGA (note re-framing/generalizing topic) 18:01:49 agenda+ FYI WCAG2ICT 18:01:49 agenda+ Reminder can give periodic CEPC reminders 18:01:51 agenda+ Updates & q&a on legal entity transition, as needed 18:07:35 present+ 18:08:27 Brent has joined #waicc 18:10:36 Ryladog has joined #waicc 18:10:52 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call 18:10:57 Chair: Judy 18:11:23 present+ George, Rain, Tzviya, Ryladog, Judy 18:11:30 Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea 18:11:50 Scribe: Ryladog 18:11:54 zakim, drop agenda item 1 18:11:54 I don't understand 'drop agenda item 1', Judy 18:12:01 zakim, drop item 1 18:12:01 agendum 1, Scribe, agenda additions, present+, dropped 18:12:08 zakim, take up next 18:12:08 agendum 2 -- Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts -- taken up [from Judy] 18:12:23 JB: Hi Janina 18:12:46 JB: Have you seen Shawns response to agendum 2? 18:12:57 JS: Back to back meeting since 9am 18:13:19 JB: Are there any changes to Updates: publication plans, announcements 18:13:52 JS: Awaiting CFC - we are going to do a few more edits 18:14:22 JS: As a note onSynchronized a11yREquirements 18:14:48 JS: It applies to so many groups 18:15:02 JB: you think it is crisp enough 18:15:16 JS: We will add a few edits to heading etc 18:15:31 JB: WAs Shawn able to help 18:15:36 JS: Yes 18:16:03 JB: I think she keeps a complete archive on findig all of the previous examples 18:16:33 JS: We will need a good BLOG posting in additional to announcements 18:17:21 JB: Tzviya, Do you have a collection of your blogs? 18:17:43 JB: please put in a link or an email back to this list 18:18:12 zakim, take up next 18:18:12 agendum 3 -- Checking: New work under development? Cross-WAI review requests? -- taken up [from Judy] 18:18:45 q+ 18:18:48 JB: Updates New work under development? 18:18:59 janina has joined #waicc 18:19:04 present+ 18:19:15 tzviya: ePub went to CR. Did it make it to Shawn? 18:19:36 JB: Shawn has been slammed with work 18:20:00 JB: She might have missed something. 18:20:19 tzviya: I have to check with WEndy 18:20:33 GK: I know it is out 18:20:46 JB: I see a thing from Wendy 18:20:59 https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/05/epub-3-3-is-now-in-cr/ 18:20:59 JB: I am going to drop in... 18:21:36 JB: I am checking the link in the previous agenda item 18:22:05 Tzviya: I think Wendy adding something on ePub in what WAI is up to 18:22:19 GK: Isee a webinar on TechForum 18:22:22 q+ 18:22:28 ack me 18:22:31 [JB: Thinks that the EPUB 3.3 needs follow-up through regular WAI messaging channels] 18:22:31 Tzviya: Jusy I will follow up 18:22:59 JB: Is there a way to get WEndy and Shawn connected? 18:23:12 ack tz 18:23:13 Tzviya: I thought they were already connected 18:23:27 ack ja 18:23:54 https://www.w3.org/TR/reporting/ 18:23:59 JS: APA is poking into some corners, such as... 18:24:32 JS: Web Performance WG. Look at what the user actually got, not just what they are sending? How robust is this? 18:24:48 JS: Is that too heavy weight? 18:25:28 JB: There is a very large point is sustainability. Refresh burden, a cpst that some orgs have begun to quantify 18:26:03 JB: In April w3C I lead some things on sustainability, TrustWorthy canadian 18:26:18 JB: WE might get synergy there 18:26:34 JB: Can we brainstorm on this? 18:27:02 Performacne and Delivery aspect as RTF is working on that 18:27:15 JS: We expect i18n by TPAC 18:27:39 JB: What they have is looking at a screen, and has nothing to do with aural UIs 18:27:55 JS: We have exceeded what SMIL can give us 18:28:05 JB: Thanks 18:28:58 zakim, take up next 18:28:58 agendum 4 -- Recommended materials from TPAC sessions on working with COGA (note re-framing/generalizing topic) -- taken up [from Judy] 18:29:23 JB: at last call an agenda request from Rain for COGATF 18:29:41 JB: It looked like it was one WG, it might be a big topic 18:30:16 JB: Rain has kindly added some stuff that was pre-recorded. For todays- call, please tell us Rain about what this is 18:31:49 Rain: n the emmail thread following this adgenda - there are two documents 18:32:01 Rain: We have this working doc 18:32:02 Working document for inclusive working groups: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RbjN7fLaucSzVfTqQdoCHoX3GFEoyHz2iiz3ap9Yd6k/edit#heading=h.gsausbyr9qj2 18:32:43 Rain: COGA started in a messy google doc, and transformed it into, started as a clloab ofTF members 18:33:30 Rain: we have alot of unique blockers to collab. A lot of the tools dont wrk with the members of our group. We need options 18:33:40 Rain: What are the barriars? 