23:34:59 RRSAgent has joined #epub 23:34:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/26-epub-irc 23:35:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:35:02 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe 23:35:10 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 23:35:16 Chair: Dave Cramer 23:49:44 mgarrish has joined #epub 23:57:27 shiestyle has joined #epub 23:58:56 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 23:59:04 present+ 23:59:18 present+ 23:59:25 MattChan has joined #epub 23:59:46 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 23:59:52 present+ 23:59:57 present+ 00:00:14 wendyreid has joined #epub 00:00:44 present+ 00:00:54 preent+ 00:00:57 present+ 00:01:09 present+ 00:01:10 scribe+ 00:03:00 dauwhe: welcome all to this post-CR meeting 00:03:09 ... this means that our highest priority is testing 00:03:22 ... but we also have some issues around privacy and security 00:03:34 ... which we will discuss today 00:03:37 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/2297 00:03:39 TOPIC: security and privacy - Making statements normative 00:04:08 dauwhe: one of the key elements of the feedback was that most of our security and privacy section was non-normative, and npd thought it should be 00:04:10 dlazin has joined #epub 00:04:17 present+ 00:04:29 ... this PR makes that change so that many of the things we discussed non-normative have become normative, but still SHOULD 00:04:53 q? 00:04:54 ... reading through this PR, it seems to be a better statement of our values and the importance of privacy and security 00:05:31 duga has joined #epub 00:05:48 present+ 00:06:06 mgarrish: this also addresses concern re. unsigned epubs and whether RS can trust such epubs 00:06:23 ... not sure how to phrase, because unsigned doesn't necessarily mean untrustworthy 00:06:37 ... language now gives a lot of leeway to RS 00:06:54 ... can't necessarily be enforced, but still good practice that we are now throwing our weight behind 00:07:28 dauwhe: still significant progress versus previous versions of epub on this 00:07:54 wendyreid: we can't merge anything right now because we have it set so that it auto publishes after a merge 00:08:03 ... we need to figure out if we need a new snapshot 00:08:33 q? 00:08:41 Proposed: Approve PR 2297 00:08:45 +1 00:08:47 +1 00:08:47 +1 00:08:47 +1 00:08:49 +1 00:08:49 +1 00:08:49 +1 00:08:58 +1 00:09:03 +1 00:09:31 RESOLVED: Approve PR 2297 00:09:38 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2263 00:09:42 TOPIC: security and privacy - External Resources should be loaded securely 00:09:45 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/2299 00:09:52 dauwhe: this issue comes with this PR 00:10:05 ... this is around remote resources, and recommended that they be served over HTTPS 00:10:17 ... avoiding person in the middle and other such network attacks 00:10:20 q? 00:10:24 q+ 00:10:34 ack dl 00:10:34 ack dlazin 00:10:46 dlazin: my only concern is the PR itself is not super clear in its language 00:10:55 ... "RS may not load resources" 00:11:06 ... what we mean is there is a chance RS may not load 00:11:19 ... I'll do a pass 00:11:51 dauwhe: this is SHOULD level, so would we test whether a remote resource is served via HTTP, and that would result in a warning from epubcheck? 00:12:12 mgarrish: yes, that is what I would expect 00:12:23 dauwhe: this could affect existing content, but I expect it would be rare 00:12:35 mgarrish: generally the direction of the web is HTTPS too 00:13:04 ... this will cause some warnings, but security outweighs. We should move in the direction of the web 00:13:19 dauwhe: using backwards compat as reason not to fix security issue isn't where we want to be 00:13:36 q? 00:13:37 Proposed: Approve PR 2299, close issue 2265 00:13:41 +1 00:13:45 +1 00:13:45 +1 00:13:46 +1 00:13:46 +1 00:13:47 +1 00:13:50 +1 00:13:51 +1 00:13:52 +1 00:13:59 RESOLVED: Approve PR 2299, close issue 2265 00:14:42 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2265 00:14:50 TOPIC: Security and privacy - Authenticity