14:48:36 RRSAgent has joined #pointerevents 14:48:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/25-pointerevents-irc 14:50:49 Meeting: PEWG 14:50:56 Chair: Patrick H. Lauke 14:50:59 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/0d3af70c-0054-43dc-9c15-c60c5b9c3f3c/20220525T110000 14:51:04 Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke 14:51:13 ScribeNick: Patrick_H_Lauke 14:51:20 present+ Patrick_H_Lauke 15:00:21 just a second.. 15:00:50 flackr has joined #pointerevents 15:01:24 present+ flackr 15:01:29 present+ smaug 15:02:35 TOPIC: Touch Events CG 15:03:13 Patrick: just a small note to say that the group aim/description has now been updated - mostly pointing back to us 15:03:14 https://www.w3.org/community/touchevents/ 15:03:19 https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/touchevents 15:03:55 TOPIC: Explain relation of coalesced events to parent event https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/pull/440 15:05:27 present+ mustaq 15:05:50 Olli: the "As a result..." is a bit weird, but otherwise it's ok 15:06:59 Mustaq: concern about "events" vs "event types" 15:07:12 Flackr: how about we merge this now and can always tweak wording later 15:07:27 Patrick: should we merge? 15:07:29 Sounds good 15:07:31 [all agree] 15:08:27 TOPIC: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356 15:08:58 Patrick: i added this to the agenda, but wasn't sure if there actually had been action over last two weeks, or if this a more long-running action 15:09:16 Olli: question about whether there's always a click after the up (?) 15:09:33 Flackr: one option is to retain pointer capture until it's determined if a click is fired 15:09:54 Olli: wonder if this would affect something else. hopefully nobody is mixing pointer and mouse events, as that may cause issues 15:10:20 Olli: but maybe it's ok. fire lostpointercapture when we know click won't fire so we don't need to capture anymore 15:10:39 Olli: only for implicit release 15:10:52 Mustaq: what about double-tap? 15:11:04 Flackr: depends if it results in zoom 15:11:25 Flackr: if double-tap to zoom is disabled, each tap will be an independent event 15:11:39 Flackr: and i think that's consistent with mouse behavior 15:12:08 Flackr: because you get implicit capture release on click ... and if you had an explicit capture, it'll be released on the first... 15:12:23 Olli: click is odd because it's not user input, but reaction to the "up" 15:12:24 (btw, I'll need to leave 15 min early today) 15:12:45 Olli: what else do we need here? was starting to look at our code 15:13:16 Flackr: think we're in agreement that it should behave this way: without releasing capture explicitly, it should be released implicitly when determined that there won't be a click 15:13:36 Mustaq: when touch is not canceled, it will fire a click... 15:15:53 Patrick: so what's outcome? 15:16:10 Flackr: change to the spec to reflect what we discussed, tests 15:16:23 Olli: would be good to have one implementation to check we didn't overlook something 15:16:27 Olli: and tests 15:17:03 Olli: this will then hopefully address #356 and (maybe) #357 15:17:07 Flackr: I think so 15:18:05 ACTION: next steps for #357 to find an implementation/test 15:19:31 Mustaq: I don't think we have chrome bugs for this, but need to investigate. changes for both touch and mouse 15:19:39 Olli: same in firefox 15:20:23 TOPIC: Defining event orders through a "state of the input device" https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/438 15:21:07 Mustaq: i think I got something wrong on this, so let's close this bug. think the state diagram was more confusing than helpful 15:21:58 ACTION: close issue 15:22:09 Patrick: let me just look over other issues not tagged as v3 ... https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues 15:28:26 Patrick: nothing there tagged "future" that we want to tackle for v3, so think we're good 15:28:40 Mustaq: what timeline are we looking at for going to REC for v3? 15:30:49 Patrick: i'm not in any particular rush, but will confirm with Philippe Le Hegaret about best timings. if i remember right, our group's charter still has ample time (not like last time where we needed extension to push through v2). I'm going to guess October or something this year? as for having implementations, I'm sure there's some leniency even if not rolled out, particularly as we're not talking about a whole new feature, but 15:30:49 just a refinement of event order. even just an agreement in principle that two implementers are working on it actively should be fine, even if tests currently fail (in implementation report) 15:31:37 Olli: question about whether we carry on with these meetings, now that the last outstanding item is this longer-running implementation question. find it quite useful as a bit of a motivator to push things through, having that scheduled meeting 15:31:49 Flackr: agree, good to have meeting just as a reminder to do things 15:32:28 Patrick: happy to keep these meetings going every two weeks more as a "heartbeat" / status meeting until we've published v3 REC 15:32:46 [group agrees] 15:32:57 Patrick: thank you all, speak to you again in 2 weeks' time 15:33:03 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:33:08 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:33:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/25-pointerevents-minutes.html Patrick_H_Lauke 15:33:16 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:33:29 rrsagent, bye 15:33:29 I see 2 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2022/05/25-pointerevents-actions.rdf : 15:33:29 ACTION: next steps for #357 to find an implementation/test [1] 15:33:29 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2022/05/25-pointerevents-irc#T15-18-05 15:33:29 ACTION: close issue [2] 15:33:29 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2022/05/25-pointerevents-irc#T15-21-58