18:34:27 TPAC 2021 recording of How to work with COGA: https://watch.videodelivery.net/4212af346ecdba06922bb9442bd94996 18:34:37 Slide deck: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2021Oct/att-0004/How_to_work_with_COGA_Presentation_TPAC2021.pdf 18:34:38 Rain: The google doc translated into the other docs - which is what we did for TPAC - that turned into a recording 2021 -how to work with COGA. Slide deck 18:34:46 Meeting minutes: https://www.w3.org/2021/10/21-cogainclusion-minutes.html 18:35:31 Rain: What we dont have yet but we heard people want to be helpful for WAI is a cheat sheet 18:36:03 Rain: We haven't produced that yet - I woul dneed a huge amount of time 18:36:49 Rain:The other peice to the puzzle - the reason EO was included in the original request - these collabs are two ways 18:37:03 jamesn has joined #waicc 18:37:49 Rain: EO is trying to prioritize and manage - EO is trying to mitigate of what we are asking - COGA drosnt have the resources 18:38:18 Rain: Even when we try our best is to have a clear process and understanding how these interaction will work 18:38:28 RAin: a list of challaneges 18:38:46 Rain: I am worried EO is frustrated 18:38:57 Rain: We recognize that 18:39:30 q+ 18:39:39 Rain: WE want to make sure tht this is smooth - we are not handling it right. How can we better support EO and other groups? 18:40:04 Rain: How can we support structures, in my month I hope to be able to set that foundation 18:40:25 Rain: This is what is Hard for COGA. Ans how can it go both ways? 18:40:54 JB: I am hearing a clear intent in in reciprocity. I think that great 18:41:19 JB: Off the links is most of it is redundancies? 18:41:43 JB: Any thoughts? 18:42:10 ack ju 18:42:21 RAin: Enjoys content through audio then the recordings is best - if you are going to do just one- the slides are closest to the cheat sheet. 18:42:46 Rain: Recording is about 40 minutes 18:43:31 scribe: jamesn 18:44:04 Judy: any questions right now? 18:44:19 Ryladog: good idea and understand the difficulties 18:44:35 GeorgeK: improving communications is essential 18:44:48 GeorgeK: are there technologies getting in the way? 18:45:21 Rain: at a high level - github itself is challenging - not from a technical standpoint. Putting in a comment or editing is fine 18:45:54 Rain: email comms in general - everything is deeply threaded and very hard to find contextual threads leading to cognitive overload 18:46:34 Rain: when notifications enabled some of us are too overwhelmed by email. Can't get to what are meant to be reaching 18:46:59 q+ 18:47:05 GeorgeK: I think we all struggle with that. Present in my life too. Can symaphize with difficulty this presents 18:47:19 q+ to ask about offering best practices 18:47:30 janina: I like that emphasis on the struggle with threading. pretty common for many people with or withour disabilities 18:48:13 janina: kind of amazed that mail user agents haven't looked into this. reminds me of a user agent where it said don't have those deep deep quotes 18:48:21 janina: a python script 18:48:29 ack ja 18:48:37 agenda? 18:48:57 janina: some things that ADAPT could give us ways to build simplification 18:49:10 janina: want to make sure RQTF is looking at this too 18:49:31 janina: not just google docs and github which people find difficult for different reasons 18:50:03 tzviya: everyone agreeing that threading can be an issue. wondering whether documenting best practices would be useful. 18:50:17 tzviya: find replying at bottom is almost impossible 18:50:20 q+ 18:50:24 ack tzviya 18:50:24 tzviya, you wanted to ask about offering best practices 18:50:34 q- 18:51:42 Judy: want to talk about repricocity - we have so many microcultures even in WAI - and every group and even TF has a different expectation 18:52:43 q+ 18:53:07 ack ge 18:53:38 q+ 18:54:08 GeorgeK: hear comments about threading etc. just because the software has the capability. Learning how to use things can be difficult. Folks helped me get going with github. Think there needs to be ways to provide help and training. 18:54:27 GeorgeK: github and email threading are 2 things that could be helpful for everybody 18:54:47 Judy: Tooling and interpersonal part are 2 buckets 18:55:12 ack ra 18:55:38 Rain: Learning disabilities are a disability. I know how to use threading. Have 3000 unread emails. 18:56:09 Rain: I shut down and cannot function. Don't realize how huge this is as a struggle 18:56:20 You are a highly competent individual 18:57:03 Rain: some folks written communications are not possible 18:57:51 Thank you for that. 18:58:12 q+ 18:58:58 agenda? 18:59:41 ack ra 19:01:03 rrsagent, make minutes 19:01:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/01-waicc-minutes.html jamesn 21:54:25 janina has left #waicc