and Integrity checks 00:15:20 dauwhe: we did add a section about this in the previously approved PR 2297 00:15:24 dauwhe_ has joined #epub 00:15:36 ... XML does support signing of the epub 00:16:06 q+ 00:16:16 ack du 00:16:19 ... so there is a mechanism for this, but i'm not aware of an epub RS that supports signing or that would alert end user/do something else if faced with signed epub where signature is invalid 00:17:02 duga: an attacker could just resign the epub with their own signature. RS can't know what signature should be 00:18:20 dauwhe: so should we just note that we have a signature capability, but given the nature of epub it is tough to ascertain a chain of trust even though it is possible on the web? 00:18:26 duga: the PR itself looks fine 00:19:29 ... we have to resolve all issues not right? and the raiser must be happy with resolution? This is part of CR transition? 00:19:32 wendyreid: yes 00:20:11 ... we can close the issue, and then make sure that PR gets an okay from security and privacy reviewers 00:20:26 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2266 00:20:35 TOPIC: Security and privacy - Review of issues in “Reading Between the Lines" 00:20:48 https://lirias.kuleuven.be/retrieve/616428 00:21:01 dauwhe: this is a paywalled academic paper, link is to the author's own website 00:21:32 ... they tested close to 100 epub RS, with some automated tests of security issues (e.g. scripting). Concluded with a few recommendations on how to change the spec 00:21:37 ... I've looked at it briefly 00:22:14 ... we were talking earlier about remote resources, but it seems that we allow use of local resources, which may be a significant security hole 00:22:45 ... it also mentioned that half of RS that supported js supported geolocation, etc. 00:23:11 ... they say it wasn't mentioned in spec, but it should be covered by our recommendation for soliciting user consent 00:23:26 q+ 00:23:27 ... I think several of us need to review issues raised in it 00:23:41 wendyreid: mgarrish gave good summary of points in issue 00:24:16 ... authors make some suggestions around the support of js and that the spec should specify no access to local file system 00:24:20 q+ 00:24:33 ... but we've always strayed from explicitly telling RS how to build an RS 00:24:33 q+ 00:24:58 ... their points are valid, and the RSes features should take those issues up 00:25:09 ... rather than changes that should be made in the spec itself 00:25:12 ack dlazin 00:25:21 s/RSes features/RSes featured 00:25:36 dlazin: should we invite them to give us a presentation and some recommendations? 00:25:55 dauwhe: i like the idea of having a dialog with them. They seem interested and knowledgeable 00:26:02 wendyreid: I also like the idea 00:26:08 dauwhe: good topic for next chairs call 00:26:11 ack du 00:26:20 duga: +1 00:26:51 ... also re access to file system, does that mean you can't access the epub? Difficult not to be overly broad in prohibitions 00:27:09 ack mg 00:27:25 mgarrish: this is why I didn't try to write a PR to answer this one 00:27:35 ... their main point of contention is file: URLs right? 00:27:45 ... we can block those in authoring without breaking epub 00:27:52 ... trickier on RS side 00:28:09 ... we talk in theory about how file: URLs could be used, but does anyone even do this in reality? 00:28:29 00:28:29 ... if there was a way to block that I personally wouldn't take issue, but the language would be tricky from RS perspective 00:28:39 q? 00:28:45 wendyreid: I've found the authors of the paper online 00:28:53 dauwhe: that's a great way forward on this issue 00:29:13 ... we could probably learn from each other 00:29:45 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/2301 00:30:00 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2264 00:30:23 TOPIC: Security and privacy - Persistent storage security 00:30:29 dauwhe: about unrelated documents 00:30:45 mgarrish: this is about two requirements that were still in the spec, but which are no longer applicable 00:31:06 ... i.e. language around each document