15:02:00 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 15:02:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-publishingcg-irc 15:02:09 Zakim has joined #publishingcg 15:02:22 Meeting: Publishing CG 15:02:29 Date: 2022-05-11 15:02:37 present+ 15:02:42 present+ 15:03:29 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 15:03:37 Naomi has joined #publishingcg 15:03:46 present+ 15:03:50 AlexGrover has joined #publishingcg 15:03:54 present+ 15:03:55 present+ 15:04:45 scribe: zheng_xu 15:05:11 GautierChomel has joined #publishingcg 15:05:18 Chair: zheng_xu 15:05:31 paulgilius has joined #publishingcg 15:06:10 wolfgang: last meeting AvneeshSingh had mentioned about a11y metadata (summary) 15:06:46 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #publishingcg 15:07:00 ... and talked about pub manifest. Matieus introduced about how Norton was using pub manifest 15:07:07 present+ 15:07:18 ... which could be used along side with epub 15:07:57 ... and we started to discuss about education - try to organize a group to define use cases 15:08:23 Scribe: wolfgang 15:08:41 Topic 2: A11Y TF update 15:08:45 Miiak has joined #publishingcg 15:10:12 Avneesh: high level aim in last meeting - intend to write a guidance doc for accessibility summary + extend metadata to ONIX + Marc 15:10:16 https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/drafts/schema-a11y-summary/ 15:11:15 q+ 15:11:17 charlesL: looking for publisher feedback - working with industry what is beneficial here - what can be automatically generated 15:12:18 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lh0TwYHg574WFvdIAB1-Pns3fF7oSCjD/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110044170227731414177&rtpof=true&sd=true 15:12:19 ... what does the publisher want to highlight - detect more features that is already extant in the product - no place to put down this info up to now 15:12:50 Avneesh: MARC metadata - use Google docs to make it easier 15:14:06 Tzviya: what is automatable? - you should talk to users, not only publishers - I would like to reach out to users - recommend users' outreach 15:14:50 q+ 15:14:53 present+ wolfgang 15:15:57 Topic 3: Education 15:16:39 idea to collect more use cases to know more - any idea how we can started - 15:16:42 ack me 15:17:06 q+ to talk more about what I was suggesting for manifest 15:18:17 BillK: I did contact Paul Belfante - he is an independent consultant - did agree to chair the TF - Bill wants to arrange a call with Paul what his tasks as chair of a TF would be - orientation call with Paul 15:18:28 ... open to anybody else 15:18:59 q+ 15:19:55 Tzviya: my suggestion was not to create sth. exclusively for education - EDUPUB was a disaster - Manifest has many interesting use cases, as Mateus described - a lot of it is already happening, also at Wiley 15:21:23 ack me 15:21:23 tzviya, you wanted to talk more about what I was suggesting for manifest 15:21:31 ... people have e-books and courseware - now offering an epub and at the same time an interactive web experience (quizzes, assessments) which is not EPUB - we need to understand what holds that together 15:22:13 q+ 15:22:22 BillK: not about EDUPUB or solutions, but user stories - what would education community want to do with the Web - just accumluate a wealth of user stories 15:23:38 Zheng: we collect use cases - know more about situation in the publishing industry - find common value for different platforms - not necessarily in EPUB-format 15:24:29 BillK: Paul's expertise is intact - 15:24:49 s/intact/edtech 15:25:26 Topic: (4) Planning for TPAC 2022: Call for members’ proposals/suggestions for topics 15:25:59 q+ 15:26:00 zheng: any suggestions? we have no experience with technical logistics? 15:26:19 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 15:26:23 ack zheng_xu 15:26:28 ack tzviya 15:27:55 q+ 15:28:01 Tzviya: TPAC will be hybrid - plan to accommodate time zones in their schedules - it's open whether anybody from our CG will be able to attend in person and whether it is worthwhile for the group 15:29:32 Avneesh: real use of TPAC is cross-group meetings - if we need more discussion with other groups, TPAC will be useful for us 15:30:36 ack AvneeshSingh 15:30:42 q+ 15:31:18 tzviya: many members this year may have time zone problems - 15:31:39 zheng: can we arrange for virtual rooms? 15:31:59 tzviya: if virtual meeting, better choose another week 15:32:40 q+ to say that meeting with PCG should not wait until tpac 15:33:16 CharlesL: meeting with Pub WG would make sense - they might have some ideas to share with us - ask Dave and Wendy - CharlesL plans to attend in person 15:33:17 ack ch 15:33:36 Zheng: how many plan to attend in person? 15:33:50 Just 30% chance for me. 15:34:16 ack tzviya 15:34:16 tzviya, you wanted to say that meeting with PCG should not wait until tpac 15:35:25 q+ 15:35:26 Tzviya: meeting Pub WG is a great idea, but should not be postponed until TPAC - WG charter runs out in a year 15:36:40 Avneesh: TPAC would be late if you propose sth for new WG charter - we should start incubation work now as a basis for further WG activities 15:37:08 ack av 15:37:10 q+ 15:37:13 Zheng: we probably don't need a physical meeting room at Vancouver 15:38:06 CharlesL: we don't need a physical room - more informal meetings - official session requires an agenda - happy to meet others 15:38:20 ack me 15:40:42 Zheng: can co-chairs do anything to support CG members? We don't book any physical meeting room for TPAC. If any CG member, attends in person, it would be great if s/he gave us feedback on relevant information 15:41:27 ... plan: meeting with WG for next month 15:43:16 tzviya: you need some conceptual development, use cases, tests before you start with spec work - it would be good to have an active WG - mini-apps, Pub Manifest, etc. - 15:43:57 ... or extending existings specs relatively easy charter while NFT is rather difficult to charter 15:46:54 zheng: are our use cases in issues repo relevant for WG? Annotation spec: would it make sense to extend it - in the detail it is difficult to implement - 15:47:24 ... we have a use case label in our repo 15:48:09 tzviya: members should have a look at the repo and add their thoughts and ideas to the issues labelled as use cases 15:48:55 Topic: Use cases and extant applications of Web Publishing 15:51:36 zheng: are there further examples for use cases? converted XML to JSON manifest - used it for my test book - my platform is a web reader - I will write it down as an issue in our repo 15:52:16 Topic: Discuss open Github issues: “Highlights, Notes, Comments, and Annotations #32” 15:53:50 zheng: any comment on this? - how to tackle this large issue? - 15:54:28 ... Proposal of Locator TF in repo as #30 15:54:57 Decision: arrange a meeting with Paul Belfanti 15:55:35 Action item: more use cases for Friday session 15:56:08 no physical meeting room reservation at TPAC 15:58:00 Zakim, list participants 15:58:00 As of this point the attendees have been zheng_xu, tzviya, gpellegrino, Naomi, AlexGrover, Bill_Kasdorf_, wolfgang 15:58:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:58:41 RRSAgent, generate minutes 15:58:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-publishingcg-minutes.html wolfgang 16:00:51 RRSAgent, publish minutes 16:00:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-publishingcg-minutes.html wolfgang 16:17:02 CharlesL has left #publishingcg