14:08:40 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 14:08:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-irc 14:08:58 scribenick: cristiano 14:09:02 scribenik: cris 14:09:18 topic: Agenda 14:09:43 seb: couple of PRs and decide if we are ready for CR 14:09:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:09:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html dape 14:09:56 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Paintner, Jan_Romann, Michael_McCool, Michael_Lagally 14:10:16 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 14:10:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 14:10:23 ... maybe we'll not have time to check the issues 14:10:38 ... aob ? 14:10:39 rrsagent, please make log public 14:10:42 ... ok 14:10:51 topic: minutes review 14:11:41 chair: Sebastian 14:11:47 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 14:11:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 14:11:54 seb: we talked about internationalization review 14:12:12 s/scribenik: cris/scribenick: cris/ 14:12:18 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 14:12:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 14:13:33 Meeting: WoT-WG - TD-TF 14:13:35 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 14:13:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 14:13:40 s/scribenick: cris/scribenick: cris__/ 14:14:10 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 14:14:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 14:14:13 seb: then we talked about directories 14:14:23 ... and languages 14:14:36 ... but the issue was forwarded to the Discovery TF 14:14:53 s/scribenick: cristiano// 14:14:57 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 14:14:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 14:15:44 ... regarding accessibility there were no specif issues for TD 14:16:21 ... TAG review was positive 14:16:46 ... IANA registration should be covered, we had a PR that is now merged 14:17:17 ... there's a problem in the topics 14:17:27 ... 6 and 7 sections can be merged in one 14:17:34 ... then we had some PRs 14:17:52 ... mostly related to semantics and context issues 14:19:49 ... we fixed also read/writeOnly defaults in affordances 14:20:18 ... do the minutes look good? 14:20:36 jan: at the bottom there's some issues related to the scribe 14:20:57 seb: yes probably kaz can fix it 14:21:31 ... content-wise minutes approved 14:21:41 topic: Wide review 14:22:17 seb: I updated the questoinare, but no feedback 14:22:31 mc: we exchanged some emails 14:22:48 ... we should discuss it in the github issue no emails 14:23:37 seb: internationalization is done 14:23:50 ... TAG also almost done 14:23:54 ... architecture is missing 14:24:27 Ege has joined #wot-td 14:24:40 ... regarding IANA we now have also an entry about Thing Model 14:25:38 ... added a ref to json pointers 14:25:45 mc: also to TD registratoin? 14:25:54 seb: no, we would need another PR 14:27:49 q+ 14:28:25 ack dape 14:28:29 dape: about contact field we should use maybe team-wot 14:28:34 ... not too specific 14:29:03 mc: +1 for team-wot as long as it stays stable 14:29:33 seb: regarding privacy 14:29:43 ... we recieved comments 14:29:50 mc: I updated architecture 14:30:01 ... but it also applies to discovery 14:30:35 ... TLS applies to everything that's why it has been added in architecture 14:30:43 ... TLS is required for public URLs 14:30:52 ... is optional for private networks 14:31:42 ml: should we recommend a certain version of TLS ? 14:31:56 mc: it is a minor update but we can do it later 14:32:48 ml: do we mention tls in TD spec? 14:33:00 mc: I think we should cite architecture 14:33:18 Mizushima has joined #wot-td 14:38:11 seb: about identifiers 14:38:29 mc: we should probably add an assertion about id rotation 14:38:54 ... immutable IDs might be property affordances 14:39:23 ... id can be used to track location 14:39:36 ... or activity 14:40:13 seb: I like the overview made by Michael 14:40:41 ml: tracking devices is inside monitoring use cases 14:40:56 ... by definition 14:41:36 ... probably we should distingish users and devices when it comes to tracking 14:41:53 mc: yeah but it is tricky: devices can be used to track users 14:42:18 seb: so you might to discuss a little more? 14:42:43 q+ 14:43:33 mc: there's no standard way to rotate ids 14:43:59 ... for discovery 2.0 we might include a notification system for id rotation 14:45:08 mic is not working 14:45:20 I just wanted to say that for me, this is an issue for discovery and not TD 14:45:38 mc: well maybe 14:45:45 s/mic is not working// 14:46:04 ... it is a good place to discuss the problem 14:46:33 ... the rotation right now is "manual" 14:47:52 cris: don't we have update events in TDDs? 14:48:21 mc: yeah but you break the URL, but we can discuss futher next monday 14:48:49 seb: ok moving on with reviews, no reaction on security 14:49:06 ... but it seems they have a lot of requests 14:49:12 ... let's wait 14:49:25 ... maybe we can ask kaz 14:49:38 ... discovery is WIP 14:49:51 mc: it is because the explainer is still to be done 14:49:56 topic: PRs 14:50:08 seb: a lot in the pipeline 14:50:32 ml: I reviewed specific PRs 14:50:42 ... mostly those related to normative changes 14:50:52 ... it is very difficutl to review those 14:51:00 ... they contain unrelated chages 14:51:22 ... for example 1491 contains random changes 14:51:36 mc: it happens mostly with index.html 14:51:53 ... it is automatically generated 14:52:07 ... that's why sometimes it changes 14:52:35 seb: you should review the template.html 14:52:56 ml: I would like to focus just on the document 14:53:08 ... I'm not interested in the low level details 14:53:16 seb: what about using the preview? 14:53:28 ml: it hard to find normative keywords changes 14:53:59 ... previews are not reliable 14:54:14 q? 14:54:29 q+ 14:54:42 seb: sadly we know about this issues 14:55:28 ml: but sometimes there might be content changes not just blank spaces 14:55:48 ege: for example PR 1493 14:56:09 ... this change keeps popping up 14:56:13 ... added and removed 14:56:40 mc: probably is the renderer that it gets confused 14:56:56 ... with order of statement 14:57:25 ... it might be a bug in the ontology 14:57:26 q+ 14:58:32 q- 14:59:12 ml: why do we add the index.hmtl to PR? 14:59:18 seb: to see the render version 14:59:27 q+ 14:59:44 q- 15:00:19 q- 15:00:39 ack cris__ 15:01:34 cris: the problem is well-known a lot of small details that need to be fixed... 15:02:08 ... but likely the editors and me got used to the workflow and we can understand the changes 15:02:22 ... still I agree that we should simplify 15:02:44 q+ 15:02:58 seb: of course having an automatic buidling process helps to keep the ontology alligned 15:03:00 q- 15:03:29 ... we should talk about this when we set up a new document 15:03:33 kaz has joined #wot-td 15:03:50 q? 15:03:52 q+ 15:04:10 ack McCool 15:04:12 ack m 15:04:38 subtopic: issue 1487 15:05:10 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1487 15:05:41 ege: it removes the json schema inside the body of the main document 15:06:00 ... it also caused merge conflicts 15:06:05 q+ 15:06:25 ... it is an informative change 15:06:39 ... also I'm removing the format keyword 15:06:46 ... they all have problems 15:07:04 ... not every jsonschema implement those 15:07:46 ... added also an ed note 15:08:04 ... we will need a link to teh static file 15:08:09 mc: that was my comment 15:08:18 ... not sure we should host in github 15:08:28 ... the best place should be on w3c 15:08:37 cris: agree 15:08:41 ege: +1 15:08:50 ack m 15:08:58 seb: yeah it should be done for all the other files 15:09:25 ... e.g. ontology and context 15:09:45 ... other standards used to have the schema in the body of the document 15:09:54 ... but they were ment to be printed 15:10:00 ... on paper 15:10:07 q+ 15:10:36 jan: maybe the tm schema should go under the same treatment 15:10:41 ege: I'm doing it 15:11:04 ... probably we should have a table with links to all this documents 15:11:30 seb: looks good to me 15:17:16 subtopic: PR 1489 15:17:31 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1489 15:17:40 dape: minor fix about respec 15:17:44 seb: ok merged 15:17:56 subtopic 1491 15:18:15 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1491 15:18:32 seb: from ege, is about stating sync or async action in the TD body 15:19:20 ... we have support for async actions in profile 15:19:43 q+ 15:19:55 seb: any other changes? 15:20:11 mc: what is the default? 