being treated as its own domain 00:31:43 ... if you absolutely need to use persistent storage, then we recommend you encrypt instead of storing as plaintext 00:32:27 dauwhe: a lot of people have done proofs of concept of drafting epubs that can read data from local storage created by a different epub 00:32:48 mgarrish: not sure if js encrypting is trivial to break or not, but at least we are saying to pay attention to this 00:33:23 ... we also recommend just not storing sensitive data in the first place, if you don't have to 00:33:49 Proposed: Approve PR 2301, close issue 2264 00:33:55 +1 00:33:55 +1 00:33:56 +1 00:33:57 +1 00:33:58 +1 00:33:58 +1 00:33:59 +1 00:34:01 +1 00:34:01 +1 00:34:15 RESOLVED: Approve PR 2301, close issue 2264 00:34:46 https://github.com/w3c/epub-tests/pull/148 00:34:49 TOPIC: Testing - standardize formatting of mol-navigation 00:35:15 dlazin: this is a discussion of a comment in the PR 00:35:47 ... this was a test for MO, and this was a test for a MUST within the MO section (which is a should) 00:36:18 ... Ivan has created a way to filter should tests, so that, for example, a tester could say 'i'm not worried about these should tests' 00:36:45 ... but in order for us to determine whether the spec is implementable, the MUSTs within the should sections are still important 00:36:58 ... we need to have 2 independent implementations of these MUSTs too 00:37:27 ... so what is the purpose of marking some tests as should, and based on the answer to same, how do we treat MUSTs in should sections? 00:38:02 dauwhe: do we have this problem on a higher level? If we allow possibility of audio only RS, then anything related to visual only is not required 00:38:30 dlazin: that's the opposite of this, because those tests would not be marked as shoulds, and could not be accidentally filtered out 00:38:48 dauwhe: so in some sense we may need to leave it up to the RS dev, e.g. if the RS in question doesn't support MO 00:38:52 q? 00:39:18 mgarrish: so we're concerned about how to handle filtering? Can Ivan just fix this in the filtering script? 00:39:50 dlazin: I think its what is the purpose of marking a test as a should test? Are we telling RS tester not to worry about this? Or are we telling Director not to worry about this? 00:40:09 q+ 00:40:12 ... I think purpose of our tests is CR. So I would think we do NOT mark such tests as should tests 00:40:26 ... maybe we should defer this until Ivan is here, this isn't urgent 00:40:27 ack duga 00:40:53 duga: yes, fine to defer. But it seems these tests are going to be marked as MUSTs because they ARE MUSTs. 00:41:00 ... otherwise they would just be SHOULD in the spec 00:41:26 wendyreid: I would be more worried about this if it wasn't in a feature like MO that is already fairly well supported 00:41:49 ... could some of the more technical features of MO be at risk? Sure. But the core feature of MO I'm not worried about 00:43:26 dlazin: hearing duga's reply, and no disagreements, I'm tending towards not flagging them as should tests. I don't think Ivan feels strongly, but we can follow up with him next meeting 00:43:40 wendyreid: I'll wait for the PR for us to resolve 00:43:52 TOPIC: AOB? 00:44:12 duga: don't accidentally sign up for the wrong TPAC conference 00:44:34 wendyreid: there's a name conflict. 2 conferences named TPAC in Vancouver in the same time 00:44:46 s/in the same time/at the same time 00:45:50 dlazin: within a few days W3C will link us to a block of discount TPAC hotels 00:46:11 dauwhe: the information is forthcoming 00:48:08 ... okay, that wraps us up, thanks everyone! 00:48:32 zakim, end meeting 00:48:32 As of this point the attendees have been toshiakikoike, dauwhe, MasakazuKitahara, MattChan, shiestyle, wendyreid, mgarrish, dlazin, duga 00:48:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 00:48:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/26-epub-minutes.html Zakim 00:48:37 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 00:48:41 Zakim has left #epub 00:48:42 rrsagent, bye 00:48:42 I see no action items