Maturity Model

25 May 2022


Fazio_, JakeAbma, janina, maryjom, nadine_, Sheri_B-H
Fazio, Sheri BH
janina, scribe: Sheri BH, Sheri_B-H

Meeting minutes

<Sheri_B-H> regrets for second half of meeting

<Sheri_B-H> regrets from Raph

<jlkline> present

Check in with Janina on any pending issues

discuss final working draft looming questions

<Fazio_> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lc4BwK7IKlcQVL9HalrtvrdwZzeVRyn35CbmftiX3Qw/edit

Meetings need to end at 50-55 minutes to give people a break (this is from the parent org)

<Fazio_> A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

<Fazio_> Introduction: Internal and external pe Personnel at all levels of an organization must have W3C ICT …”

Mary Jo comment: how do we get our document on this list? A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/

<Fazio_> All references to WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 are to the final Recommendations of these web standards. Comments on this document will not affect other WCAG publications.

resolved - will happen automatically once put into github and published

Delete old comment re WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 since we made the decision to make the document independent of WCAG

agreed to remove reference to Figure 1

agreed to change Accessible Communications to link to Oxford source Raph provided

agreed to add name of dimension to make headings unique

AI to MaryJo to complete that

discussion of Direct Communications vs External communications

+1 for direct

maryjom: Wondering about whether external/internal might become different items?

Fazio_: Might be problematic if that were so

Fazio_: Also concerned about third parties content can't be on the host

janina: example is youtube -- someone posting a video without video description isn't a youtube responsibility

jeff: we just need to be clear; noting formal/informal, external/internal, just need to be consistent in the proof points so we don't miss anything

Fazio_: : question about "extranet;" do we need to differentiate network types?

jlkline: wondering about saying something third party hosted?

jlkline: it's a big deal -- accessibility of external and internal websites including hosted third party

jlkline: suggest third party contracted content should conform

Fazio_: some debate of whether we can impose this kind of req

maryjom: may also not be a third party that is able on a11y and able on the contracted content

jlkline: proposes a doc edit ...

janina: provides 508 example of commercially viable

jlkline: think we leave it and see what comments come

+1 to jlkline

jlkline: suggests making it another bullet to be sure to call attention for comment purposes in fpwd

Fazio_: next ...

Fazio_: from maryjom under knowledge and skills ...

Fazio_: suggest just eliminating the examples because it's self-explanatory

[group agrees]

Fazio_: reads next comment ----

maryjom: same area with another comment

[change accepted .. next comment]

jlkline: putting cross references is our pattern; so we will need to put pointers into their proof points

jlkline: we all need to do that in our sections for the style approach

Fazio_: OK with publishing and coming back to this ...

jlkline: happy to take it on now

jlkline: a generic statement?


Fazio_: asks jlkline to propose something

jlkline: ok

maryjom: notes appearance issue to fix before port to github

jlkline: thinking about knowledge and skills particulars in terms of ordering; may want to move things around some in different areas

Fazio_: asks of reorg is done?

jlkline: are my proposed changes ...

jlkline: highlights ...

maryjom: should be something on maintaining

maryjom: keeping things current is the hard part!

maryjom: making sure there's continuing education; change over time, etc

[agreement on approach with above observations included]

maryjom: so, should i start on github?

Fazio_: yes

jake: a task for me?

Fazio_: no

[decision to wait on github]

APA CfC on Reporting Announcement


<Fazio_> rrsagent make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: jake, jeff, jlkline