15:20:17 ege: no default 15:21:11 ... no using a default we force people to use it 15:21:36 mc: that clear the ambiguity 15:21:44 s/clear/clears/ 15:21:54 q+ to naming 15:21:54 ... but in 2.0 we should fix it 15:22:03 ... in profile we should require it 15:22:04 q? 15:22:20 ack j 15:23:37 cris: what happen if I use sync false but I don't have a queryaction form? 15:23:49 ege: you might expose the status in a property 15:24:09 ... or you don't have a way to query what is happening 15:25:09 cris: I'm not convinced about the name 15:25:26 dape: why are we shorting the name? 15:25:37 ... what about synchronous? 15:25:53 ack dape 15:25:53 dape, you wanted to naming 15:26:39 cris: plus sync and async might be confusing for developers 15:27:01 ege: yeah, maybe we can do an open call for better name 15:30:39 subtopic: PR 1493 15:31:01 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1493 15:32:55 ege: move a statment to the right place 15:33:29 q? 15:33:32 ack cris__ 15:33:56 ... and also put a new section with a explanation about the connection between data schema and operation 15:34:16 ... this can be marked as informative 15:34:35 ... no way to describe queryaction dataschema 15:35:22 ... I also named the section 15:35:32 ... previously was a big chunk of text 15:36:02 seb: one section is missplaced 15:37:03 ... I think it is nice to have this explainer 15:37:15 ege: I marked the section as non-normative 15:37:40 seb: I'm ok keeping it non-normative 15:37:48 cris: +1 15:37:52 q? 15:38:44 seb: ok then PR accepted 15:41:04 ... merged 15:41:22 subtopic: PR 1494 15:41:44 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1494 15:42:25 q+ 15:42:42 seb: introducing a requirement for TMs to have @context 15:42:54 jan: was arlready in the json schema? 15:42:57 ege: yes 15:43:10 ack j 15:44:01 seb: ok PR accepted 15:44:49 subtopic: PR 1498 15:45:05 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1498 15:45:26 ege: didn't see Michael's comment, I'll update later 15:45:44 jan: also ipr issues 15:46:22 mc: it is updating a folder that was removed by me because it was confusing 15:46:53 subtopic: PR 1499 15:47:04 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1499 15:47:39 seb: it removes a kind of process about how to evaluate the text direction 15:47:48 ... it was there from 1.0 15:48:09 ... but the internationalization review pinpointed a better approach 15:48:19 ... now it links another document 15:48:30 ... from w3c 15:48:30 q+ 15:49:02 mc: I'm not seeing any assertions in the new document 15:49:22 seb: the reason why is that I'm linking a note 15:49:35 mc: that's why we copy it over 15:49:51 seb: but it won't be normative 15:50:06 mc: can we cite a non-normative document using an assertion? 15:50:17 seb: we have to ask kaz 15:50:37 mc: I would make it an assertion 15:52:52 seb: PR not merged, let's continue the discussion 15:53:26 subtopic: PR 1500 15:53:35 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1500 15:54:24 seb: it adds a note 15:54:47 ... basically tm:fef might contains non-ASCII characters 15:55:03 mc: json uses bit compatiiblity not ASCII 15:55:21 seb: it was proposed 15:55:40 mc: maybe URLs are more restrictive 15:56:28 seb: ok PR approved 15:57:54 ... merged 15:59:56 ... ok we couldn't get all the PR merged 16:00:02 ... we should postpone PR transition 16:00:14 ... next week 16:00:21 ... we are getting closer 16:00:33 mc: still a lot of PRs 16:00:44 seb: but we are not accepting new one 16:01:18 ege: updated PR 1491 16:01:26 seb: ok let's merge this 16:02:34 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 16:02:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 16:03:17 [adjourned] 16:03:22 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 16:03:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 16:03:29 [adjourned] 16:03:37 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 16:03:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html cris__ 16:07:31 s/[adjourned]/[adjourned2]/ 16:07:33 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 16:07:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 16:07:56 s/[adjourned]// 16:08:03 s/[adjourned2]/[adjourned]/ 16:08:05 rrsagent, please draft the minutes 16:08:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/18-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 18:28:37 Zakim has left #wot-td 18:56:16 benfrancis6 has joined #wot-td